How Do I Fix My Sticking Point on Bench?

Do you cycle those exercises or do you do all of them on one day? How much back work do you do? I’m not familiar with the routine so I can’t offer too much input on it. A few things I can say from what I’m looking at though:

  1. Doesn’t look to be enough volume in my opinion. Certainly not enough for back work.

  2. Pretty standard linear periodization so basically you focus on high reps and narrow down as you get closer to a meet. This has been used for a long ass time so it obviously works but I don’t believe it’s optimal. It has also been proven time and time again through out time that in order to get better at lifting heavy stuff you have to lift heavy as frequently as possible.

This is at a first glance so I could be missing some important aspects of this routine. I have never tried it so I could be very biased. Personally I think if you want to lift heavy you have to lift heavy and fast a lot. Even my assistance work is done as explosively as possible.

Edit: To avoid a possible shit storm, I should probably note that Ed Coan is way stronger than I am, so what do I know.


It’s Dave man!! I thought that gym looked familiar!! :slight_smile: Hey listen, have you ever looked at The 40 Day Program by Pavel? I know it goes against everything you ever think would work, because you do the same exercises every single day, but I’m telling you that if you follow that workout to a tee, you will break your own PR in probably 3 weeks or less. We have been doing it now for probably going on 2 months, and our strength is climbing like crazy. Give it a try man, I’m positive you won’t regret it.

ANYWAY…how’s that meet in South Carolina lining up?

linear period. has pros and cons, i think bloc approach is better…but i second that volume on assistance work should be higher, and still if you go on the intensity side you could do one,two more sets as it will be still lower than your 4x8-15 phase. Also great great tips on here!

I dont reall change the exercises I do for bench, but I do change the order that I do them. sometimes I’ll start with incline or CGBP.

As far as back work, I do upper back/rear delts on bench day (4-5 sets), BB rows on deadlift day (4-5 sets), and lat pulldowns on speed bench/shoulder day (4-5 sets).

Dave! I got one other guy, maybe 2 that are going down to SC with me for the state meet. I’m shooting to break into a 1300 total raw @198. Did you send in your registration for yet? lol.

[quote]BnchPress550 wrote:

It’s Dave man!! I thought that gym looked familiar!! :slight_smile: Hey listen, have you ever looked at The 40 Day Program by Pavel? I know it goes against everything you ever think would work, because you do the same exercises every single day, but I’m telling you that if you follow that workout to a tee, you will break your own PR in probably 3 weeks or less. We have been doing it now for probably going on 2 months, and our strength is climbing like crazy. Give it a try man, I’m positive you won’t regret it.

ANYWAY…how’s that meet in South Carolina lining up?[/quote]

Can you send me a link for the pavel program? Hey maybe you can get you old retired ass down here for a workout sometime! lol.

No one even mentioned training the bench with a pause…you are very strong and have great grinding ability but getting stronger and faster out of the bottom will help all phases of the bench. You also don’t seem to incorporate much leg drive which is fine. Many greats i.e. Rick Weil and Mike McDonald flourished with the whole body tension technique. It is pure pressing. But do you wish to lift more in the bench or develop stronger upper body strength for sport? There is a difference. If the former is what you wish, taking more of the weight with the legs at the bottom and “push pressing” the weight with leg drive will give you a strong start. This must be practiced by practiced by pausing your bench reps. You must pause in comp anyway. People forget that making the same weight harder is a form of progression. Pauses give you that if you go from 315x 5 touch n go to 315x 5 w one second pauses to 315 X 5 with 3 second pauses, you’ve most assuredly strengthened the bottom of your bench. Cheers