How Big a Deal Is a Night of Lost Sleep?

If @dchris is a fat slob, you definitely do have a serious image disorder and definitely didn’t have sex twice, and definitely spent the night in the bathroom like

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I guess I’ll just move on. Maybe I’ll start a band. Can you recommend any good bands I should cover? I was thinking Enrique Iglesias. Musically, he’s just fucking mind blowing, right @dt79?


Also s’mores pop tarts are the cat’s meow.

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Glad you liked it :slight_smile:

Enrique Iglesias sounds like a great choice! You should definitely be able to cover him, and probably his whole band too like you said, with your giant belly and waist.

Mighty Stu prefers poo tarts. Not really my thing, tho. Eat some pop tart off ass.

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I can’t recall any of his songs so I wouldn’t know lol. I did like a song by Julio about “love shining throughout the world” or something.


Oh you’re talking about his cover? I don’t have soundcloud so I can’t listen to it on my phone.

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You should be able to listen by clicking “listen in browser”. Imagine Ricky Martin and James Blunt having a musical baby.

I can be your hero, baby!

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Hahaha keep going Chris!

You’re so sad that you’re starting to be funny. I kinda like you at this point, so please keep on.

I can give you my favorite titles from Enrique and even send you some more covers so you can make much more funny posts like this. I’d love to read them, hit me up, baby!

Oh GOD!!! Hero was by Enrique? It’s worse than the fucking Nickleback song of the same title!


All this talk about music reminds of that one crazy night where I had so much loud phone sex I got hearing AIDS.


:joy: bahahaha! I love the internet!

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Do you like Kangaroos?

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wait, so to clarify. that soundcloud link is the Samul in this thread?



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See, I would have made a poptart cubby house for my dick.

Man… that’s just…

I don’t know how to process this.

I think the most constructive thing I can say at this point to Samul would be not to pick songs that have the letter R in them. There’s no ‘w’ at the beginning of the word ‘roamer’.

I got a kick out of the autotuned interjections that started about halfway through. a literal LOL from me when that came in.

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Is this a pop tarts only thing or are pretty much all breakfast pastries on the table at this point?

Doughnuts seem like a better choice than poptarts for what you guys are trying to achieve.

And so, so many different types of donuts to choose from these days. You can go from the simple sugar glaze to the gold leaf glazed. Models, bottles, and gold leaf donuts -it’s a lifestyle.

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Oh… my… goodness…

Credit where credit’s due - the production on that’s pretty impressive.

That voice though, ehhhh…

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Glad you had a good time listening to it :slight_smile:

Yes as I stated in the topic where I originally posted the link (I’m not sure why Chris posted it here, as if he were trying to make fun of me but re-posting something I had myself made public) I’m in the process of learning both to sing and to mix songs without being taught by anyone to do either.

I was playing around a bit with the autotune on some notes and it came like that. Strangely enough, the part you’re referring to was already funny sounding on its own and even without the effect sounds remotely processed.

As per the r, well yeah when signing my pronunciation is sometimes all over the place because I’m trying to focus on the notes but I can claim to speak decent English otherwise. The Italian r is a profoundly different sound than the English one. More like a flap T. Thanks for the feedback however, we can try and see how you do with Italian if you like :slight_smile:

Or I can send you a cover in Spanish and the issue goes away, since I speak that as well.

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