speaking from someone who was in a similar position not too long ago, don’t waste your money. buy another jug of protein or treat yourself to a steak every now and then instead.

For reference, I’m 5’10, and started at 132 lbs (very ectomorphic, as the above poster seems to be as well judging by numbers).

When I started, I was 132 lbs at 11% bf. Four months later I was approx 170 lbs and 8% bf… i ate like an animal 3x/day + 3 protein shakes w/ glutamine, and vitamins. Just doing some weight training did wonders for me. Do your research and understand what you’re doing, and what you’re going to do when you get in the gym, will make an unbelievable difference. Yeah, you may look a little funny lifting freeweights (use them, they work better until you have a solid base – then you can mix it up to develop yourself fully) when the “bigger” guys are doing more weight or the machines, but that dies off unbelievably quickly once you get comfortable and put up numbers that aren’t completely pathetic (mine are by no means great, but a helluva lot better than they were).

Anyway, i’d say nix the HOT-ROX for now, you don’t need it. Get a good protein (if just one, i’ll always stick with a blended protein, but I currently have 3 – one with heavy carbs (some sugars, some complex), one cheaper superconcentrated protein to mix with others (up protein amount without anything else), and a microfiltered whey isolate). Get a good vitamin, it helps with energy levels and protein synthesis/absorption. and I’m a huge fan of glutamine. i know for a fact it works for me – there’s a definite difference between when i’m on or off.

anyway… if you didn’t feel like reading all that (and i couldn’t blame you… school’s kicking my ass and i need a break)

don’t worry about HOT-ROX, do your diet right and lift heavy/hard, and the BF “issues” won’t be a problem. begginer gains ftw

take the money and treat yourself to a steak once in a while, a girl to dinner, or get another protein/glutamine/vitamin.