Hobbling in my 20's

Check your area for massage therapists, personal trainers, physical therapists, and chiropractors that specifically do Myoskeletal Alignment (ErikDalton.com) and Orthopedic Massage(Orthmassage.net)

You sound like you need a lot of soft tissue work combined with very specific stretches/exercises. If you are anywhere near Texas, I’m in Dallas and happy to work on you. It seems as if you need iliopsoas work along with some joint capsule manipulation in each hip.

Generally ART is going to be painful, and I have yet to meet an ART certified person that put in a fourth of the time studying the body that I do.

And to Sirensong, I am working my way to med school so that I can do exactly what you are complaining about. Work a couple days a week at a hospital making the money, then donate my time to the people that truly need it one or two days a week.

God bless you. Work anywhere near a factory or plant of any kind and I guarantee you will have A LOT of business. Where I work, any time anyone fixes someone for real word gets around. The ART guy who fixed my back and the chiro who fixed my best friend’s back are now working on a lot of our co-workers.

Nobody wants to monkey around with maybes. Everybody wants to pass all the others and go straight to the guy who’s proven he can make the pain go away. And everybody reaches a point where they’ll try ANYTHING.

just my 2 cents with the hip area… www.hipfai.com

i came across NUMEROUS problems after battling posture issues and pain around my pelvis, namely the hips. Read that one, its an interesting read and its a fairly new diagnosis… i had surgery to repair my left hip with arothscopy and went to PT with the NHL’s Carolina Hurricanes PT(lucky me)… back to normal and man…she kicked my glutes ass cuz she said they were sound asleep.

took weeks before i could really fire them, but now they fire VERY well i like to think.


try that one, but keep your side ON the ground and just slowly lift your leg up while keeping your toe turned in… that move had me in tears a week after surgery… felt like my glute was ripping out.
doctor approved, when i told him he laughed. jerk

Pain is a negative thing when talking about the body. It is a response to dangerous stimuli. If you hurt while “stretching”, you’re not helping yourself any. If you hurt during massage, you are again getting limited results. Your body will subconsciously guard itself against pain. If you intentionally cause yourself pain through stretching, work outs, massage, etc… you are doing yourself little good.

Pain is not the same as a “good stretch”, or “feeling the burn” after a good workout (mostly soreness and lactic acid accumulation), nor is pain a sign of a “good” muscle release during a massage. Even weight lifting to the point of fatigue is not the same as pain.