Hip Feels "Out" When Squatting

Hi all, I wanted to know if anyone has ever had similar issues with regards to their hip feeling off or out of place .
I have had a lot of hip shift issues with my squat for pretty as long as I can remember . I can tell I’m lopsided and my left hip often appears higher , but my right hip is the one that seems totally out of place.
I go to the chiro and he dry needles me and I will be perfectly balanced and have the greatest feeling squats ever , but it will literally be like 2 days and my next squat workout comes and it feels totally out again .
It makes me nervous to squat because I get the sensation I have little control over the muscles on my right side. It doesn’t hurt , but after the workout I can feel twinges when I walk or if I go too long without my physio I get a burning like sensation in my hip for most of my sets .
Pleeassee help .
I squat medium stance low bar with toes pointed slightly out.
High bar made my hip burn worse so I no longer do it for accessory even .
Um thanks!

You have do rehabilitation exercises to hips and improve their flexibility. Another solution is only the operation… Flat feets can also negatively affect it.

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Can’t relate to problems but try dis

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Video could help.

But probably don’t use such a low bar position, and don’t sit back so far. Excessive hips back motion makes me grind my hips and they get all pinchy. And my adductor get real tight and sore, which pulls on them even more.

Tons of hamstring curls help me practice bending my knees, so I can drop straighter during squats. Lots of hips and oblique work helps to squat more upright. Box squats can be good to limit tilting and shifting in your squat. Flat feet don’t help, but more Glute work helped my arches.

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I had the same exact problem. My hip burned and then it felt like it was out of place. For me, I found that my knees weren’t following the path my toes were pointed towards. I would say that your toes need to point out, at least, 30 degrees and then your knees need to track over that 30 degree + path.

Also, with the low bar, You need to make sure that you are leaning over enough and sitting back enough.

Do not push your hips out farther than your toes point!

I hope that helps!

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Thanks for the replies guys. I guess there are so many possibilities it’s hard to know what my problem is . I just don’t want to make it worse. I do a lot of glute work , obsessively actually haha. I use Dr ho before every workout to fire them and I do bands and hip circle stuff between every set, but I stayed away from hamstring stuff because I found they over powered my glutes but maybe I should do more . I do have flat feet though so that could be a factor . Ahhh I dunno

I know it seems nebulus and hard to understand. But it’s way less complicated.

Your squat is a combination of where your feet go, and where your hips go. The combination you are using is irritating or “Impinging” your hip joint. The movement is traumatic to your tissue.

So you do recovery stuff to feel better. And restore your jacked up tissues. Then you use the damaging movement pattern, and inflame things all over again. Your body doesn’t like this, so it tries to prevent you from continuing. You literally loose control of muscles because your body is trying to stop you from getting into that damaging movement.

After awhile, if I can’t control my hip muscles to get hip tension, I start turning my feet to generate something that feels like hip tension. But it’s really just Twisting on my hip joint, generating torque in the joint, not tension on the right muscles. Any “work” done in this alignment is just Practice of a bad Motor Pattern, that hurts the hips more, and limits true hip motion more. And impinged the hip more.

As soon as you break the cycle and begin working the hips/glutes correctly, you can improve.


I don’t know if I agree that “turning your feet” is just twisting the hip joint. Could you explain what you mean by turning your feet? Do you mean rotating the foot? if so, what angle is the appropriate angle to rotate your foot?

The flat feet could definitely be a contributor. Does your chiropractor do any sort of evaluation for orthotics (shoe inserts)? Good ones are expensive, but they could be worth a try. I use Foot Levelers brand in my practice, but there are other good ones out there.

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Lay on your back, while I stand on my feet and twist your foot around. If I twist far enough, your femor ball will be torn from your hip socket.

This is torque on the joint.

Now stand up, push off the side your right foot and jump sideways, to your left. A powerful change of direction, similar to a shuttle run.

This is driving with the hip muscles.

The appropriate angle is the correct one. It is the angle that allows you to drive “out,” spread the floor, engauge your glutes, hips and mid section to brace properly. Any angle that hurts your hips, forces excessive lower back involvement, and huge forward lean that pinches the hips up is not appropriate.

What’s right will be slightly different for everyone. What’s wrong will hurt!


Unbelievably, weak tibialus anterior muscles contribute to flat feet. Sumo deadlift uses more tibialus anterior, and more hips/glutes.

Sumo is also useful for people with crooked hips.

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I’ll try this after work. Thanks!

Hi guys I should also mention I seem to have joint issues all over my right side if that could be another indicator of the issue. Like my ankle gets very tight which my chiro also adjusts, my hip, my elbow and my wrist . It’s hard to tell if the problem is top to bottom or bottom to top . My traps are uneven also so it’s like ok is the bar sitting crooked and that made my hips crooked or did my crooked hips make my upper body crooked .

This is old I’m skinnier and weaker now lol but I had the same issues for forever like I said and this is the only video with different angels angles . I’m horrible at filming so this probably doesn’t help . Maybe I will try to film Sunday when I squat

It all starts with the hips! Issues in the middle go up and down.

Once you figure out how to use some abs and obliques, you won’t need to stick your butt out so much or lean forward so much. Then lats, to pull your shoulders into proper place, so you’re not so crooked.

Then your can figure out how to spread the floor and use more backside to squat. This way, you will be able to squat down between your legs, instead of folding up on top of them.

Then your squat motion will be nice, and your hips won’t hurt.

It seems Impossible that you could “forget” how to use muscles. Or that you could even squat without using your hamstrings, glutes or abs. That’s the issue. Once you believe it, you can fix it.

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Great advice, thanks!
I guess it’s just really disheartening to know that even after so many years of trying to sort out squat form I still really have no clue haha :sob:

Once you learn to do what you don’t know how to do, all the years of work will show very quickly. As soon as you exercise the lagging stuff properly, it will quickly catch up, and you will make huge progress.

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I would try and widen your stance a little bit and turn your feet out a bit more. This may require hip flexibility work to achieve and feel comfortable but should result in a more “up and down” squat rather than “back and forwards” squat, if you get what I mean?


FlatsFarmer, your posts are spot on!!!

I had the exact same issue with my right hip, and you nailed it. When I learned to use my hip muscles on the right side to generate the torque you reference, instead of just sticking my butt back and moving my right knee out, it alleviated my issue.

And my .02 about the “one hip higher than the other thing” -sit in the hole with just bodyweight, experiment with the things that FlatsFarmer talks about, and you can see how you can “raise” one hip or the other in the squat position depending on how you are using your hip muscles.

Random thought: I used to think my right leg was shorter than my left, until I realized my right hip musculature was so tight that it “locked” everything in and just made my right leg “feel” short.

It all starts with proper usage of the hips, no joke.


Moving through the full squat motion with a “locked” hip is trouble. It might not be appropriate for everyone, where they are right now.

I couldn’t get down very far in the “up and down” without it turning into a “back and forward squat.” So I squatted to a high box, inside the ROM I could stay upright with. Then did a stupid zercher squat so I wouldn’t lean forward. Or a front squat so my back would stay tight, but I could still feel my obliques.

Another guy uses slightly above parallel pin squats to limit the ROM and keep his squat correct.

When you get stronger, ROM improves and you can go lower without pain.

punnyguy, do you have any other useful cues/tips/moves to wake that hip up?