Hillary Took Control Of The DNC Before A Contested Primary

Because critical thinking skills would reveal he’s a sellout that posts links for split revenue.


Again, an understandable sentiment. But as has been discussed before (can’t remember which thread), Americans possess two contradictory impulses in this regard: The notion that individuals should bear responsibility for their decisions, and the notion that it is intrinsically unfair for individuals to be precluded from receiving needed healthcare because they’re too poor to pay for it.

From these conflicting impulses arises our entire HC squabble.

It’s not just the US. The Uk is currently engaged in this debate for smokers and the obese. An indefinite surgical denial, despite the NHS guaranteeing treatment.

Other than that, I don’t disagree with anything you said.

Can you expand on that? Do you mean that smokers/obese individuals would be denied certain forms of care?

K[quote=“EyeDentist, post:104, topic:235511”]
Can you expand on that? Do you mean that smokers/obese individuals would be denied certain forms of care?

The plan is in one NHS trust thus far and it will deny surgical treatment unless the patients lose weight or give up smoking. So, yes, they will be conditionally denied.



Ah. So a history of obesity and/or smoking doesn’t result in a surgical ban, but a refusal to lose weight and/or quit smoking will. Because smoking and obesity both negatively affect surgical outcomes, that’s a reasonable position (assuming the pt is offered some assistance in losing weight/quitting smoking).


Not everyone is on The Commonwealth Fund train

Yeah health insurance and Big Pharma related and sponsored articles. This is a threat to their profits and they will do what they can to dissuade the public for wanting single-payer with boogeyman words(taxes) and stories.

I’m expected to believe that the U.S. has the best system in the world when the overwhelming majority of evidence from other countries about healthcare says otherwise. I guess the other countries are colluding together to make the U.S. healthcare system look bad. This country forces people to go bankrupt because they get sick. How perverted. So is this worth keeping this garbage system. What other countries force their citizens to be financially destroyed? It is bad enough facing life with a chronic, often deadly disease, but that is not enough. Let’s financially destroy their lives to make their lives even more difficult. What values! Profits are what is attended to most and the people have to suffer. Fuck them! It is their problem.

We spend gobs and gobs of money on healthcare for citizens in this country already.

Yes we do. And still millions are uncovered. And some are forced into bankruptcy for getting sick even while having insurance.Terrific system!

Amazing. We spend more money on healthcare than most countries GDP and your solution is to spend more money.


Ya, .006% of the population and bankruptcy is a PROTECTION from creditors. It’s like we’ve had this conversation before…

Like 5 post up…

Keep being a dense fuck, though. No skin off my back.



What does their healthcare coverage take care of?

Why use critical thinking skills to come to a logical conclusion when it’s so much easier to type complete non-sense?

It is you that is fighting the overwhelming majority of evidence. Once single-payer comes to fruition, I hope they allow people who want to go to private industry that ability. The only question is when you will switch sides after seeing other people getting better healthcare for less money. I will have the biggest smile on my face.

Huge shocker, you didn’t answer because you don’t know.


I fucking hope so because I’ve been in a VA facility. You know, those government-run institutions that have allowed veterans to die waiting for an appointment.

You keep feeding into him, man. You’re the type of guy who would talk about Freddy Krueger!

I don’t want to be murdered in my nightmares!


Lol, you’re not wrong…

He’s a master troll. Master.

Fucking guy is genius shitposter. While Aussies and Leafs tend to be the best shitposters I’ve encountered, Zep is a god in the field.


This article doesn’t give figures only reasons as to the efficiency of single-payer. But commonsense falls short on you.

How many people die each year in the U.S. because they cant get any help? All from your championed healthcare system. Is the VA system the same as other government regulated systems?

People die. We could spend our entire GDP on healthcare and it wouldn’t change this fact. We either sell healthcare in the free market and let people make the decision of what to buy, or ration it based on some other metric. Perhaps we mix the two. Either way people will still die. I like private health insurance because I can afford it. Even when I was living in a country with single payer/socialized medicine I had private health insurance and very well educated doctors. I’ve also worked more than many. What is fair?

Earning it? Everyone getting an “equal” chance (meaning money isn’t the deciding factor but other behaviors might be). Hell, there are people who work themselves into early heart attacks. Maybe we should stop helping them? At some point I simply don’t care because the fairness argument never seems to come from someone trying to give me something. Perhaps the beauty of these forums is that they make everyone think that their opinions matter when we all know they don’t. We express opinions here and make arguments, and yet those arguments never influence decision makers. Good times.



Two :derp::derp: for you.

Have no idea. Why don’t you tell me? Remember the last time that happened and your entire point got completely crushed because you can’t read?

It’s 100% government run healthcare that serves about 3% of the population and people FUCKING DIE waiting to be seen.

One VA facility. 200 dead.

That’s government run healthcare in America and it can fuck right off.

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Oddly, a friend of my father, a Korean War vet, was on vacation in Sicily (where he was originally from) when he became ill. I think it was related to his diabetes or something. One of his relatives was going to take him to a local hospital but he said to take him to the US military base there. He said he received excellent care and was treated with more respect than he ever got in the US.

I believe that. Care in the military is different than the civilian care you get from the VA. Although, my wife had an awful experience at a military hospital where I was stationed at the time.

We have at least one Vet on here that has had good experiences with the VA too so mileage will vary.