Highest Dose of Var You'd Run?

[quote]PAINTRAINDave wrote:
^^ lol… it gets worse too. You’ll see.

I played Rugby on 80mg, was terrible, I swear to god my calves were going to explode every scrum.

Space it out, you’ll still get mad back pumps, and the gains will still be there!

-PTD [/quote]

I might have to start spacing it out on my leg days, I already space it out on my off days.

Do you still get the strength gains if you split it up? I just thought because it has such a short half life you might as well have it all in your system during your workout…


such awful cramp

I don’t know how much more of this I can take…

I guess some people just need to find things out for themselves ;D

Try 60-80mg / day. Gains are still outstanding, without the feeling that your about to shit your spine every workout.


lol, it’s not that I didn’t believe you Dave, it’s just that I thought I was man enough!

I’ll give it another week or so and see how I feel. One of the reasons for the high dose was because I picked up a load of var cheap, and at this dose the stuff’ll run out perfectly in synch with the end of my cycle. Seems a shame to have some left over, no?

The worst cramping was yesterday when my glutes seized up while I was waiting for a bus. It was agony! Fuck knows what the other people waiting must’ve thought at the sight of me all red faced and sweaty trying to do glute stretches at a crowded bus stop!

Between NPP and Prop pin frequency and that much Var… just wow. Talk about a world of pain.

yeah I worked out that in a 9 week cycle including hcg it’s like 60 pins! It is what it is I guess, you just get on with it

I forgot to update this at the end of my last cycle…

Well, running var that high is amazing. My strength went through the roof, the pumps were incredible, but the weirdest thing I think is that, while I gained bodyweight, I went down a notch on my belt!

I’ve heard anavar has thermogenic properties so maybe that was why, I can’t think how else I’d have lost fat eating a bulking diet.

So yeah, run your anavar at 100mg+, I know I will never run it at less than 100mg from now on.

[quote]rds63799 wrote:
For a 2" gain in arm size I don’t care if my god damn dick falls off!

well, maybe that’s going a bit far… Pain shmain though I’ll be too busy flexing to notice


LMAO! This shit caused me to belly laugh!