High SHBG All the Time

Please post more of your lab results, not just the above.
Your posted labs are almost impossible to read, please fix or type in the results and ranges.

Thyroid labs are odd.

Body temperatures are low because fT3 is low and/or rT3 is elevated and interfering with fT3 at T3 receptors.

Are those temperatures early morning and mid-afternoon?

fT3 should be tested if available there.

Your TSH does not make sense given everything else, unless there are some thyroid nodules that are making T4 independent of TSH regulation and that is part of what hyperthyroidism is and there can be a progression over time from hypo to hyper and you might be part way there. All of that can start from long term iodine deficiency.

So where are you located. That affects how iodine is made available. Iodized salt is always good, but that must be on your table and in your cooking. Iodine in dairy or bread can run into problems with dietary restrictions or preferences.

Total T3 is low, so we can expect fT3 [untested] to be low. fT4=1.4 above mid-range so fT4–>fT3 is probably poor. Low ferritin can do that and then that would require low iron which is rare for males unless there is a blood loss which can be a bleed in the guts and there is a test for that, you cannot see it.

Explain your history of using iodized salt or what other iodine sources that you have.

Please read the stickies found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

  • advice for new guys - need more info about you
  • things that damage your hormones
  • protocol for injections
  • finding a TRT doc

Evaluate your overall thyroid function by checking oral body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky. Thyroid hormone fT3 is what gets the job done and it regulates mitochondrial activity, the source of ATP which is the universal currency of cellular energy. This is part of the body’s temperature control loop. This can get messed up if you are iodine deficient. In many countries, you need to be using iodized salt. Other countries add iodine to dairy or bread.