Hi God. Are You There? Are You Real?

That’s not fertility rates…

Pokémon is a good thing to bring up. Seeing pikachu in real life isn’t less likely than heterosexuals vanishing

For the population to grow, more people must be born every year than die. That means those that die are replaced in greater numbers by those were born

Neither is our oxygen or sunlight. Yet they have far more value to humanity.

Fertility rate…

God this is a unique way for a religious guy to look at “God’s children.”

Have you told all those gay friends you said you have that they shouldn’t get married and have no critical importance?

And people wonder why church attendance is dying.

Do you agree that though sunlight will almost certaintly not disappear anytime soon it has far more value than a pokemon?

Of course. Which we could easily demonstrate through a simple hypothetical.

Any and all that have asked.

Ohhhh. That garbage.

Yes, I’m aware in an ever increasing cost world, many adults are choosing economic stability over bringing a child into the world they won’t be able to provide a good life for.

I don’t put much stock in that. When economic conditions improve so will fertility rates. Pretty simple

It’s all the hate

This explains a good bit

AHHH I said I wouldn’t. I’m off now. Sorry for the earlier sarcasm.

I don’t attend out of a sense of fashion.

Feel free. I don’t take offense. Good night.

Good for you. I like a guy who not just sees other humans as lesser than him but isn’t afraid to tell them so.

While you’re freaking out about vanishing oxygen and straight people your church has corruption at it’s highest levels and widespread sexual assault on children.

But why care about that when we can find gay people and tell them they aren’t as important?

To be clear, their homosexuality having lesser or no value. As a person they do.

The value of a person is not what I’m arguing. The value of homosexual coupling to humanity is. And that is like pokemon vs sunlight. Homosexuality vs heterosexuality.

Why? They can’t reproduce and if they were alone on earth the world would end apparently. So tell them one and all they are of no critical importance! Go out on the streets and spread God’s message!

Would you mind entertaining my point about sunlight?

Can we all then agree with pfury on the unique and inherent value/basis hetero marriage has to justify its recognition and incentivization (positive action) by the state?

We now disagree only on the idea that it is of slightly higher value, with me saying it is of far more value. Like sunlight vs a toy, or something.

I can’t. Too busy replying here!

Hasn’t everyone pretty much addressed the hypotheticals? I feel like we keep changing them for some reason when they have no basis in reality. We spent way too long talking about vanishing straight people. Makes about as much sense as preparing the military to go to Mars to fight alien space sharks.

For a guy who isn’t married you sure want to limit the amount of people who can do it. If it doesn’t have an effect why do you care? Is it the equality thing you can’t stand? Do you wish gay people were scared for their lives to come out like they used to be? It’s not enough to think the all good God is going to torture them in eternity for loving someone? We need to make life on Earth a bigger hell for them as well like it has so much throughout history?

I don’t know where you live but why do two gay people committing to each other piss you off so much? How does it hurt you?

I’d rather discuss these types of things than what would happen if everyone magically disappeared but gay people.

Would it be incorrect that you would answer sunlight has more value to society/humanity? Despite its likelihood to continue to exist.

If so, could you not pose the hypotheticals of sunlight disappearing vs toys disappearing to illustrate just how wide the gap in value is? Of course.

I can’t be shamed from my position, if that’s what all that above is supposed to accomplish.