Here it Goes... >:D

ok so after (and still doing) some research I think I have a cycle outlined, it would be my first cycle and I plan on starting it in 4-6 weeks.

here it goes…

week 1-10 test prop 500mg/week shot eod.
week 4-12 masteron di prop 300mg/week shot eod. (300 too much? i’ve read it seems between 250-300)
week 6-12 winstrol 50mg shot ed.
a week prior to starting the cycle and then week 1-12 adex at .25mg eod, adjusted as need be

pct will be a standard nolva, possibly test taper if I have some TE.

will have letro on hand if need be.

If you want stats look at my profile.

now here is the discussion part of it. lol

I’ll try and answer a few questions before hand. lol

I am going with a multi-compound first cycle instead of a test only cycle that was advised. I do agree that test only would be a great cycle to see how I react, etc.

The thing that has me wanting to run the cycle I have planned is that I’m not just some first time user looking to get big.

Yes that is the reason >:D but I will be taking this up to a bodybuilding contest and I feel that the added compounds besides test will help with my look. I am also dropping the test a few weeks out from the contest in an attempt to come in totally dry.

From my research I also like the synergy of mast/winni with test. From what I understand there is a level of hardness/dryness that can only be achieved through winni/mast and thats what I’m shooting for.

10 solid pounds is what I’m shooting for, I’m talking stage pounds. I currently weigh 210 and would like to compete at this weight or higher. Being with a diet and water I drop 10-15 lbs precontest from off season, well you get my point right…lol So in essence it’d be nice to be 225 or so even at “my” offseason and then start my cut.

For those who don’t know my genetics, I have a metabolism and can’t lose my abs if I tried and believe me I try (current 4500-5k cals a day). The top 4 are always visible. My avatar pic was after just 2 weeks of dieting.

I’m hoping with this cycle to add some solid muscle, and with a 6 week diet or so and some good ol fashioned hard work in the gym, I plan on taking the entire novice division. If I can win this then in future shows I will have to be competing against guys who are around the same caliber as the bodybuilder who posts on here under the name prisoner. Basically a nationaly level physique.

My goal is to be able to step onstage with people of that caliber by december of 09. To do that I want to win the novice division in december of 08 :wink: then its bulking time all next year :smiley:

I might switch to a test taper, but that depends on my supply of test E at the time. from the research i’ve done i feel it is optimal but I also feel that a serm pct isn’t a bad idea either.

I have nolva, but have been reading about others such as clomid, toremefine, etc. I really do not know enough about them yet to try and use them, but by the time for pct I feel I will have a better understanding and could possibly use one of them.

I can’t really think of anything else to type right now. to all my friends out there I hope you drop some advice, and to anybody else who wants to chime in all criticism and help is appreciated.

Thanks guys I’m excited!


p.s. I will also be keeping a log here if the vets thing i should, if not I won’t clutter the forum. No food and very little numbers in the log, just stats here and there, and general comments…probably lots of pics too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol

thanks again all!

you have been doing your homework for sure gerdy!

this would outline a overdone cycle for most first timers!

I am exited to hear your adventure best of luck.

the use of clomid in a pct seems like gospel to some people or other bodybuilding sites…its not something outlined in most t-nationers pct, maybe its just what i observe

i have no experience with a proper pct …with TRT i get different rules i guess! and i have limited cyle experience!

but i still like to hear more pct opinions and experiences…i will never know the difference!

Good stuff DG. I’m not one to critique your intended cycle plans, but I do encourage you to keep a log going here.

Im not one to critique it but I applaud and condone your pursuit. I tip my hat, Gerdy. I envy you to no end. Already stage worthy. You can proudly state that you are a bodybuilder when the random fat onlooker, or the cute bimbo asks. You’re gonna do some damage. Bastard, I can’t lose my abs.

lol :wink: Yeah, I’m skeptical about doing the log thing myself, probably wont do it but will merely state that I’m in the club upon first pin, mainly due to the shit that Kay was getting and me being paranoid of my secret identity being revealed, but I think you will be an exception.

I dont have much to add,its simple effective and you have watched and learned.

onlything I will say is watch the prop I am currently on the same amount I tried the eod route
I generaly feel better when I am shooting the prop ED at a little lesser dose
so I am doing 75mg ed in the evenings I just have over more energy and less of the bloating that I had with eod

didnt notice a huge difference but it was noticable with me
the prop hits fast and is gone just as fast.

next day I am feeling it I think you will enjoy yourself and with your body looking the way it does now you will look really great when you are done.


thanks, I’ve definitely been doing my homework off and on for a few years now and a lot lately, aas is just straight up interesting to read about. lol

I like the idea of clomid, but I guess some people get emotional on it and I don’t really like that. lol I know some people swear by clomid and hcg, but I also know that tnation seems to be more fond of nolva or a test taper, in preference of the taper. I’d do that, but right now I don’t have any Test E for it. If I get some before december or january when I start my pct (most likely will) then I will probably go with that.

I personally think that pct is a matter of preference, it seems that with all aas and pct there is no set way of doing things, so try different stuff and figure out what works best for you. Thats what I’m getting out of it anyways. lol

chillain: I will be keeping a log then, it is more going to be like a log that I state what I’m feeling, noticing, sides, etc. Also pics to show improvements, etc. I will post some stats and measurements, but I just don’t feel like posting my entire training day every day and entire meal plan, etc. It’s just a lot of work. lol :stuck_out_tongue:

GB: thanks for the compliments man. It’s a lot of genetics and a lot of hard work and dedication. Your a bodybuilder too tho man, If you have the desire and dedication you are a bodybuilder. Who gives a shit what the fat slobs and bimbo’s think. lol I know what your saying tho, I’m barely there, I’m just starting to get to a point where I look like a bber in a shirt, before I just looked in shape. lol

thanks again guys!


[quote]Nich wrote:
I dont have much to add,its simple effective and you have watched and learned.

onlything I will say is watch the prop I am currently on the same amount I tried the eod route
I generaly feel better when I am shooting the prop ED at a little lesser dose
so I am doing 75mg ed in the evenings I just have over more energy and less of the bloating that I had with eod

didnt notice a huge difference but it was noticable with me
the prop hits fast and is gone just as fast.

next day I am feeling it I think you will enjoy yourself and with your body looking the way it does now you will look really great when you are done.

right on thanks for the advice man. I might shoot ed, I will be pinning a lot, but I don’t mind. I’ll be shooting the winni ed, and I know the masteron can be shot ed as far as I know too, so what the heck, might as well run it ed. lol I’ll be rotating through all the sites and possibly spot injecting with the help of some really advanced users who are bodybuilders that I kick it with.

I’m really excited and can’t wait to see the results, and the feeling. I want that superman feeling more than I already have :stuck_out_tongue: lol jk!


ya at first the ed shooting was a pain in the ass pun intended

I cant do butt shots dosent agree with me
but after finding my spots and rotating them I look foward to my shot

the good thing about the prop though is its in and out so fast
I was taking it alone for a while and playing with doses

75mg ed and I feel great after my water weight of about 5-8 pounds I am gaining about 3 pounds every week and loosing size which is actually my goal.

100mg and no difference little site sorness nothing to cry about gone in like 3 maybe 4 hours and I noticed a few zits coming out after about a week of that dose.

150mg soreness is like i slept on the limb wrong and it lasted for 2 days and I actually had my girlfriend ask me after 2 weeks of the 150mg prop a day why the hell I was so angry and why I looked like she can squeegee the grease off my face.
after that I skipped a day with no shots and then started back up with 75mg which is almost 1ml and all happy and no more sides bloat went away soon after also

that in itself is why I love prop and I say thats a great choice for a first time.

Excellent… thats all.

Excellent, keep me posted, i know you will.

All the best luck in the world, not that ya need it ya fuck!


not to mention he can see with the 6 weeks or so of plain test how that will affect him so if when he adds the mast the second go round he gets some sides he will know what its from

I actually did that same thing but I didnt go long enough the first round and I lost all I gained but 4 pounds

Altered State makes a great suggestion, again. But I guess it will boil down to how much time you have before your show.

As far as SERM based PCT’s, I’ll lend as much help as I can.

My suggestion would be an AI + a SERM. Aromasin is by far the best PCT AI. It’s very easy on lipid profiles and has great synergy with Nolva. I actually like Clomid and think that the emotional sides are overstated. I’ve used a Clomid only PCT that started with 300 mg on the first day, 200 mg on second day, 150 mg thruogh the rest of that week, then 100 mg for 2 weeks, then 50 mgs for 2 weeks, and 25 mgs for 1 more week. I didn’t notice any emotional sides or vision problems at those high doses. I feel that you can use nolva with clomid effectively also. There are many options. I think that this will boil down to what is available to you. But I will say that I think a taper seems to be best, so I would encourage you to be very aggressive if you choose a SERM or SERM/AI based PCT.

thanks guys.

first off the contest is on december 6th so as far as getting my gear in order it needs to happen and fast.

I ordered my stuff from a certain online source a*** s*** and I’ve read a TON of shady things about them recently and shortly after I ordered :frowning: I knew of at least 3-4 people locally that swore by the site so I trusted them. Hopefully my stuff comes in.

I ordered the min amount so that if I get screwed I’m not out major dollars. If I do get screwed then It will cost me out the ass from a domestic source for what I have planned.

Altered: Your idea sounds good and I like the idea of faster recovery, etc. So would you say to scrap the winni altogether? If I chose to do a test taper and got my hands on some Test E then would you still suggest the two shorter cycles? or how would that be set up? I know nothing about toremefine yet and that’s why I chose the nolva. I think most research chem sites sell toremefine so that would be easy to get.

Depending on when I get my stuff will determine what I do as far as doing one cycle or a split cycle like you suggested.

Nich and Brook: Thanks for the feedback on the test prop there nich, and Brook I’ll be keeping you posted and thanks for the luck :wink: lol

DevilDog: thanks for the info on pct. I thought that an Aromatase Inhibitor should only be used during a cycle and not as part of a pct. I never really understood why, but the idea of Asin and Nolva/or toremefine sounds cool. I wonder If i could just stay on an AI for the during of my on/off cycles as Altered state suggested, then I would be taking adex or asin throughout the entire period and just add in the prop, then nolva, then prop/mast, then nolva, then done.

Thanks for the suggestions and thoughts guys. I’m in the stage of just gathering all my gear up, hoping and praying it all comes in :s

It seems that I have some more stuff on the drawing board to consider, a lot of which is based on when I get my stuff in.

one more question…what are your guys thoughts on dropping the prop out a week or 2 before my show. Prisoner suggested to me on another thread to run test/winni and drop the test prop out a week from the show and go in on winni alone. I was originally going to drop the prop and go in on mast/winni…that week will be a light week in the gym because I will be dieting anyway. I know those two together can cause a problem for the joints and stuff, but it will be for the show and more or less the job will be done, it will just be in there to give me the dry/hard look i’m after.

thanks again everybody!


The Mast and Winny are a little redundant IMO since they are both DHT analogs. I would run which ever one you like best and add test prop.

[quote]Dopa wrote:
The Mast and Winny are a little redundant IMO since they are both DHT analogs. I would run which ever one you like best and add test prop.


I understand that they are both from the same family per say, but aren’t they still different chemicals? I mean test and tren are both 19-nor’s but they are still different drugs and do different things when administered in the body right?

I’m not arguing, your knowledge is far superior to mine dopa, but besides both being dht analogs why else would you not run them together? Or do you think that I can get just as good of effects from using just one compound as I could with two…like a point of diminishing return. lol

the only reason I had those two together is I had a few guys tell me that mast/winni is one of the best combo’s to use for an ultra dry look on stage, also it will have the added amount of gear in my system for those last weeks leading up to the show when I drop the prop.

thanks for the advice man.


DG, did you go with the stealth or balkan?

[quote]ghump7 wrote:
DG, did you go with the stealth or balkan?


[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
ghump7 wrote:
DG, did you go with the stealth or balkan?

neither. [/quote]

LOL I must be looking at a different a*** s*** than you. Thanks.

[quote]ghump7 wrote:
Dirty Gerdy wrote:
ghump7 wrote:
DG, did you go with the stealth or balkan?


LOL I must be looking at a different a*** s*** than you. Thanks.[/quote]

no…same *** place…I didn’t order from them tho. Look up the thread titled not ordering from thread sponsors or something like that.

that place is supposed to be shady…


[quote]Dirty Gerdy wrote:
ghump7 wrote:
Dirty Gerdy wrote:
ghump7 wrote:
DG, did you go with the stealth or balkan?


LOL I must be looking at a different a*** s*** than you. Thanks.

no…same *** place…I didn’t order from them tho. Look up the thread titled not ordering from thread sponsors or something like that.

that place is supposed to be shady…


2 posts and he’s asking where you ordered from?
