Hemp Hearts?

Has anyone out there heard of or eaten hemp hearts?

I was at the local health food store picking up my oats and I asked what was new and exciting, and the guy started talking about hemp hearts.

Apparently they are a complete protein and a good source of EFA’s, including Omega 3’s.

Heh, the little sample bag I took home has a card in it…

THC test – 0.0%

[quote]vroom wrote:
Has anyone out there heard of or eaten hemp hearts?

I was at the local health food store picking up my oats and I asked what was new and exciting, and the guy started talking about hemp hearts.

Apparently they are a complete protein and a good source of EFA’s, including Omega 3’s.

Heh, the little sample bag I took home has a card in it…

THC test – 0.0%[/quote]

No THC , pfff, put that shit in the garbage!

                  tin can

I’ve tried Hemp Protein and its good as long as its mixed with fruit and juice. Its full of good fats, protein, a complete amino acid profile and lots of fiber.

What does a hemp heart look like?

I believe it is just the seeds with the shell removed.

It reminds me somewhat of ages ago when wheat germ was something you’d spoon onto a bowl of cereal or something.

It doesn’t look “dry” though.

What are the educated opinions on this and the vegi-protein side of it?
ie usability of vegetable protein

Google “hemp hearts” for additional info if it helps.

The Most Concentrated and Best Balanced Source of Proteins, Essential Fats and Vitamins
in Nature.
Of equal importance, these desirable nutrients are not accompanied in Hemp Hearts with an excess of carbohydrates, sugars, and saturated fats–nutrients which are already eaten in excess and which in the long term have proven to be challenging to human health. Hemp Hearts are not a medicine: Amazing health and lifestyle benefits, often experienced from the first day, are a result of improved nutrition.
HEMP HEARTS? (Shelled Hemp Seeds) have been sold in increasing quantities through health food stores, health care professionals and especially to older individuals with chronic health problems.
This product is priced and packaged to be eaten in quantity. Hemp Hearts are made fresh daily and remain fresh until consumed because of marketing strategies that favor frequent small shipments and the generous use of free samples by our retailers.
Our customers have become our best sales agents–recommending Hemp Hearts to acquaintances with similar health problems. Our supplier sells more shelled hemp seeds each day than many competitors sell each year – because of the many health benefits that customers experience by eating Hemp Hearts in quantity.

1 lb. CONTAINER (454 g)
10 days supply
(at 4 tbsp. or 42 g per day) 100% Shelled Hemp Seeds.
Other ingredients: none
Gluten free.

ENERGY: Middle aged and older individuals who eat four measuring tablespoons of Hemp Hearts each morning, usually raw on fruit or oat meal, notice increased and long-lasting energy. One elderly lady reported that after her first use of Hemp Hearts she cleaned her entire house–the first time she had experienced abundant energy in 20 years. Another elderly lady who previously found little to value in her life remarked that after Hemp Hearts she often feels like dancing. Because of their increased energy, individuals eating Hemp Hearts in quantity have less inclination to “pep up” with sweet foods, sweet drinks and stimulants.
APPETITE: Except for those with diabetes and other conditions which require individuals to eat frequently, most of our customers eat four measuring tablespoons of Hemp Hearts early each morning. They frequently report that they are not hungry at lunch time–often only slightly hungry at three o’ clock in the afternoon. If they are overweight, they can often skip lunch, eat a salad without dressing in the evening and lose up to one pound per day. Many of our customers report that they have been able to lose 50 pounds in two months. Those who use Hemp Hearts to lose weight are not inclined to regain this lost weight. Those who eat Hemp Hearts regularly experience much less hunger and are therefore less inclined to choose potatoes, pasta, bread and rice. They are more likely to eat fruit, vegetables and smaller meals.
DIGESTION: Customers report efficient digestive systems without sluggishness-- able to derive much more benefit from less food. Because they are so easily digested, customers claim that Hemp Hearts have cured or reduced the effects of chronic problems of the digestive system. There are no known allergies to Hemp Hearts. Because they are a well-balanced source of all required proteins, all essential fats and most vitamins, Hemp Hearts are of special benefit to those who are unable to eat gluten, lactose, sugar, fish, nuts, meat and other common foods.
CLINICAL STUDIES: Analysis indicates that Hemp Hearts are unmatched in Nature for their balance of all required proteins, all essential fats and most vitamins. Analysis also indicates that these beneficial nutrients are concentrated in Hemp Hearts with minimal quantities of carbohydrates, saturated fats and sugar. Many clinical studies demonstrate the importance of these proteins and essential fats. Many other studies associate excessive quantities of sugar, saturated fats and carbohydrates with chronic disease. There are also many clinical studies that indicate that hemp products are effective in reducing inflammation and improving circulation–factors of importance in the cure and prevention of disease. A large percentage of our older customers have selected Hemp Hearts in desperation because of failing health: Within three months they often experience significant improvements in cholesterol and blood pressure. Diabetics, especially, report that circulation improves, often to the extent that they no longer fear losing their feet. The inflammatory characteristics of many chronic diseases, particularly arthritis, are often much reduced. Various disorders of the digestive system are also often much improved. The experiences of our customers are consistent with the magnitude of clinical studies that relate to these issues. Many health care professionals have tried Hemp Hearts and are having success with their patients. Most of these professionals attribute their success to the superior balance of proteins and essential fats in Hemp Hearts and to the relative absence of sugar, carbohydrates and saturated fats.


Greatly exceeds most energy bars for energy and provides this energy in a better form

  • not sugar and saturated fats.
    Greatly exceeds most energy bars for protein and provides a complete spectrum of vital,
    natural proteins.
    Four tablespoons Hemp Hearts (42 g), enough for a meal on cereal, fruit, yoghurt or salad, contains 240 cal energy.
    Contains 15 g essential fats (11.4 g Omega 6 and 3.6 g Omega 3), 2.7 g mono-unsaturated fat and 2.1 g saturated fat.
    Serving also contains 15 g protein, 2.5 g fiber, 4.5 g carbohydrates, many natural vitamins and minerals–no cholesterol.
    More digestible protein than meat, whole eggs, cheese, human milk, cows milk or any other high protein food.
    Better spectrum of available proteins than soybeans–without the soybean anti-nutritional factors.
    An excellent protein product for everyone - mothers, babies, body builders, convalescents, old folks.
    Can be eaten by those unable to tolerate nuts, gluten, lactose or sugar; there are no known allergies to hemp foods.
    With 78% essential fats, hemp oil greatly exceeds soy oil at 40%, canola oil @30%, olive oil at 10% and other oils.
    Hemp oil contains more “Omega 3” EFA components (19%) than are found in any fish and in most fish-oil supplements.
    Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fats may reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, coronary heart disease and stroke.
    The ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 EFA’s in hemp oil is thought to be the best in nature for promoting cellular health.
    Hemp foods reduce inflammation and benefit those with arthritis, cardiovascular disease, psoriasis–even tuberculosis.
    By improving circulation and reducing inflammation, hemp products may be particularly beneficial for diabetics.
    As a rare source of GLA, hemp foods may be beneficial to those too ill to synthesize this EFA from other fats.
    Hemp oil contains plant sterols which may reduce the risk of colon and prostate cancer.
    Products an be traced back to their growers.
    Lab certificates guaranteeing the absence of contaminants.
    Nothing has been added to Hemp Hearts: Nothing has been removed but the shell.
    Products are made fresh daily and reasonably priced to encourage incorporating into daily diet.
    Products contain a natural antioxidant (Vitamin E) that keeps them fresh for many months at room temperature.
    Beware of hemp protein and hemp flour (largely shells) made from waste by-products after oil was removed from whole seed.


ENERGY: Expect sufficient energy to increase productivity and better enjoy life. You will not need energy boosts from coffee and other stimulants. You will naturally select less pastries, sweets, candy bars and sugar-based drinks.
WEIGHT: Expect to be free of significant hunger until mid-afternoon. Depending on your health and weight, you may choose to miss lunch entirely. You may restrict yourself to a salad in the evening and lose up to one pound per day, 30 pounds per month. Or without hunger, you may often make later food choices for fruit, salads and vegetables knowing that with Hemp Hearts you have already consumed all of the essential fats, proteins and most vitamins and other nutrients necessary for promoting good health. With less hunger you will less frequently select starches and carbohydrates.
CRAVINGS: Expect reduced cravings for foods with stimulants, sugars, starches and saturated fats. Often marketed effectively by multinational food giants, such foods in excess promote obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes and increased susceptibility to cancer and a whole spectrum of diet-related and infectious diseases. A breakfast of Hemp Hearts is a concentrated and balanced source of all required proteins and essential fats: Satisfied by Hemp Hearts your body will not make insatiable demands that result in unhealthy food choices.
DIGESTION: Expect to be untroubled by constipation and less susceptible to intestinal diseases. Hemp Hearts is very easily digested by young and old. Important nutritional benefits are readily transferred to those not yet born. Coarse fibers and plant sterols found in Hemp Hearts are thought to reduce the risk of colon and prostate cancer. Hemp Hearts has none of the anti-nutritional factors that reduce the value of soybeans in many food items.
FOOD INTOLERANCE: Expect none of the symptoms of food allergies. Hemp Hearts is especially beneficial to those who are unable for any reason to eat gluten, lactose, saturated fats, sugars, meats, nuts, fish, beans, etc. Using Hemp Hearts it is not difficult to achieve an exciting and nutritionally superior diet without consuming foods associated with food allergies or prohibitions. There is no THC in Hemp Hearts–not even one part per million.
CELLULAR HEALTH: Expect many long-term health benefits. Because Hemp Hearts is one of the best balanced sources of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids, because Hemp Hearts contains only small amounts of saturated and mono-unsaturated fats which can be easily converted to energy, and because Hemp Hearts is also an unsurpassed source of the whole spectrum of required proteins, it promotes vigorous cellular development with diverse health benefits:
? Expect reduced cholesterol and blood pressure after three months – with decreasing probability of stroke.
? Expect a reduction in the inflammatory characteristics of many hundreds of diseases.
? Expect a more rapid recovery from disease, from radiation treatment and from injury.
? Expect improvement in circulation: Diabetics may notice warmer, then less discolored, feet.
? Expect a more effective immune system with reduced incidence of all types of disease.
LIFESTYLE: Expect Hemp Hearts to make Living Easy: Hemp Hearts provides great energy, permits weight control without hunger, reduces cravings for inappropriate foods and promotes extensive health benefits, but Hemp Hearts also eliminates any need to be a “food fanatic”. Consume the essential nutrients each morning when your body needs “fuel”; Reduce your daily consumption of non-essential sugars, saturated fats and carbohydrates. Don’t be confused by those who market high priced products by creating fears about the conventional food industry and who develop and perpetuate obsessions relative to “natural” packaging, “organic” preparations and esoteric biochemistry. Be adaptable: By adding sufficient Hemp Hearts, it is possible to make truly beneficial foods out of much less nutritious food choices. Hemp Hearts is a food ? not a medicine ? but it may be important for certain individuals to have dietary changes monitored by a doctor.


Four heaping tablespoons (42 g) raw Hemp Hearts daily and best taken at breakfast, on cereals and grains or in smoothies and shakes.

Otherwise Hemp Hearts may be incorporated into all meals. Here are some suggested uses and recipes:
SHAKES, FRUIT SMOOTHIES AND HEMP MILK: Blend 1/3 cup Hemp Hearts with 2/3 cup water on high speed for 2 minutes; Add 1/3 cup frozen berries and continue blending. Can be sweetened to taste. Without fruit make hemp milk for many uses.

HOT OR COLD CEREALS: Top your favorite hot or cold cereal with four heaping tablespoons of raw Hemp Hearts. Enjoy the great nutty taste. You will discover tremendous energy and will have no hunger for many hours.
SALADS, PITAS AND SANDWICHES, DESSERTS AND ICE CREAM: Sprinkle Hemp Hearts on top or mix throughout. Use plenty to enhance flavor, texture and nutritional value. Blend with other ingredients to make superior spreads and dressings.
STIR-FRY: Add Hemp Hearts generously and mix throughout shortly before serving. Sprinkle on top after serving.
LASAGNE: Add layers of Hemp Hearts to cover layers of meat or cheese before baking.
ROASTING MEATS: Make coatings and basting sauces mostly with Hemp Hearts and apply them before and while cooking. Use in stuffing and dressings with other ingredients for added flavor and improved nutritional value.
BREADS, SQUARES AND PASTRIES: Reduce some flour and some oil in any recipe and substitute some Hemp Hearts. Brush breads with egg white and sprinkle with Hemp Hearts before baking.
SHANNON’S FAMOUS HEMP CRISPS: Add 2/3 cup brown sugar and one beaten egg to 1/2 cup cooled melted butter and blend well. Mix 1/2 cup flour, 1 tsp. cinnamon and one cup Hemp Hearts separately. Add the dry mix to the butter mix. Spoon drop on a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 F for about 7 minutes or until the edges are very crispy.

I’ve tried them. They’re good almost a nutty flavour. And they work good in oatmeal, and protein shakes, etc.I can’t say I’d make them a staple of my diet yet but definitely nothing bad to report about them.

I toss 2 tbsp of shelled hemp seeds (aka hemp hearts) onto a bowl of cottage cheese every morning, as part of my EFA strategy.

Given the unnatural skew in the omega 6:3 ratio of even a relatively clean American diet (if one eats regular grain-fed beef, chicken, etc.), I put first priority on flax seeds. But hemp seeds are a useful diversification to one’s nutritional portfolio.

Sounds very interesting. I gotta try these. If these really are that they claim to be with regards to helping control weight, then I may have found a powerful tool to help my guys at work stay in regulation. Some people at work sweat Crisco and grits

They’re great - tasty, very bioavailable protein, and a good ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 fat.

But most people already eat too much omega-6, so it’s a good idea to supplement with something that’s heavier on the omega-3 side, to balance it out.

That’s where flax seed and fish oil come in. But flax oil sucks, imho. Totally overrated and overpriced. The omega-3 comes from ALA, which is not very useful to your body since it has to convert it to EPA/DHA first - and the conversion rate is about 30% at most. Fish oil is EPA/DHA already.

Short answer - hemp hearts are great, but also balance it with ground flax seed and a good fish oil.

Walnuts are also a good source of omega-3s (again, ALA).

Man, I gotta score me a bag of that shit!

The ordering requirements online suck, but I guess a good health food store would make acquisition easier. The manufacturer wants people to purchase by the case, being 9 lbs. Maybe later, but not in this lifetime will I buy that much damn hemp hearts. Then again, 1 lb lasts only 10 days, approximately.

I actually found a hemp protein “powder” which is essentially hemp hearts pressed and ground. (so a little less oil), but good protein, and easy peasy to mix into a shake or into your granola and yogurt. tasty too. Diverse sources of protein = good, right?

It’s good pre-workout too, seems to give plenty 'o energy, and digests quite rapidly.

[quote]Jinx Me wrote:
But flax oil sucks, imho. Totally overrated and overpriced. The omega-3 comes from ALA, which is not very useful to your body since it has to convert it to EPA/DHA first - and the conversion rate is about 30% at most. Fish oil is EPA/DHA already.[/quote]

Jinx, isn’t ALA an important nutrient on its own, apart from providing a substrate for conversion to EPA and DHA?

I lent out my copy of Udo Erasmus’ book, or I’d look it up myself.

[quote]jwillow wrote:
Jinx Me wrote:
But flax oil sucks, imho. Totally overrated and overpriced. The omega-3 comes from ALA, which is not very useful to your body since it has to convert it to EPA/DHA first - and the conversion rate is about 30% at most. Fish oil is EPA/DHA already.

Jinx, isn’t ALA an important nutrient on its own, apart from providing a substrate for conversion to EPA and DHA?

I lent out my copy of Udo Erasmus’ book, or I’d look it up myself.[/quote]

It’s an antioxidant that boosts production of glutathione… but DHA is also an antioxidant. ALA’s benefits as a fatty acid supplement are overrated, imo, since anything it can do, EPA/DHA can do better.

[quote]Jinx Me wrote:
It’s an antioxidant that boosts production of glutathione… but DHA is also an antioxidant. ALA’s benefits as a fatty acid supplement are overrated, imo, since anything it can do, EPA/DHA can do better.[/quote]

No - you’re confusing alpha-lipoic acid, which is an antioxidant and increases glutathione levels, with alpha-linolenic acid, the omega-3 fatty acid.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is certainly not an antioxidant - it is a highly unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid that is easily oxidized.

Again, my question is whether alpha-linolenic acid plays an important role in nutrition on its own, besides getting converted to EPA and DHA. I’m under the impression it does, but don’t have references at hand.

[quote]jwillow wrote:
Jinx Me wrote:
It’s an antioxidant that boosts production of glutathione… but DHA is also an antioxidant. ALA’s benefits as a fatty acid supplement are overrated, imo, since anything it can do, EPA/DHA can do better.

No - you’re confusing alpha-lipoic acid, which is an antioxidant and increases glutathione levels, with alpha-linolenic acid, the omega-3 fatty acid.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is certainly not an antioxidant - it is a highly unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid that is easily oxidized.

Again, my question is whether alpha-linolenic acid plays an important role in nutrition on its own, besides getting converted to EPA and DHA. I’m under the impression it does, but don’t have references at hand.[/quote]

You’re absolutely right - I’m red-faced.

Great excuse for “blowing a piss test”?