Help With Getting My Idea Across

I live on okinawa, Japan; and I am in the process of starting a club for HS aged kids to use, after school to train for their sports thru the use weights, with a local youth sports organization. And I am having a little trouble writing my proposal, and making it sound good. Besides the club getting the kids in better shape and giving them a good way to use their time; what could be some other positive side-effects of this club that I can use in my proposal to make the club a viabal option for these kids? I am trying to find studies to back up my efforts.
If you guys can help that would be great.

I think you could cite that this year had the highest reported violent crime rate amongst children on record… or that the declining birthrate is because all the Japanese women are marrying the jacked American military guys instead of the scrawny Japanese men…

I dunno…Perhaps I will think of more later…


Good ideas, but I fall in to the military catagory as do 100% of my “audiance”.

This may be a prejudice and correct me if i am wrong but I do not see many Japanese who lift weights. Of course there are a few powerlifters and olympic weightlifters. I have seen some of those japanese arch on their benches and its insane. But am i correct in thinking that the vast majority of Japan stays away from weight lifting?

[quote]TTewell342 wrote:
This may be a prejudice and correct me if i am wrong but I do not see many Japanese who lift weights. Of course there are a few powerlifters and olympic weightlifters. I have seen some of those japanese arch on their benches and its insane. But am i correct in thinking that the vast majority of Japan stays away from weight lifting?[/quote]

Dude…they have some amazing Athletes…Hideaki Inaba…Watanabe…I am not great with the names but check the records…they are not the SHW and 308;s but there are lots of them around…

How about the healthy body = healthy mind aspect; providing skills for a lifetime of health and fitness; nutritional advice; mental discipline and training through weightlifting.

I am sure there is more, but it is getting late.