Help me Please with my Diet

I am preparing to start a new diet, and have chosen the T-Dawg ver2.

so i sat down to plan my meals for the week, and i am shocked by what i came up with. cant believe how much food this diet is calling for

here is what i came up with, someone please tell me what im doing wrong

im 31 yrs old 300lbs and looking to lose alot of body fat. while retaning/building some muscle

Meal 1
Calories Carbs Protein
Meal #1 1 Packet Oatmeal 130 27 3
8AM 6 Egg Omelet 558 2.4 39
2/3 cup Shredded Cheese 220 1.6 14
2 Tbsp Salsa 15 3 0

Meal #2 1 Can Tuna 150 0 32.5
11AM 3 Hard Boiled Eggs 234 1.8 18.9
1 Tbsp Relish 20 5 0
2 Tbsp Miracle Whip 70 4 0

Meal #3 2 Chicken Breast 480 0 84
2PM 3 Hard Boiled Eggs 234 1.8 18.9

Meal #4 1 lb Ground Beef 778 0 119.4
5pm 2/3 cup Shred Cheese 220 1.6 14
2 Tbsp Salsa 15 3 0

Meal #5 1 Cup Cottage Cheese 220 8 24
8pm 2 Scoop Protien Shake 220 24 52

Post 2 Scoop Protien Shake 220 24 52
Cals Carbs Protein
Total 3784 107.2 471.7

T-Dawg Recomended      4500	100	450

this just seems like a massive ammtount of food and still no where near the 4500 recomended cals. can anyone suggest anything else to do here.

i am on a very limited budget and the only suplements i have are the whey and cretine, im looking to add Flax and fish oil. but im not sure if its needed with all the food im having to consume

Switch for a packet of oatmeal to a regular sack of oatmeal, like steel cut/rolled.

The miracle whip is doing you no favours just use something like nut or olive oil instead.

I am a bit apprehensive about the amount of protein your are in taking granted it’s enough but it doesn’t look like you are getting an vegetables or fruit or any unsaturated fats, all of which are a necessity.

With this diet; you can have all the green veggies you want…no need to count them. But you need them for sure!

Olive oil is a great way to meet high caloric demands.

Try the diet for a few weeks and see how you feel; make adjustments from there.

x2 about the Mayo…that’s just useless. If you want something in your tuna…just add some oil or hot sauce. :slight_smile:

Since your protein intake is so high…you might wanna skip the flax and by some fiber to help your body utilize and digest all that protein.

I was just making an assumption about the veggies.

OP your calories seem way to high. base your caloric intake on your LEAN BODY MASS, not total body weight. the reason your caloric intake seems so high is because you weight so damn much, but you also have a lot of fat to lose, which means you don’t have a ton of lean body mass.

essentially, basing your calories on your total body weight will skew the recommendations on the high side.

I suggest figuring out what your LBM is in lbs, then multiplying that number by 10-12 to find a more appropriate caloric level to begin with.

[quote]JMoUCF87 wrote:
OP your calories seem way to high. base your caloric intake on your LEAN BODY MASS, not total body weight. the reason your caloric intake seems so high is because you weight so damn much, but you also have a lot of fat to lose, which means you don’t have a ton of lean body mass.

essentially, basing your calories on your total body weight will skew the recommendations on the high side.

I suggest figuring out what your LBM is in lbs, then multiplying that number by 10-12 to find a more appropriate caloric level to begin with.[/quote]


[quote]JMoUCF87 wrote:
the reason your caloric intake seems so high is because you weight so damn much, [/quote]

i like the no B.S. approach if the whole world was like that it would be sooo much better

but what i forgot to mention is im 6’7" tall i know that dont mean im still not fat its just im not 5’1" and 300lbs

and i added the mayo just for the extra calories, and i cut all veggies because of the carbs.

and im on fiber daily because of a medical condition so i dont think of it as a suplement.

so now if i did the whole LBM calculation right it came up to be 200lbs

which means around 3000 cals. for the first week then a drop to 2500 cals from there on based on 15 cals per LBM
2400/1900 at 12 cals per LBM

but now the next question is how about the protien intake should it be based on the body weight or LBM

1 other thing how much fish and flax oil should you talke per LBM, and do you count the calories in that also

also thanks for the help

listen dude, I’ll make things pretty simple. to set up a basic diet you shoul follow these steps:

  1. set caloric intake to ~12x LBM

  2. set protein at ~1.25g per lb LBM (or higher)

  3. get at least 25% of your calories from a mix of fats (make sure to include some fish oil)

  4. fill out the rest of your calories with carbs or some more fat, this is mainly dependent on personal taste.

so basically, for an individual w/ 200 lbs LBM you would eat ~2,400 calories. macros would be ~250g protein (1.25g per lb LBM), 80g fat(30% of total calories), and 170g carbs, mostly from fruits and veggies (you could cycle carbs by cutting out a post workout shake on off days, cutting ~50g carbs)

if you have any questions about why I set things up the way I did, don’t hesitate to ask.

finally, wherever you heard that adding mayo while subtracting veggies on a diet is a good idea, I suggest never listening to that person again.

[quote]gfiles77 wrote:
1 other thing how much fish and flax oil should you talke per LBM, and do you count the calories in that also

also thanks for the help[/quote]

you count calories from EVERYTHING. fish oil included. ~2g of EPA & DHA combined is fine.

don’t get trapped in the “more is better” way of thinking, overconsuming fish oil does have it’s drawbacks

[quote]JMoUCF87 wrote:
don’t get trapped in the “more is better” way of thinking, overconsuming fish oil does have it’s drawbacks[/quote]

What would those be? I’m asking because just recently I found out that it is “recommended” to take 10-15g of fish oil per day(trying to build muscle mass here)

[quote]jCaesar88 wrote:
JMoUCF87 wrote:
don’t get trapped in the “more is better” way of thinking, overconsuming fish oil does have it’s drawbacks

What would those be? I’m asking because just recently I found out that it is “recommended” to take 10-15g of fish oil per day(trying to build muscle mass here)[/quote]

we are talking two different things. 10-15 fish oil CAPSULES will provide around 2-3g of EPA+DHA (look on the back of the bottle, usually 1 fish oil pill will contain ~300mg EPA+DHA, so 10 of those would be ~3g)

one drawback of overconsumption of fish oil (going off memory) is immunosupression. it can also interfere with blood clotting.

well i guess i have to recalculate my diet i have been looking at it as calories, carb, & Protien not fat, carbs and protien thats why i was adding the mayo because it was high calories to get my numbers up, never looking once at fat in the foods