Help / Advice for Teenage PCOS

Hi Gals, again, many, many thanks for the replies and the empathy, it is actually overwhelming to me…

I guess we are being a bit impatient…She has been on the BC for 6 months now, we were at the OBGYN over the weekend and he took away the Glucophage and renewed her script for the BC.

I have to admit that her facial hair has all but disappeared and at least her period is happening every month now so we can relax about that.

I agree 100% with the exercise, especially the lean muscle part. As a family, we are not fond of running, biking etc (swimming would be an exception, water is great in the summer), but give us some plates to bang around and we are happy…

In fact, I just convinced her to start full body exercises including squat, dead-lift, push press, medicine ball slams etc (very light) to get her going and to develop a liking in how she feels. Some bag work is also thrown in to rid her of frustration and to get the heart rate up for a while.
(she was worried about looking like Arnie / Jay, so it took some time to explain the volume of training, food and, ahem, supplements they took to look like that and she is now dead set on getting a “squat butt” :wink:

I have also managed to get her over her dislike in Omega 3 pills and she is also now taking some ZMA before bed. What kind of iron should I get for her (and for Mom as well I assume?)

Other than that, I assume time is all we need with the above?

BTW, I am of the opinion that this poor child is eating far to little, I suppose that I can ramp up the meal sizes with fruit, veggies and meats?

Thanks again Gals, you are amazing