Help a Rookie Out

Ok so I’m 21 (tomorrow) I have a raw 1600 lb total at a BW of about 210. I’m an athlete outside of lifting as well. I’ve never used any type of ped at this point

As you can see I’ve got a little experience under my belt with training and nutrition but I want to take my training to the next level. I’ve known this for quite some time and done a fair amount of research on anabolics.

My dilemma is one that I’m sure many of you have faced. I don’t know any source for any type of aas. I’ve been referred to a couple websites but I can’t bring myself to risk it financially. For this off season I really want to increase my strength substantially while relatively maintaining bodyweight.

I’ve seen almost every experienced user of anabolics say that prohormones were risky in general health as well as effectiveness. Should I continue to wait for this unforeseeable source of quality gear or would it be crazy to give a ph a try? But even with a ph I run into the same issue of not finding a source for a SERM

I’d appreciate anyone who has honest unbiased feedback about prohormones or any advice in general

I tried PH before I started my first cycle, and take it from me when I say stay away from pro hormones and just seek out a source. Ive tried two online sources so far and both were fine. Just use common sense and word of mouth in your gym. Ask around. Someone in your gym has to know of a good website or source in your town. Its easier to find than you think it is

[quote]CougarPride wrote:
I tried PH before I started my first cycle, and take it from me when I say stay away from pro hormones and just seek out a source. Ive tried two online sources so far and both were fine. Just use common sense and word of mouth in your gym. Ask around. Someone in your gym has to know of a good website or source in your town. Its easier to find than you think it is[/quote]
thanks for the advice. I live in a very small town and I’m pretty positive idk anyone who is on. its possible I’ve seen some guys who are on trt. but no one that could help me

only one reply guys?

Solid advice from Cougar. There seems to be a general consensus that if you’re going to take PH, give yourself side effects and shutdown your system, why not take the real thing with time proven results.

I also think you’re trying to beat around the bush.

Nobody here is going to hand out sources. I’m fairly positive its against the rules on this board. Seriously, If you’ve done more than 5 Google searches you should be able to find a legit source.

You should always cross-reference sources with reviews of those sources… :rolls eyes:

Beating around the bush most certainly.


no. You need to find you own website/source. Abd take your own chances. I personally hated the idea of online because there are several fake source review sites as well. I waited until I found a legit source that I could trust.

lol. said i didn’t want to risk it online and you guys somehow come up with “guy must be fishing for an online source”

Yea asking for a source on here will get ya banned as well as promoting an out side product. If your looking for a source

  1. google it

  2. google their website for reviews make sure there are more good then bad some people will talk down a place because they want to push you to there place

  3. Never order big. Make a few small orders to get what you want.

I wasn’t asking for a source. I was asking if anyone with experience would use a ph if aas were not available

[quote]bigbird61 wrote:
I wasn’t asking for a source. I was asking if anyone with experience would use a ph if aas were not available[/quote]

Nope. I’d rather spend my money on nicer food.

[quote]bigbird61 wrote:
For this off season I really want to increase my strength substantially while relatively maintaining bodyweight.

Don’t we all want to increase our strength substantially while maintaining bodyweight? That’s the dream. I have no experience with AAS, but I will offer some “advice in general” since you also solicited that.

You’re 21 years old, refer to being an athlete outside of lifting, and mention an “offseason” goal, so I’m going to take a stab at this and guess that (if you live in the United States) you are almost certainly either a collegiate football player or a track thrower. If you compete in the NCAA, anabolic steroids are banned and this discussion ought to be over for now.

I’m quite sure that some folks might tell me to go to hell and that steroids should be legal and all that jazz, or that you should have the right to risk it yourself, and maybe they’re even right, but the fact is that steroids are banned in the NCAA. Using them might slightly improve your performance for your last season or two in college; but it could also get you banned for the season (or worse, it could invalidate your team’s achievement should you make the playoffs or a bowl game - I can’t speak for all divisions, but I know that Division III schools get tested after playoff games, I’ve been there).

Your total is impressive and for that you deserve kudos. Presumably, you are quite an athlete in your chosen sport, since you possess the drive and determination to attain some very impressive lifts. If you want to use steroids for a better physique or attainment of some lifting goals, I won’t try to talk you out of that, I’m not your dad or coach. But I do think that, assuming you’re an NCAA student-athlete, you ought to think a lot harder about the decision to use until after you’ve exhausted your eligibility.

Finding a source is easy… That’s all imma say.

then no. I tried ph’s before and although some work not as good as the real deal they damage your liver. The first time I ever pissed blood and blood clots I decided never again. So there you have my reply and reason. But hay it’s your body