Heart Structural Changes from High Testosterone Levels

Have you – or anyone else around these parts – had one? Would love to know what it entails.

Nt-proBNP or BNP

I get very high BP lifting. Never measured, but I have on several occasions started bleeding from the neck and face during deadlifts. Enough pressure to breach the skin. Usually it is a pimple that pops. Makes me feel manly and worried at the same time.

Wow bleeding from net?

I think it is from high blood pressure during a big lift.

My normal BP is actually really good, and my heart rate is usually in the 50s. When I was 175 lbs it was in the 40s. Should say never measured while lifting.

Jesus lord

Maybe 6 years ago, I had a friend who was in school to be an ultrasound tech. She had a machine at her home and wanted to practice. I recall her saying that I had a very pronounced aortic arch? And something about my injection fraction being not great? An interesting idea would be to partner up with a local technical school that trains ultrasound techs if it was something you wanted to seriously track on a regular basis.

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That would be quite a hookup indeed. I’ll be moving soon but definitely will look into that when I settle into a new area. What was your history with T at that point, when she tracked you?

I’ve had a few, nothing out of the norm

That’s great. How high have you usually had your levels?

Average testosterone levels are falling nearly 1% per year in the developed world according to some studies. These men are just trying to get back to where their grandfathers were. They’re just getting back to baseline. So they aren’t exactly “unprecedented” to have men at these levels. They just got there with needles instead of biology.

Plus what percentage of adult men are even on TRT? 1%, maybe 2? It won’t be a health crisis even if TRT is contraindicated for longevity.

Testosterone itself, probably 1700, I run around 1000-1200 year round… have had the EQUIVILENT of about 2500 within my system before though for short periods of time (hormonal combinations… anabolic androgenic steroid abuse)

Separates the men from the boys

Thanks man. That’s interesting. What was your ‘baseline’ pre-T, if you know it? Mine was at 1100, so pushing my dose even slightly gets me up above 2000, sometimes near 3K.

If that’s the criteria, I am absolutely a boy

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At the core of that article is that there is no way to link the cause and effect for dropping T numbers. On the average, yes, T numbers are dropping. But, they can’t make a real apples to apples comparison in the cohorts. 2 of the many suggested causes of the decline are from increasing levels of obesity and fewer smokers. Obviously, people losing weight would be beneficial but because nicotine is an aromatase inhibitor…it’s very possible it was a driver of higher T levels at the expense of both quality and longevity of life. It’s not a simple ’men were more manly back in the day Let’s all shoot some T’ kind of argument

I wasn’t ‘tracked’. I had it done once. At the time I was not on any TRT but I had done a few cycles and tried TRT and quit before that.

The world needs little boys too

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Betweeen 130-260 if I recall correctly

That’s irrelevant from my point of view.

Scenario 1: “I’m not certain exactly what combination of factors caused your body to make less testosterone hormone Mr. Jones. It’s likely a combination of heredity, sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary choices, exposure to chemicals in your environment etc… but I do know I can give you exogenous testosterone to alleviate your symptoms and manage your disease.”

Scenario 1: “I’m not certain exactly what combination of factors caused your body to make less insulin hormone Mr. Smith. It’s likely a combination of heredity, sedentary lifestyle, poor dietary choices, exposure to chemicals in your environment etc… but I do know I can give you exogenous insulin to alleviate your symptoms and manage your disease.”