Hcg to Burn Belly Fat

Fat loss:

Critical factors are your E2 [estradiol] levels and thyroid function.

Do labs and get near E2=22pg/ml - 80 pmol/L

You can eval overall thyroid function by checking oral body temperatures. You would want to be near 97.7-97.8F when you wake up and also be hitting 98.6/37C mid-afternoon

Thyroid function can easily be low from a lack of iodine intake.

Starvation diets can create serious permanent metabolic changes, as can over-training.

High dose hCG can cause high T–>E2 inside the testes that anastrozole cannot control and serum E2 can be very high. Ditto from high SERM dosing that causes high LH levels.

See this link found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman
thyroid basics explained - if body temperatures are low.
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