HCG Shortage

Is it just my area, or is Novarell out of stock all over? Been to 10 pharmacies now and even drugstores.com gives me this message:

Checking â??Drugstore .comâ?? (the online pharmacy associated with CVS) I get the same message. â??Not currently in available: On manufacturer backorder — no release date.â??

I have a legit script and medical reason to have this and still can’t get it; bizarre.

I am presuming this is the result of the HCG Diet craze, but I don’ t know.

Not overly keen on out-of-country pharmacies, but if anyone knows of a brand made in Germany or whatnot that is of very high quality, I’ll get it.


ITS because of that goofball Kevin treadue and his weight loss book,tells them eat 500cals and inject HCG
and you lose 50lbs a month…lol