Have You Ever Beta Orbited a Girl

I’m more a fan of existentialists myself.

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He’s talking about INCEL philosophy. I believe it’s called the Black Pill.

The Red Pill is basically something that appeals to men who are weak and don’t understand the dynamics of interaction in the first place. These men just needed to be told to stand up for themselves and not take shit passively. Learn that individuals are multifaceted and are neither purely good nor bad. Identify scenarios when someone is fucking with you and approach the situation according to it’s unique circumstances.

However, this shit takes it to the extreme. It is basically modern day identity politics on the other end of the spectrum, a bunch of losers and sheep led by opportunists who insist on painting everyone on the opposing side as the same as a means of power play, instead of recognizing that everyone is an individual and shitty people do exist.

Bottom line is, you’re a lot closer to commie fucks than you would want to admit.


Are you kidding? You think a place like TNation has somehow remained free of it? Don’t be silly.

Here, you’ll get to this eventually:

Can some briefly outline red pill philosophy for me? Whenever I google shit like that it’s always a total bummer

My understanding is Nietzsche was red pill while Schopenhauer was black pill.

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Red pill: some expectations put on men by society are unfair and contradictory. This leads to a power differential between men and women in certain areas. Some of their observations are legitimate:

Men are required to to register for the draft, women aren’t.

Almost all workplace injuries and deaths are men.

Men are committing suicide at higher rates than women.

Parents tend to act with scorn when boys show pain (walk it off) while they empathize with girls.

Boys are taught in early school by almost exclusively women. When they can’t sit still and learn well in that environment, the teachers don’t change their approach to help boys… they get the poor little bastards diagnosed with ADHD and drugged.

Men are held responsible for their actions more than women. Men are arrested/charged/convicted far more for the same crimes. If a woman and a man have drunken sex, the woman can revoke consent after the fact. The man is responsible for everything he did while intoxicated.

The family/divorce court system is stacked against men.

In the west, women control access to sex nearly 100% of the time.

In order to get that access men are expected to be assertive and good at getting resources while simultaneously being sensitive and nurturing.

The whiney list goes on and on.

So when you expose well adjusted men who are winning in the culture to this point of view. “There’s some good points there, sounds like whining though. Have fun with that, I have to go to work, go workout and pick the kids up on the way home.”

When you expose manipulative a-holes (pickup artists) to this POV: “there’s some good points there. If I can appear to be virile and have resources and talk a good game then I can trick women into giving me sexual access without getting bogged down with the responsibility. Thanks guys.”

When you expose political men to this information. “That’s unjust. Why don’t we start a men’s rights group and lobby for change just like the feminists?” A female liberal movie maker did a documentary called red pill about them. She was previously loved by the left for her documentaries on women’s rights and gay rights. The news media were pissed when the doc mentioned they have some legitimate points.

When you expose complete misanthropic/misogynist losers to this POV you get black pill. They are burn it all down, kill everyone types. Very dark.


Thanks for the explanation! Pretty much exactly the sort of shit I expected

America’s pretty broken.

Just saw a picture of her on the company Facebook page. She’s gained a lot of weight. Suddenly I care a lot less…


Maybe she’s preggers with the accounting guy’s spawn.


yes it is.

spending some time down in a Latin American country for a year and I can safely say it is super depressing returning here despite the U.S having a booming economy, insane quality of life standards, and all else.

People are still fucking depressed in the states, especially men and I only see it getting worse with this idea that women should now strive only for careers, “get theirs” and fuck all else.

This lovely social experiment will definitely backfire.

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When men do the same thing, women are attracted to them. I guess those depressed men should work harder to elevate themselves to the socioeconomic level an intelligent woman inhabits.


ok? only that women are not attracted to men that do not have a decent socioeconomic standing where as men do not give a rats ass what a woman does.

On top of it you have a shrinking job market. I see it all the time, you get these ordinary women coming out of nursing school nowadays because it’s such an in demand industry instantly making 60,70, and sometimes 80k dollars. Where as a guy starting out with a normal undergrad degree gets what? 30? 40? Maybe 50k if they are lucky

And what do cops on the other end of the spectrum make their first year? So then you have all these women thinking " I deserve more because I am special" and practically box themselves out of a relationship.

Then they hit 30s, time is ticking, half of them got fat because they’ve worked themselves to death and they start scrambling. When their heads are finally looking up they think “Where are all the good looking guys with decent jobs at?” And unfortunately for most of them they are no longer looking that great to attract the guys they would have otherwise settled for 5-10 years earlier.

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I’m sorry she hurt you. I can’t help you find healing or peace, you have to do that on your own.

I can guarantee that you’ll never feel prosperous, loved or joyful so long as you have that attitude… regardless of your income or relationship status.

There’s several of you in every workplace on earth: Tragic, angry misanthropes who can’t figure out why everyone else gets raises and happy marriages and all the “lucky breaks” while they get the shaft.

Life kicks everyone in the teeth, character is taking your kicks and trying to win anyway.

Don’t get bitter; get better. That’s what attractive people do.


To clarify, perseverance is attractive, fatalism is not. Also, do you know how high the demand is for male nurses?

Only that most guys don’t like to be nurses. These experiments were already done, all you have to do is look at Sweden. Guys tend to shy away from the healthcare field in general.

I also find it funny how many guys tend to respond the exact way they should respond as societal males of the past… “take it on the chin, and get up and fight” But that doesn’t much work these days in a lot of circles. Ironic.

The best is when you’re speaking to a woman and career/work come up. If you ever ask them “you really want to work this much?, WHY?”

Most of them do not know how to respond, or even have an answer. If they do, it’s usually about “being independent, not needing a man” but getting ANY job at all will make you independent.

But ok, you don’t want to depend on a man, I get it, so you want to depend on what? the government? Corporate america? da fuck? Why do you want to look like you got steamrolled by a tractor at the age of 35? Again, they usually have no answer.

The average 35 year old American woman looks like complete dog shit next to their Latina cousins down south.

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I wasn’t even going to address the complete fallacies in his argument. His disdain and anger at imaginary women that dare work and out earn a man. You don’t come by a misogynist attitude by accident. Some woman hurt him.


The only fallacy is in your assumptions about someone you do not know.

I don’t know where you pick up on “disdain for women” from anything I said?

These are my observations, nothing more. But your response is pretty on par any time this topic is discussed, anywhere.

Cool story. Have a great Saturday!

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What/who do men depend on? Do men not age due to stress?