Hardgainers Template 2 Days/Week?

You can try using the Hardgainer template two times/week - just using squat/bench on one day and dead/press the other day OR something like you wrote. I’m not a huge fan of this though but it can be done. You’d have to change your assistance work and what I’d recommend, IF POSSIBLE, would be to find two days/week (or more) to do bodyweight stuff (push-ups, squats, lunges, leg raises, dips, chin-ups) and see if you can get some work in.

The other thing you can do is this:

Week one


Squat - 5’s PRO, BBS or BBB or Widowmaker or 5x5/3/1
Bench - 5’s Pro, 3x5 FSL


Deadlift - 5s PRO, 3x5 FSL
Press - see squat above for options

Week two


Squat - 5’s PRO, 3x5 FSL
Bench - see above for options


Deadlift - see above for options
Press - 5’s PRO, 3x5 FSL

Everyday Shit:

Push-ups x 100 total reps
Chin-ups x 50 total reps
1 mile run

That’s just an example but you get the point.