Hardcore Essentials2

You’ve got 1500 in you. Just depends on when you want to let it out.

I agree, 1500 is there.

Thank you for the positive support biker and Crippler.
Have been feeling a little stressed out so I went light today.

DE Squats:(EMOM)
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 9 x 3

Standing Crunches:
70 lbs x 20

Continuing on with limited lifting pre-meet to give myself more recovery and concentrate on form and execution. I’ve been feeling fairly extreme muscle soreness in various areas which has been affecting my performance.
Tonight was an okay lifting night and for most part on schedule.

Thursday 2/23/17

Bench Press:
135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 1 pause
255 x 1 pause
315 x 1 pause
275 x 3

Close Grip Bench Press:
225 x 3 sets x 5 reps

Standing Crunches:
70 lbs x 20

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Isn’t your meet in a week or so?

Yes CL my meet is a week from Saturday.

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A full week for mental preparation. You’re ready physically.

So tonight I had a bit of revelation. Lifting was less than what I expected. My goals have changed for my meet next Saturday.

Friday 2/24/17

ME Squats:raw
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
475 x 1
585 x fail

135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 1
405 x 1
525 x 1

My theory is that walking at least 13 miles a day, my lawn business work, and intense lifting has hindered me advancing higher with my maxes for the moment. Goals for the meet at present are: Squat-570 lbs; Bench 330 lbs; Deadlift-570 lbs. I don’t think a 1500 lbs total is possible until I change my daily activities.

Hmm which is 1470. Think positive and let game day roll out the way it will. Might surprise yourself…

Do what you feel that day. I think 1470 in a meet would be great.

You’ve posted those lift numbers before, along with your extra curricular stuff.

More .02…after a de-load week, just from lifting of course, I see a Sling shot effect from the rest coming for meet day!!

Try not to get to bored this week :smirk:

I would say you for sure have the squat and probably a lot more. Just think nine for nine.

Thank you to all for your support and encouragement. Forgot to post yesterday.

Monday 2/27/17

Bench Press:
135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 1 pause
255 x 1 pause
305 x 1 pause

Standing Crunches:
70 lbs x 20

Today 2/28/17 Tuesday

135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
525 x 1

I think these lifts will be my openers for the meet on Saturday.

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Oh boy, here we GO !! Sending my strong wishes to you, until I’m back after your meet.

Kick ass man, looking forward to an awesome write up (vids optional) !!

Thank you I hope my wife will get good videos and I will post.

Good luck my friend. It’s almost game time. Sleep well and brining it meet day!!!

As the Sayin’ goes… Sometimes a man just has to spit on his hands, hoist a black flag and hurl some iron. claim the prize GV… you will do freakin’ AWESOME!

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Inspiring words from good voices, thank you Crippler and OG.

I think the most inspiring voice is the one in your own mind.

You’ll do great.

Lets go!!!

Real Strong Here !!..