Hardcore Essentials2

pause anything is the devils work

Have to agree with you Matty. I haven’t been able to lift for several days due to work but I got back it at it tonight.

135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 1
405 x 1
495 x 1

Bench Press:
135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 1(pause)
265 x 1(pause)
300 x 1(pause)

Standing Crunches:
70 lbs x 20

I am doing so much cardio at Costco and running around with my job that it’s taking me some time to acclimate to the new physical demands. Also, I hate the new format on T-Nation. I may not stay on here very much longer.

Good work GV. Most hate the new format but T-Nation is clearly in denial about it.

Good stuff GV, bet it felt good to get back to the bar… and I haven’t read one positive comment about the new style of the forum

GV, I agree this changed format is bad/strange/odd. Stay with it awhile and it’ll probably be better than the old one. In my experience life is change. When you stop changing, you’re dead. You aren’t old enough for that.

I agree. I’m not a fan at all of the new format. I’m still getting used to it, but it seems to be a step backwards.

Plus, as one of the main guys here you cannot leave.

new format sucks

Happy New Year.

Good work on top of two jobs.

^2, I couldn’t have said it better.

Thanks to all of you for the kind words. I most likely won’t leave. These changes to the format remind me of the saying, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” Yes, change is the only constant in the universe however some changes are not for the better such as the format of this site. If anyone can please tell me one thing that the changes to this site have improved the site I would greatly appreciate it.

Now speaking of changes. I am considering going back to the conjugate method of training. I made the most progress using the Westside powerlifting program so if I can work it in my schedule that will be my training for the foreseeable future. So, big changes may be coming to my powerlifting program.

So I made the change tonight back to the conjugate style. I may not be able to stick to the exact day format but I will stick to the training protocol.

ME Fat Gripz Extremes Incline Bench Press:
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
245 x 2

CG Bench Press:
185 x 5 sets x 12 reps

Strict Bent-over Rows:
135 x 8
225 x 4 x 6

Hammer Curls/Side Laterals(Superset):
35 lbs dumbells x 3 x 10/3 x10

Standing Crunches:
70 lbs x 20

This routine felt great. I feel I can improve over the next 3 weeks with my incline max and will make steady progress on other lifts. I may also be able to add in some exercises as I acclimate to this program again.

GV, tally another vote for this format sucks. I’m old and don’t like change for the sake of change.

Will you be at RUM again this year? Kyle Keough will be coming down again. He’s a 165 now.

Not sure who else is going.

hawkcapt, I won’t be at RUM this year because work demands are too high and they moved the venue to a distance to far away for me to drive to and get back in time to for my jobs. I would like to work RUM again but this year seems to be shot for me.

Looking good GV. I love it when a routing feels great. Puts me in a good mood for several hours.

I am beginning a 3 month training cycle this week for the Raw United Master’s Championship on April 16. I think that in this training phase I will be able to get my lift totals and overall total much higher than I did in the last meet.
I checked the rankings for the master’s top lifter list on PowerliftingWatch at the end of last year and I should have been placed 14th for total and 5th for squat however PW required me to submit a bunch of detailed information that I didn’t feel like doing because I was working so much, the holidays, and being sick. So, I said the hell with it but this year I want credit so I’m going to make sure I submit the necessary info.

NHLFTR-Absolutely, it’s that zone where you know you did good work. I like it too when I’m hurting but it’s the good hurt of pedal to the floor-all out-exertion.

GV, the PVC bar w/ plates, DBs or KBs suspended is the poor man’s version of the Bamboo or Tsunami bar.

I enlisted the help of a friend when I experienced some shoulder issues. He’s an old guy, too. He’s a pretty good bencher (Tom Waldrep). :slightly_smiling:

He told me how he rehabbed and keeps a sore shoulder healthy.

The movement isn’t a power move. It’s low weight & high reps. It helps build stability in the shoulder. I don’t think I’ll ever stop doing this movement.

Hit me up if you have any questions.

Thanks hawkcapt. I remember some Louie Simmons work with a bamboo bar and you using the PVC reminded me of that.

Good luck. From the looks of things you’ll be putting in a lot of work.

Had a lazy, rainy day. Couldn’t do lawn work and I am waiting to find out if I have a permanent job at Costco while they have me on temporary lay off. Lifting tonight went well. Thanks Crippler, yes lots of work toward bigger and better things.

ME Safety Bar Squats:
155 x 5
245 x 3
335 x 1
425 x 1
450 x 1

Dead Stop Zercher Hip Thrusts(using Zercher/front squat harness):
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
365 x 3

Front Squats:
135 x 5
225 x 4 sets x 3

Dead Stop SLDL(from pins just below knee)overhand grip:
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3 x 3

Standing Crunches:
70 lbs x 20

Have more in me for bigger weights on all above lifts however I felt it was prudent not to push myself too far this evening but do enough to cause enough damage without being crippled tomorrow.

Nice work GV and best of luck with getting the Costco gig!