Hard Gainers

Hard gainers are always very frustrated with their lack of progress, how to do?

The saying is “if you want to get big, then you gota eat big”.

If you can handle milk then drink a gal or two every day. This is an old school method that works.

There are a lot of articles on getting big. Do a search.

Tall Tom is right: Massive Milk!
Arnold Schwarzenegger used to drink 1 gallon milk each day. Also Ian King, the famous Australian Coach, used to drink 1 gallon milk each day.
Start with half a gallon: drink milk at each meal (5-6 times each day). Eat big starting from breakfast. Eggs, meat,ham,fish,cheese,vegetables,fruit, integral cereals. Anyway use the nutrition diets for hypertrophy suggested by T-Nation.
The common mistake hardgainers make is they train too frequently. YOU GAIN MASS DURING RECOVERY (OFF)DAYS.
Optimum is 2 workouts/week for example:
Bench Presses
Some calves,abs,grip work
Military presses
Barbell Row
Some calves,abs,grip work
Maximum 1 hour each workout. For sets/reps read the articles by Chad Waterbury. Whenever possible add 5% more weight to your lifts.
Hope that helps !

[quote]luca wrote:
Tall Tom is right: Massive Milk!
Arnold Schwarzenegger used to drink 1 gallon milk each day. Also Ian King, the famous Australian Coach, used to drink 1 gallon milk each day.
Start with half a gallon: drink milk at each meal (5-6 times each day). Eat big starting from breakfast. Eggs, meat,ham,fish,cheese,vegetables,fruit, integral cereals. Anyway use the nutrition diets for hypertrophy suggested by T-Nation.
The common mistake hardgainers make is they train too frequently. YOU GAIN MASS DURING RECOVERY (OFF)DAYS.
Optimum is 2 workouts/week for example:
Bench Presses
Some calves,abs,grip work
Military presses
Barbell Row
Some calves,abs,grip work
Maximum 1 hour each workout. For sets/reps read the articles by Chad Waterbury. Whenever possible add 5% more weight to your lifts.
Hope that helps !

Luca has given you some great suggestions. With only one or two changes on exercise selection, I highly recommend you follow that plan.

For a hard gainer to make progress they must:

  1. Keep workouts to a minimum. Its quality not quantity! three 45 minute worouts per week hitting specific body parts ie leg day, chest and tri day, back day. Lots of recovery time!

  2. FOOD… You must get adequate calories, grams of protien, grams of carbs, grams of healthy fats. A hardgainer must get more of these then the average guy and this is where most fail.

  3. Exercise selection COMPOUND movements. No bi curls, tri kickbacks or calf raises! You must get very familiar with Squats, Deadlifts, Presses, work those Big muscle groups!

  4. RECOVERY… If you are a hard gainer don’t play basketball everynight for two hours after working out and forget about any cardio work period! You must blast the muscle and then let it recover, recover, recover! Feed it the nutrients to repair and rest and let your body do its repair work. Most hardgainers besides not eating enough don’t rest enough! If you really want to grow this is essential!!!

Good Luck

What’s the better Diet for Hardgainer in Mass and Ripped Phase?