Happiness is...

Walking into the gym and seeing that the powerrack is empty.

Doing one of those shits that is so clean that you don’t have to wipe your arse.

Finding a bird who slips a finger up your arsehole while applying oral pleasure.



…a warm gun

[quote]Jack Urboady wrote:

Finding a bird who slips a finger up your arsehole while applying oral pleasure.[/quote]

and/or lets you snort cocaine off her tits

The way a cigarette explodes when it’s thrown from a moving car.

Retracting keychains.

Kicking ass in a video game you haven’t played in ten years.

Clapping erasers.

finishing the workout you’ve been dreading.

setting PR’s in all facets of life.


I am forever!!

… when someone else does teh fapping for you.

[quote]Jack Urboady wrote:

Doing one of those shits that is so clean that you don’t have to wipe your arse.


get psyllium seed husk fiber dude…

Sunny Friday afternoons…

The first half of a trip.

The way up.


waking up to a girl giving you a blowjay…I miss college

[quote]trav123456 wrote:


Haha, Happiness Island!


never having to wait to squat because your gym has two squat racks and a power rack.

The first nut after a long dry spell.

Playing in your lady’s hair on a lazy Sunday

Redlining a rented Charger down a lonely highway in Vegas

Being the center of attention at the local stripclub!

Supporting Single Moms.

Get that money…

That first paycheck after you’ve paid off all your debt…

Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet…

…the mild cigar.