Hanging Slings for Leg Raises and Upcoming Seminars

What’s up t-folks? I have been looking on the internet in search of some hanging slings the use when I do hanging leg raises. My grip strength holds up well, however it murders my shoulders. The only place I have found them at is bodytrends.com. I was also curious as to if there are any seminars coming up anytime soon. I am itching to attend one. A Biotest convention would be nice…wink, wink. Thanks in advance. Train Smart.

They are the worst thing that you can do… They are great for your abs but the worst for you lower back… even if you don’t swing…

Just think of how much weight you are compressing on your spine when you are curling…

sorry didn’t didn’t finish. Hanging leg raises are better… W/O the sling… Not as much pressure on the lower lumbar region…especially the “SI” joint.

Hey, I just bought some off E-Bay for $ 38.00 they are made by Keys fitness

I don’t know if you have an injury or some other mitigating circumstance, but, if you don’t, perhaps you should do more pull-ups to improve your ability to hold your body in the hanging leg raise position.

Ditch the straps, be a man and hold on with your hands. This may sound tough but you can look at it two ways. One, its too hard so I won’t do it. Two, its tough but I am gonna do it anyways. There are some added benefits with this. First, your grip will improve. Second, your lower back and lats will thank you for the added stretch. Finally, you will use stabilizers and neutralizers to keep yourself from swinging.

pre-exaustion with crunches, strait to hanging leg raises, go w/o stopping back to crunches etc.