Halfbreed, Half the Work?!

you lucky motherfucker! i wish i had the money for my own garage gym, and the time to clean the 2000 boxes out of my garage so that i could train in solitude with MY music as loud as i want!

good work on the training, i’ve been looking into trying 5/3/1 off season so i might use your progress as an indication of whether it’s worth having a crack at or not.

BTW have u ever checked out Dave Tate’s ‘The Dead Zone’? It has some really good tips that have helped me correct my deadlift form.

Peace out, keep training hard.

decmc: thnx man, but to clarify. I don’t own the gym, but it was started by 4 friends who hated spinningbikes.
I read that article before my workout yesterday, good tips, thnx.


5/3/1 deadlift
63kg x3
72kg x3
81kg x17

extra work
bw x5. +5kg x5, +10kg x5, +15kg x5
hanging legraise
5, 5, 5, 5

BB shrugs
40kg x5, 60kg x6, 70kg x6, 80kg x6
DB zottcurl
15kg x6, 18kg x6, 18kg x6, 15kg x6

today (yesterday rather):
Deadlifts, and again I murdered the last set. And I like it. This means many many cycles before I can reach some form of plateau.
Still not loving the hanging legraises, I found it was better to havg with my back against a wall. But isn’t that cheating?
When I do direct armwork, be it bicep curls or tricep extencions with rope (not narrow bench or dips) I allways get that bloody pump, and it totally messes up my ROM on those excercises, it feels like every rep after that pump is not a good rep bu any means.

thoughts and inspiration:

I might wanna do a full-blooded mass-gaining phase at some point.

this thread for example:

But thats far into the wild beyond, reason is i like the strength gaining. I’m somewhat angry with myself for having tried far to often and with poor results to do bodybuilder workouts without properlt understanding that I should’ve been focusing on getting stronger. Atleast thats how I see it now when i look back.
I’ve been training on and off for allmost a bleeding decade, I got intrested in lifting for the urpose of getting thick nasty arms, vanity yes i know, at the age of 15. Back then I lived at a place called TjÃ???Ã???Ã??Ã?¸tta, it’s a small place and all the gym teacher could do was teach us running - he himself was a marathon freak (any connection?!:p) When I moved to the big city (not big but a bigger place) The gymteachers at my Colledge was all soccer-freaks, so we only learned soccer. I hated soccer!
My first real expirience with the oly-bar and above 10kg plates came in the army. Tho most of the day we just did endless rounds of punishment-pushups. The weightroom had a bench and a squat rack. I was 140LBS when i started, 160 when my 12 month service was up.

From then it was touch and go, still not very knowledgeable about the lifting game but I had the intrest for it. Made some bad chices and oly-bars was replaced with girls and booze. Ok I do not really regret that somehow.
So 8 years passed. the last 2 years i’ve tried and failed and somewhat gotten a fair grasp (much thnx to this very site) on the bars, the 45lb plates, chains and whatnot. I’ve made it to 190lbs with a fair ammount of blubber (18%-ish) and from now on and if I can be consistent I won’t make the big changes in my training.
I feel i’m on a good path with the 531 (it could’ve been 5x5, I,BB HFT, or what have you) for getting my numbers up.
I’m holding back not to test max every week, I’m impaitient like that.
With the birth of my 2nd kid coming up very freakingly soon (i’m so looking forward to getting to meet him/her), I just hope that I can sneak off to the gym and still keep the lifting atleast 3-4 times a week like I do now.


3 x 3 DB powercleans. 15kg, 18kg, 21kg.

5/3/1 Benchday (3x DB rows in between sets 3 reps 31kg DB)
63kg x3
72kg x3
81kg x14 - rep-PR

BB row
60kg x5, 70kg x5, 80kg x5, 90kg x5, 60kg x12
DB press
18kg x5, 21kg x5, 26kg x5, 31kg x5, 36kg x4 - PR

BB curl x4 + rev curlx4 (8rep total)
27kg x8, 27kg x8, 27kg x8
Tri-one-arm pushdown
20kg x8, 25kg x8, 35kg x8
8kg x8, 8kg x8, 8kg x8
8kg x8, 8kg x8, 8kg x8

had an awsome bench day. rep-PR in BB bench and in DB inc bench. and I see that I have a tendency to stray from my planned accessory work. But it’s ok. It’s only accessory work and aslong as the mainlifts r improoving or getting PR’d who am I to complain.


jumprope 2min
30sec rest
10 jumpsquats
20kg x3 squats
40kg x3 squats
60kg x3 squats

going to start foamrolling, since it’s all the rage these days

5/3/1 squats.
70kg x3
80kg x3
90kg x3


60kg x10 reps
60kg x10 reps
60kg x10 reps
60kg x10 reps
60kg x10 reps
60kg x10 reps
60kg x9 reps (lower back cramps)
60kg x10 reps
60kg x10 reps
60kg x10 reps
60kg x10 reps

25kg x15, 30kg x15, 35kg x13, 35kg x12
Seated Calfrise (jerk movement at peak contraction and bottom)
20kg x20, 30kg x15, 40kg x15, 50kg x15.

crawled home, tried to convince myself I should do a 30min steadystate but i chickened out. Have to bike my way to work tomorrow anyways.

Finally I start to learn squatting… the lower back cramps wasn’t unberable so I stopped at 9 reps on set 7 for no reason really. But it got me thinking about my form again. And as Alpha so clevery put it, “back not down” and I dished out the last sets like there was nothing to it. finally looking down in the bottom position to check if my knees was inline with toes instead of way infront. next time gvt squats should be 65 or 70 kg.

hmm, contemplating military today, dl’s tomorrow, 3 days in a row training. can’t hurt right?!


3 x chinups
3 x pushpress 40kg
3 x chinups
3 x clean and press DB.
repeat 3 times.

military press 30kg x3, 35kg x3, 40kg x3.

531 Militarypress - 3 chins pre work set.
45kg x5
51kg x3
57kg x6

High Inc Bench
40kg x10, 50kg x10, 60kg x10, 70kg x10
DB row
26kg x12, 31kg x12, 36kg x12, 31kg x12

V-bar tri pushdown
45kg x3, 50kg x3, 55kg x3, 60kg x3, 65kg x3, 70kg x3
10kg x3, 11kg x3, 13kg x3, 15kg x3, 13kg x3, 13kg x3

I’m dissapointed, militarypress felt way too heavy today. eat and sleep, tomorrow is another day.

Thoughts / inspiration:
warning: absurd info

so, i searched for the meso/ecto/endo test.

I’m wondering how much I can rely on a 12 question test on the internet but here is the result:

Your body is between an EndoMorph and a Mesomorph. Choose a middle approach between the follow recommendations.

Endomorph: An Endomorph’s biggest concern should be the losing of fat and adopting a lifestyle that keeps it off. Strength training should be done to get a better muscle to fat ratio and therefore improve metabolism. Use moderate weights at a fast training pace (very little rest between sets and exercises).

You should lower your calorie intake (but not try to starve yourself) and should eat frequent but small meals. Sugars, sweets and junk food should be eliminated from your diet. Engage daily in some activity like brisk walking, biking, etc., and try to increase the amount of time you spend each week.

Mesomorph: Mesomorphs have a naturally fit body but to maintain it or improve it you should exercise and diet correctly for your type. Strength training can be done more often and for longer sessions then would be good for an Ectomorph, but you must still be carefull not to overdo it. You should train with moderate to heavy weighs and at a moderate pace, not resting too long between sets.

You will find you gain muscle quite easy (some women and even men might not want to get too bulky, but this won’t happen suddenly. When you are happy with your muscle size simply train to maintain it). Stick to a good healthy diet to keep you lean and muscular, and watch for any slow creeping fat gains. Engage in and enjoy aerobic activities, sports, etc. but do not overdo.

While reading about the bodytype training, i feet contempt that nothing I do atm is wrong. I should do more cardio stuff. On a side note i’m biking back and forth from work :stuck_out_tongue: /pat_on_the_back

But yet I allways feel than i’m not doing enough. Leaving something in the tank or leaving the CNS somewhat operative after a workout might seem like a whuzz-approach. And sometimes I do wonde what it’s like to approach that puke-a-licious point in a workout. This only seems to happen when I do Hillsprints or other conditioning, i.e. complexes/density training.

Well, lunch is over and later today it’s Deadlifting. Man i’m hungry for this DL workout.

Interesting. Link to this “test”?

hi Ink, I sendt you a PM with the link. it was removed by the admins, as it pointed to another competitive site.

5 hangcleans
10 explocive pushups
5 hangcleans
10 explocive pushups
40kg DL x 12
50kg DL x 8
60kg DL x 5

531 Deadlift
67.5kg x5
76.5kg x3
85,5kg x12

95kg x3
105kg x3
110kg x3
120kg x3 (straps on)
130kg x3 (and belt)
140kg x3 (308 lbs) PR!

18kg x10, 21kg x10, 26kg x10
Face pull
25kg x10, 30kg x10, 35kgx8 (failiure)
Seated ISO hold Rows (12, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1sec hold) 6 reps
60kg, 55kg, 50kg

As I said in a earlier post, I was hungry for DLing.
I wanted to see how much my new and improoved form helped my deadlifing, and I was happy I did. 140kg or 308lbs if u want.

explosice pushups 3, 3, 3
DB clean’n’press 15kg x3, 18kg x3, 21kg x3
BB Bench 20kg x15, 30kg x3, 40kg x3, 50kg x3, 60kg x3.

531 Benchpress:
67kg x5
76kg x3
85kg x11 (rep PR)

60kg x8, 70kg x8, 80kg x8
BB Row
60kg x8, 70kg x8, 80kg x8
18kg x8, 21kg x8, 26kg x6 (failiure)

JM Press
50kg x10, x10
11kg x10, 13kg x11
Rope Pushdown
35kg x10, x10

I had an awsome day at the gym, all alone and in the zone. I got a new rep PR, and was amazed that my floorpress was that strong. And those floor flyes was absolutely brutal. The extrawork today was more of a pump workout than anything else, and i felt massive too, even my tricep got some pump, wich rearely happens.
Cant wait to squat tomorrow. And I think i ripped up the trapezius tear cus it’s bothering me again, I’m having an x-ray in 5 days and i’mhoping it’s an easy fix.

531 squats.
jumprope 2min
3 x 100m sprints
jumpsquats x3 x3

75kg x5
85kg x3
95kg x7

no extrawork.
got into the gym about 23:45, so straight to bed after.

531 military deload
531 deadlift deload
thursday (today):
531 bench deload

tomorrow squat deload. then add 5-10kg to the training maxes and start over again on a little heavier cycle.

Hitting 7 reps on a “1” set is awesome dude. Keep tearing it up with the 5/3/1.

[quote]inkaddict wrote:
Hitting 7 reps on a “1” set is awesome dude. Keep tearing it up with the 5/3/1. [/quote]

thnx alot ink!

I’m sitting here all exited about my next cycle.
adding just a lil fly-weight to my training maxes and it’ll look like this:

5/3/1 2nd cycle.
Militarypress training max : 65kg

Deadlift training max : 100kg

Benchpress training max : 95kg

Squat training max : 105kg

I increased the DL by more than the rest since it was more a form problem than strength in my first max test.

[quote]halfbreed wrote:

[quote]inkaddict wrote:
Hitting 7 reps on a “1” set is awesome dude. Keep tearing it up with the 5/3/1. [/quote]

thnx alot ink!

I increased the DL by more than the rest since it was more a form problem than strength in my first max test.[/quote]
That’s great. When I first started, my DL form was a little screwed up, but some people had given me pointers in here, form tightened up, and weight has increased a lot.

Monday: 531 Military no extrawork.
42kg x5
48kg x5
55kg x8

did 3 lighter activation sets before the workout.

Tuesday: 531 Deadlift no extrawork.
70kg x5
80kg x5
95kg x8

same as monday, 3 lighter activation sets. no extrawork.

Monday 30.08.10 Squat, week 1, round 2:
Activation sets
Jumpsquats x 3 - squat 50kgx3
Jumpsquats x 3 - squat 55kgx3
Jumpsquats x 3 - squat 60kgx3

68kg x5
78kg x5
90kg x9

extrawork 1 circuit, amrap.
DB Alternating lunges
Leg Press Narrow stance
Leg curl
Leg Extension
Jump Squats

no rep counting, just burn out and switch excercise.

Tuesday, 31.08.10 week 2, round 2.
Military Press:
top half press
50kg x3, 55kg x3, 60kg x3, 65kg x3
Military press
30kg x3, 35kg x3, 40kg x3.

45kg x3
52kg x3
60kg x5

extrawork, 1 circuit x amrap.
leaning forward lat rises.
leaning back lat rises.
leaning back front rises.
frost rises with push.

Well, with the new familymember in the house I spend less time at the gym, focusing on getting the main work done and some extra. Sleep seems to be the limiting factor hehe.

020910 Deadlift week 2 - round 2

Explosive high pull, 3 rep ramp.
20kg, 25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg, 45kg, 47,5kg

531 Deadlift:
75kg x3
85kg x3
95kg x14

extrawork (supersets)
Lat Pulldown
50kg x5, 55kg x5, 60kg x5, 65kg x5, 70kg x5
Hang Clean
30kg x3, 40kg x3, 45kg x3, 50kg x3, 55kg x3

DB Row (with fatgripz)
18kg x8, 21kg x5, 26kg x5, 31kg x5 (fatgrips off) 36kg x5, 42kg x5
Reverse Flyes
6kg x10, 8kg x10, 10kg x10.

Circuit 1 x AMRAP:
Face Pull
T-bar row
Seated row
EZ-curl w/fatgripz

Circuit 2 x AMRAP:
Leg Press
Leg Curl
Leg Extension
Calf Rise


all in all a not too shabby workout. i’m down with the flu but going to the gym made me forgett about it for the duration. The extrawork today was planned and executed. It’s a lot of “testing” but i’m liking those circuits to finish things off. I’ve done this for some time now, last two weeks but never planned it and noted it down before.

My bodyweight is up to 89kg now, 5,5kg more then when i started this log, other measurements i’m holding off until round 3 or 4. My gf says i’m getting bigger and my pants are tightening up around my legs. So even tho my mission here isn’t size it somehow seems to come along.

As a sidenote, my extrawork is heavily influensed by the “Lab” series. I’ve gotten myself a pallet and some cargo-straps that i’m toying around with to make a makeshift prowler-sled. Gonna mount some handles in one end and a “tray” to put extra weight on it. Next i’m gonna try and get hold of some heavy-duty rope to do rope-pulls with my pallet.

060910 Benchday.

DB Clean’n’Press
15kg x5, 18kg x5, 18kg x5, 21kg x5

Inc BB Press
52kg x3, 57kg x3, 62kg x3, 67kg x3, 72kg x3

531 Bench:
65kg x3, 75kg x3, 85 x9

BB row:
40kg x12, 50kg x8, 55kg x5, 60kg x5, 70kg x5, 80kg x5, 90kg x4, 70kg x8

Have been knocked out by the flu for 3 days and wasn’t all recovered when i descided to hit the weights again and my mainlift suffered. one week back I did 81kg x14 reps so i was hoping for more than 9 this week. Or mabye it’s due to having a 3 day break. 1-2 days seems fine and I don’t loose my drive. 3 days or more and I get knocked out of the zone. wierd really. Minght be that neuronal charge that Thibs is talking about.

Squatday, week 2 round 2.

Jumpsquats with only bar. 3 sets 5 reps.

75kg x3
85kg x5
95kg x7

40kg x5, 45kg x5, 50kg x5, 55kg x5, 60kg x5

70kg x5, 80kg x5, 90kg x5

Circuit AMRAP / 1 time.
LegPress 90kg
RDL 70kg
Leg Extension 15kg
Leg Curl 30kg
BW Squats

yeah, not proud of myself today. the flu is clogging up my nose and breathing sucks. that aside, i did get the work done. loving the finisher circuits