Hair Transplant?

Here’s the pic from first day post operation.

tell ya what man, i got a shitload of chest hair, ill donate some to ya

That’s interesting Chotto that you just up and did it out of the blue. I need to be more like that. So they took the hair from the back or your neck, or the back of your head or what? I guess the back of your hair still looks the same. How’s it coming in so far, are you happy with what you’ve seen? How much did it cost? I’m realy interested to see how this comes out.

I think bald can be pretty damn hot, especially on a big buff ripped fella. It does look better on some than others but I cannot imagine a scenario in which hair or lack thereof would be a deal breaker for me. I think being able to pull it off has more to do with attitude than anything else. I will say that if there are any white boys considering it, use some fake tanner on your freshly shaved pate, the contrast of that pasty dome which has never seen the light of day with normal face/neck looks really funny.
Personally I am way more concerned with whether or not a man can make me laugh, maintain an intelligent dialogue, hold down a job, and make me cum. In no particular order, but if the above are fulfilled I couldn’t care less if he has hair or not.

I had been kicking the idea of getting the procedure done for the past year or so. I had a couple different consultations and did a lot of research. I quickly realized that only MHR (Medical Hair Restoration) and the Bosley Institute were the only two that did the procedure that I wanted, follicular transplantation. It’s the latest procedure and gives a really natural look. My procedure cost just under $5,000. There were other places I could have gone for less money, but this is too serious to leave it to a hack. What they did was cut about 1/2 inch strip of skin out of the back of my head (it looked like a divot I take when I swing my 9 iron). They gave it to about 6 people with microscopes who started dissecting the follicular units into individual units. They then stitched the back of my head up. Flipped me over, and made about 1300 incisions in my hairline. They then placed all those follicular units into the incisions. So far, I’m very happy. None of the 1300+ follicles have fallen out. I have had some swelling which has slowing migrated from the top of my forehead to between my eyes. The worst part was having to sleep at a 45 degree angle for the first 3 nights. There’s a little soreness in the morning from laying on the donor area (which is all stitched up). I won’t really know the full results for several months from now. I’ll keep anyone posted if interested. Here’s a good website I found of a guy who had the same thing done to him…Welcome to nginx!.

Well I have thinning hair myself.There are other options than standard trans plants. I have been using rogaine for a few years & only maintaining not growing any new hair. There are still times when I will have some minor loss so I just apply it twice a day instead of once.
Now you can have your scalp sliced & stretched together for a little less than hair transplants.
Also you can go to the National Institute Of Health do a search for Male pattern baldness & see If you can get in on one of the clinical trials for the latest baldness preventing drugs. If you are accepted the drugs will be free during the trial.

When all else fails I remember the story my grandfather told me.
"If you go bald on the back of your head you are a Thinker. If you go bald on the front of your head you are a Lover. If you go bald across the top of your head, You just think you are a Lover.

I wouldn’t recommend anybody get the old slice the forehead open and pull it forward. You will have a scar running right across the front of your hair line plus your hair line will look as fake as can be. It will essentially be a perfect line. That looks ridiculous. I wouldn’t bet on any experimental drugs either. 99% of the time, it doesn’t work.


You did something that made you feel better about yourself, good for you but I would suggest that the “promote the hair, not the man” days of yore are gone…out with banded collar dress shirts and Three Martini lunches.

“Dress for sucess” has been killed off by sensible, casual business wear and ability to get the job done…with luck the Peter Principle will no longer resonate as loud for future ladder climbers and the executive style hairdo has thankfully gone away (except for Timmy P who always smells like Brylcream and it’s just impossible to pry him away from the bathroom mirror once he gets in front of it).

There are still small pockets of resistance that have hidden from the dogma loosening effects of casual Fridays and Khaki pants but outside of Wall street they are getting smaller. Of course you know what is best for you but as a Large, Mean-looking Bald man who has succeeded in a corporate environment because I am quite simply better than everyone else, I hate to see someone put too much stock in their hairdo and so little in their presence and character.

Hope your noggin feels better.

“Hair has always been important”

~ Diana Ross

El Cake… haven`t seen you here in some time. Welcome back!

That Bay Street / Wall Street is a diehard gang.

I had a presentation in front of a group of 200 people a couple of weeks back. Except for a 35-ish, techy-crowbar-mustached, shaved head, 6 footer muscular guy, I really felt like the odd-man out with my all-over #2 buzzcut clipped hair.

All the rest either had that Goldenboy or combover look. And never under 1 1/2 inches long hair. No matter what the age group.

Change resistant crowd. Very.