H+Blocker & CE-XL?

anyone have tried both H+Blocker & CE-XL? the supplement shop near me have both, just interest how is the results?

and anyone know about the science support them?

CE-XL is just CEE.

They state that the ingredients are clinically proven but don’t support that statement with any data. It must be fun to be able to say whatever you want in order to sell a product and get away with it.

[quote]David Barr wrote:
CE-XL is just CEE.

They state that the ingredients are clinically proven but don’t support that statement with any data. It must be fun to be able to say whatever you want in order to sell a product and get away with it.[/quote]

thanks Mr. Barr, i know you’ve response to one of the post about “carnosine”, but is there any REAL science support the H+Blocker?
is it really doing what the company claim?