Gun Policy in the USA


Ah shit. I must have missed it lol. Everybody drowning in frivilous lawsuits these days

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The good news is when you do take personal responsibility, people think your awesome…

What I meant was the lack of personal responsibility, is everywhere, not the lawsuits.

The lawsuits are just examples of that type of thinking, and possibly the start of the paradigm…or the other way around, chicken/egg.

I feel like the struggle with any
effective gun policy implementation is the huge grip that interest group lobbyists and PACs have on legislation. It’s the reason why Congress is so corrupt. As long as groups like the NRA have a hand in shit, no matter how extreme gun violence gets nobody will do a damn thing about it.
One possible solution could be to expand Congress.

I get that. I wholeheartedly disagree. I see personal responsibility in action en masse on a daily basis. Guess we’ll have to agree to disagree

Apparently is was the chicken…


What does that mean? Expand Congress?

Do you think we are applying personal responsibility properly? What I mean by that is, are we holding the right entity accountable?

This is back to square one, but why are we focusing our concern on objects, such as guns, instead of focusing our concern on the individuals?

Good thing he doesn’t sell wedding cakes…

So white people pay 18 dollars more to get spit free food?

I believe the guy said white people have an opportunity to give up some of their privalege… It is voluntary apparently. Aside from the social pressure and whole white guilt thing…

By the tens of millions on a daily basis? Absolutely yes

By the negative outliers the media (and thus, the people) harp about? Maybe not

Because you can’t fix the human condition. If a certain % of us are inheritly shitty the absolute number rises as population does. And it’s easy to cause a splash, not necessarily a tidal wave

The ratio of people to representatives is generally huge. I feel like the expansion of Congress could weaken interest groups because the voice of interest groups won’t be the only voice heard; it makes it more possible for gun control advocates to be heard over the big interest groups.

And the spit.

And it’s Louisiana, not Manhattan; I don’t think white privilege trickles down.

“I thought, if given the chance to voluntarily give up privilege, folks would not because it is not in their interest,”-Tunde Wey

Giving up your privilege is paying $18 more. It sounds like he’s just proving that a large number of white people are fools/tools.

“Some black people tried to also pay the $30”

That does show that people will voluntarily give up privilege.

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I agree that special interest lobbies are the worst type of influence on our politics. However, we have plenty of laws and “Policy” on the books that quite honestly are not enforced. To truly have effective policy it must be enforced. If by expanding Congress you mean creating a larger group of people to be corrupted, I would wholeheartedly disagree. The peoples representatives have stopped representing and are incapable of finding middle ground. This comment can be applied to nearly all political subjects. Gun Control “RESTRICTION” happens to be the current hot topic.

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That’s a good point.

There’s a reported shooting at a MD school this morning. No injuries or deaths reported so far.

I had a buddy post earlier on FB (gun/individual rights advocate) what the gun policy is in MD since 2013. Basically a lefties wet dream…

Here’s a snippet of a report followed with the link…

Sheriff: Armed Officer Ends School Shooting in Maryland

By Susan Jones | March 20, 2018 | 9:25 AM EDT

Great Mills High School in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. (Photo is from school’s website)
( - An armed school resource officer ended a school shooting at Great Mills High School in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, on Tuesday morning.

St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron told WRC-TV, the NBC affiliate in Washington, that a male student at the high school opened fire on a female student shortly after school started. A second male student also was shot.

Cameron said the school resource officer then fired his own weapon at the gunman, bringing the violence to an end.

Ya, MD is a case study on how gun control is ineffective…

This is a good example of why many of us think armed personnel should be on site. Shame this isn’t what happened in Parkland’s case because it could have been the outcome there as well.