Gun Policy in the USA

That’s another problem. You have bleeding hearts who think every kid is a potential Nobel prize winner so they refuse to accept that some kids are lost causes and should be left behind, rather than allowed to drag everyone down with them. At some point you have to accept a kid is at the point of being an incurable piece of shit.

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What the fuck? Don’t they sort kids any more?

When I wa in school there were like five different levels- special ed through gifted. That way kids would learn at the level of their peers, the ones who could accelerate would, and the special ed kids could do their thing.

And the special ed population was like a few kids that had FAS or some kind of chromosomal disorder, not some jagoffs that were headed for prison.


They don’t sort like they used to. They favor mixing if they can. Everybody gets a trophy and the struggling kids get pushed on with the rest. It’s real fucked up.

*Slight sidetrack. Ignore if you want.
I don’t think I disagree with @zecarlo’s overall point and am certainly not arguing with him, but I’d like to comment on this. We are so afraid of being called racist that we have to say “It’s racist because it hurts inner city kids more…” We all know that “inner city” is not a race, so a policy can most definitely hurt inner city kids more and not be racist. If we’re going to say “racist” we have to at least be willing to name the race/s of which we speak.

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Nope, sorry man, don’t encourage kids to be nicer to each other.

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Lol, heaven forbid we encourage kids to not be assholes.

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I’m a firefighter in the ghetto of the ghetto (not a typo). We see little children all of the time who are 3, 4 or even 5, who have the language skills of a toddler. There’s nothing wrong with them, other than the fact that their parents are too lazy and stupid to spend time talking to them and explaining the world the way parents are supposed to. “See the Bird. Can you say Bird?” Instead their parent has their face buried in their phone constantly. I don’t know at what stage evil begins to grow in a child, and there is no shortage of evil lurking in our neighborhood, but it’s not there yet.

When I was riding an ambulance we had a frequent flyer who had a pitbull puppy tied up on her porch. The thing literally had about 6 square feet of space to live in. Unlike the other dogs of the neighborhood who bark constantly, and I think genuinely want to bite off a piece of you, it was still very friendly and sweet and just wanted someone to play with it. One day it would turn vicious, but it wasn’t there yet. Every time we went there I just want to cut it’s rope and take it home. “I’m taking your dog, you stupid cunt. Do something about it.” She would have just gotten another one.

My excuse for inaction was, being single and working 24 hour shifts wouldn’t make me a good dog owner. I still feel kind of guilty.

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I like that republicans are coming full circle and joining the Dems in being so overly PC we can’t even encourage kids to make friends.

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The thing is that we know how the brain develops and language’s role in that process. After a certain point for those kids who can’t speak properly, and who can’t read well for their age if at all, it will be too late and they will never speak or read well. And because pretty much everything we learn requires language skills they will never learn much of anything.

Being an asshole can be considered a disability.

Ok. I don’t want to say black because not all black people live in the inner city. Not all inner city residents are black. But most inner city residents are not white or, to use a newer term, non-hispanic white.

And since many of these policies are in place because of racial considerations I call them racist. There are areas that are poor and white and the kids don’t get the same racial considerations. In other words, certain behaviors don’t get excused because they are considered cultural.

I lived in the inner city. My wife and I went to a meeting with some teachers and other school staff to discuss whether or not our kid was ready for kindergarten. She has a late birthday so they wanted her to wait until she was 5 to start. They kept addressing my wife as Miss. I finally interrupted them to let them know it was Mrs since she was married. These were all white people and they assumed that a mother in the inner city must be unmarried. They also had a bit of a condescending attitude, as if they were talking to uneducated morons. But if you were to ask them they would say they are the least racist people in the world.

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She is right. Kids with mental health issues don’t need friends; they need professional help and better family environments.

And some of these kids who are called on the spectrum are impossible to make friends with. Their brains just operate differently. The idea that Adam Lanza just needed friends is ridiculous

One, it was a joke. Two, there is nothing wrong with encouraging kids to be nicer to one another. To say that it’s ridiculous that maybe a shooting or two could’ve been prevented if a certain kid hadn’t been bullied is ignorant. It’s not just about AL.

What’s really ridiculous is schools and teachers encouraging kids to walk out of class when these kids don’t fully understand the issue.


I bet the kids know how to say ‘crack’, ‘blunt’ and ‘ho’s’ without a stutter…
Yeah, the parents are pieces of shit. That’s why the kids at my wife’s school are so affectionate. They are craving attention they are not getting at home, at all.
Some of the parents are good, but most suck balls. I reckon it’s how they grew up and they chose to perpetuate the cycle rather than do anything to even slightly rise above, like bother to learn to read themselves.

But kids are encouraged to be civil and there is more attention being painted to bullying nowadays.

The assumption is that it is the bullied who become shooters when the bullys can be shooters as well. And how many of these mass shootings have been by people on psych meds or have been diagnosed with mental issues? Everytime there is a mass shooting mental health in America is brought up.

Weeeell, language development is a bit more complicated than that. It can be harder to learn a new language when you are older and between 0-5 is the prime time for language development, but if you do not have an arsenal of words in your trough you can learn a primary language pretty well for a long time after childhood.
It’s almost like there has to be a certain level of language development before the brain slows in its ability to pick up language. So even ghetto people can learn to read, write and speak intelligibly if they want to well into adulthood.

It’s actually not that ignorant. Bullying can have catastrophic consequences to the recipient. It’s damage that never goes away no matter how old you get. And their is a difference between real bullying and the watered down PC version of bullying. Nobody is, for instance, bullied by microaggressions. Bullying is a sustained attack against a target individual usually by a group of kids over time.
The real victims of bullying can and do sometimes snap and when they do, watch out… Not all of them do. Some manage to just take it year in and year out, hoping the people will just stop.

Bullying is not merely being mean. Anyone can be mean to another any given day and that’s not bullying. Bullying is sustained, it’s by a group and the target can do nothing about it. Anything they say or do makes it worse. And if they do nothing, it get’s worse anyway.

People in corners are dangerous people. Usually, these kids are harmless but when they choose to act finally, if they do, they are looking to put an end to the bullying once and for all, consequences be damned.
Ignore the problem of bullying at your own peril.

This is a good thing. Reducing bullying is a good thing. But we have to define it correctly. It’s not an unkind word or unintentional offence. Bullying is a deliberate, sustained action ravaged by group-think and it can be unimaginably cruel. The wounds of it last a life time. Anybody who says they are over it are lying or ‘pink-clouding’.
It’s often both verbal and physical and everybody, regardless of whether or not they are part of it, knows who the bullies are and who their target is. And even teachers and admin do not want to get involved either because they are worried they will make it worse, or they just don’t feel like trying to untangle the mess. And it’s a mess.

Not by me. It’s just a piece of the puzzle.

A lot. Your point? What does that have to do with me posting some crazy lady saying we shouldn’t be telling kids to be nicer to each other because it’s victim blaming?

Did you mean to respond to me? I agree with everything you said.

Yes. I was just addressing the one part of your post.