Guantanomo a Torture Camp

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:

Because Americans, like everyone else in history, have always committed atrocities in war.

American atrocities are typically much milder than our enemies.

We often prosecute those that commit atrocities.

The focus on the low grade atrocities in this war has been politically motivated bullshit.

We have to continually point out that in spite of our problems we are still far more humane than our enemies because many in the media and many of the leftist posters on this board tend to ignore this.[/quote]

The difference is, this time, the atrocities are coming from the top down. American soldiers murdered prisoners in previous wars, that happens to all armies, like you said.

But this is different, it’s not just isolated incidents, it’s a decision to make torture an accepted part of U.S. policy. Bush didn’t kill detainees at Abu Ghraib, but the abrogation of the Geneva Convention, and the decision to blur the line on torture, led directly to probably the majority of atrocities we’ve seen.

And no one disputes that Islamists treat Americans they’ve captured worse than we treat our prisoners. That’s obvious. The most deluded Michael Moore disciple wouldn’t argue otherwise. That is not the point.

Here here, shut it down shut it down !!!
Stop ther bull shit double standards and make them live up to the UN’s Laws.
who the hell do they think they are ?

What we are doing in Gitmo is un-American. I don’t recognize the America where people say torturing prisoners is okay.

Nobody was bothered by this comment, comparing America to communist China or the Soviet Union? Is that all you want America to be?

Let me ask you, how bad would your life have to get, before you would try to starve yourself to death?

If the guys locked up in Gitmo are so bad, then it should be easy to prove. Instead, they are being kept in limbo. And hooding prisoners and so-called stress positions are a form of psychological torture.

Gitmo is a legal black hole. There’s a reason it’s not on American soil… because what we are doing there is illegal and undefendable. It’s a disgrace to America and it should be shut down.