Grow! Bars Update

There they are!

Just order a couple of boxes. These should be great to keep in my desk at work.

Finally! And peanut butter too! Great choice!

Damn you Trev. Next Carnivor Carnival we have I’mana out-eat your Trembolone ASSeteate. As for the old post, are you referring to the classic “MBE v. Shuggsy” battle? Epic.

MBE: “Gimme a break, Gimme a break, Break me off a piece a that fuckin’ GROW Bar. Since 2002.”


I eat a bar for breakfast so I’m glad to hear about the lemon and blueberry flavors. Choc and PB just don’t go down right at 6AM for me!

I wonder if they’ve thought about adding Omega 3 to the grow! bars? Anyway, I’m psyched.