Grip Gives Out Before Back on DL

[quote]maraudermeat wrote:
blazindave wrote:
Does grip width matter?

on grip strength? a wide grip makes for a longer ROM which isn’t a good thing for lifting maximum weight. I like to have my arms as perpendicular to the ground as possible. this also takes stress off the shoulders.


On what you get out of it for your back.

Snatch grip deads are challenging on grip due to the angle at which the hands grip the bar. However, it (grip) will limit the gains you can get for your back from that exercise. I’m not shy about using straps on the heavy sets for stuff like that.

Could try kroc/ dumbell rows as recommended here

I’m surprised no one has mentioned using the hook grip. I’ve been trying it out for a while now and it is very effective. It hurts like the dickens at first, but many top Olympic lifters and powerlifters use it. Taping the thumb helps quite a bit in reducing the pain. I do Sheiko and was able today to do all my sets for Deadlift (to the knees and standard) with a hook grip. It really does make a difference, so give it a fair shot.

Here’s training footage of Russian Strongman Mikhail Koklyaev deadlifting 859 pounds for three reps with a hook grip.

Well I lightened the weight to 275 and I really feel that I’m finally deading heavy (relatively) and with the correct form for the first time. Its kind of an ego hit because I’m still hovering around 240 but Rome wasn’t built in a day

Thanks to all