Gotta Make a Proper Diet

I agree.

Do. Or do 2500 on training days and 2000 on non-training days.

My opinion is just my opinion.

My opinion is no. Some people manage to put on muscle mass without carbs. It’s usually easiest to do with carbs. What you do in the gym will also matter, and you’ve written nothing about that.

Your ideal carbohydrate intake will depend on a lot of things. Activity level. Body composition. How anal you are comfortable being. Find something that works okay, and then make minor adjustments from there.

I’ll quote someone I respect that said it better than me,

I don’t want to critique your plan too much. I want you to think on your own. Here are some questions to guide you,

  • Meal 2 looks a bit light in protein, could you “borrow” from somewhere else?
  • Do you feel you’ll have had adequate time to digest your pre-workout meal as to not cause you discomfort or detract from your training session?
  • Do you like brown rice? Or do you prefer white rice?
  • Could you include any additional carb sources as to not have three servings of bread each day? You don’t have to restrict breakfast to “breakfast foods”. It’s fine to have rice and meat for breakfast.
  • Are salmon and chicken comparable protein sources? How, if at all, do they differ from each other? If you, in a pre-workout meal are going for carbs+protein with a little fat (10-15g), which of the pair is the most appropriate?*


Why? This will remove fats from your diet, and remove carbs from your diet. Are you moving that nutrient intake to another time during the day?

Vegetable intake could possibly be higher and more spread out.

* Someone might call me out on this, so I’ll acknowledge, either can work as a pre-workout source, but which of the pair is the most suitable depends on the workout. But it’s too advanced for the poster to care, I agree. Just trying to encourage critical thinking.