GOP Platform: A Better Way

Isn’t this the same as the “retweet” excuse? Not the same as a tweet, right?

I’m with tedro mostly on this one, but I agree the voters who pushed for Trump above everyone else the GoP had to offer are also very much to blame. The party elite were too slow, too shortsighted, too blinded to oppose Trump most efficiently. And when it came down to it at the end, they were too complacent as ted said, because they wanted to keep their hands at the helm of the party. Even Ryan.

Called this one last year. Just wait, it will get even worse. I’ve been seeing the memes pop up for a long time now, and it’s only just started.

Yes, I believe that you have described him. And…he’s still better than Hillary. Are you still going to help Hillary by voting for a 3rd party shmo?

I agree with your first part–nobody thought he would make the long campaign. But don’t agree with this statement.

Perhaps, but I do know human nature and when someone thinks that something was stolen from them they can get very bitter and vindictive. Just look at a few of the conservatives on this site. They feel that Trump stole something from them (a good candidate LOL). And they’re really ticked off to the point that they don’t care if Hillary gets elected and appoints two or three left wing loons to the USSC. They will throw their right to own a gun out the window just to make sure Trump doesn’t win. In my case I will always…always choose the lesser of two evils and never abandon such an important decision thus helping someone I do not want get elected.

There are many reasons I feel Trump will win not the least of these is turnout. Right now Hillary looks like a corrupt politician who narrowly escaped a Felony indictment. Something like that does not instill faith in her followers.

There are other reasons but turnout will beat her for certain.

And technically you are correct. But as we both know all that matters in politics is the appearance of wrong doing. And that would have looked really bad. No way Ted Cruz whom I supported after Rubio got out would have won the Presidency under those conditions. Kasich would also have gone down to defeat. At least that’s my read.

We will see what happens in November. But as I have said many times I will take Trump based on his Supreme Court potential picks over Hillary Clinton. If Clinton is elected we can all move to…hmm somewhere because this country is lost for generations based on her wacky Supreme Court picks.

Well…then please tell me what could have been done that would look legitimate?

No, I won’t be helping her as I won’t be voting for her. And one votes FOR a candidate. For instance you will vote FOR Trump. For Trump.

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Point out the guy leading a conspiracy peddling (birther, Bush lied people died, Cruz sr potential JFK assassin) would-be war criminal who has no business as President, over and over.

You bet I will and that will count AGAINST Hillary AGAINST Hillary.

One more reason Trump will win is that Green Party Candidate Jill stein should siphon off about 1 million votes from Hillary, maybe more if she gets some traction from the young nut jobs who followed Bernie’s bologna. Also Gary Johnson will be drawing from both candidates. But, based on his liberal social agenda he will draw far more from Hillary perhaps 65% to 70%?

In a close election this factor alone gives the election to Trump.

Yes, and you either believe that he actually believes this stuff, or you believe that he is manipulating the dumb masses.

Which is it?

I’m really getting tired of the USSC talk. Scalia’s death was devastating, but we have to get over it. The Senate needs to get together and confirm Garland now. Hillary will nominate much worse.

These Justices aren’t stupid, except for maybe RGB. Kennedy is 80. The other conservative Justices left could easily serve another 8 years if necessary. Health permitting, Kennedy is not going to resign during a Clinton administration, which means she’d be replacing Scalia and RBG. Accept the loss on Scalia. It’s over. Replacing RBG with another liberal doesn’t change anything.

I’m yet to be convinced how Hillary is worse than Trump. The challenge now is keeping Trump away from the down ticket elections. A united conservative congress with Hillary as president is survivable and gives the best chance for a Cruz presidency in 2020 and full control of congress. Trump gives us a liberal democrat that will take down the entire party as the sicophants step in stride and certainly leads to a democratic house in 2018 and a complete disaster in 2020.

The only thing going for Trump is Trump U. Option Cis an immediate impeachment and a Pence presidency. I could certainly go along with that, but given the actions of our party over the last year I have a hard time believing Trump could do anything before they disavow them. Even “shooting someone in Times Square”.

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Does it matter? It’s despicable either way and completely unbefitting of a serious candidate. Something a respectable party would have completely disavowed…

Sorry. They did neither of those things. If that were true the debt ceiling wouldn’t go up every six months without the Republicans getting anything out of it.

Specifics? Every single time Obamacare was fully funded (before or after Republicans won back the Senate). They caved on the Iran nuke deal and they fully funded Obama’s executive amnesty, luckily the courts took care of the latter.

Congress has the power of the purse. The Republicans are afraid to use the power they have been given.

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I needn’t divine his sincerity in conspiracy. Either option is disqualifying. In addition, your second theory, that he’s the lowest of the low as far as con-artists go (will use disgusting conspiracy theories against anyone in his way), basically says he will lie about anything to accomplish what he wants…

…About that list (which he isn’t bound to in any way shape or form) of Justices…

That’s what you’re voting FOR. I help neither of the two sleazebags (and that word understates that nature of their character) by not casting a vote for either. Even your ‘math’ is wrong, so to speak. If a non-vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary (basically), then a non-vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump. And a vote for both (apparently cast by voting for neither) would be a net of zero. A positive one plus a negative one. Zero.

On the other hand, a vote for Trump is to support Trump. Sorry, I have to sleep at night.


Trump put 11 names out for all of us to see. He said he would choose from that group. Each is a conservative and each would support our 2nd amendment rights. If you think for even a second that Hillary will not appoint a judge that will vote against your right to own a hand gun think again. She has said time after time she is against people purchasing and carrying hand guns.

I am voting for Trump because I do believe that he will appoint conservative justices. He has every reason to do so as he wants a second term without a primary challenge. But, he might just be lying. Hillary on the other will absolutely attack the second amendment that is certain.

If you think you can rely on Congress to not approve a left wing judge think again. The republicans may not even control Congress.

Please think about it.

Anti gun Garland would be the deciding vote against the 2nd amendment.

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Yes, that’s what Hillary has said too and you are both correct. Now who do you want to see occupy the Oval office? If you don’t care that Hillary wins and changes the USSC for generations then please vote for her or a third party nobody.

Simple right?

Then you must really despise the lying political ads that manipulate the masses right?

Senators : Lee, Cruz, Sasse, Paul, Scott, Cotton

House: Brat, Gohmert, Meadows, Gowdy. There a bunch I can’t think of off the top of my head.

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