Good Yoga DVD?

I was thinking of doing some yoga to go along with my GPP on “off” days. Anybody know any good yoga dvds?

i would highly suggest just going to a class, as the instructor will be able to correct your form. It’s also much better to do in a class setting regardless, you will not be distracted by phonecalls, the mailman…etc.

good luck, yoga is an excellent choice for anyone training their body and mind. Do it for a while and you will notice results in your sense of well-being, concentration, clarity and one hell of a body inside and out.


Oh I forgot to mention don’t ever try to do it on leg day. lol

I second going to a few classes first to get help with breath and form. I use a lot of Baron Baptiste and Bryan Kest DVD’s. They’re both power yoga, lots of isometrics as well as stretching.