Good Careers to Be In Now

[quote]Loose Tool wrote:
Yesterday, the WSJ did an article on the top 200 jobs. The jobs are rated on five Core Criteria: Environment, Income, Outlook, Stress and Physical Demands. The top two jobs are mathematician and actuary (high pay, low stress). The worst: logger (low pay, high risk).

This is the ranking that was the source of the article:[/quote]

Good article. One thing that I will point out is that, for some (like myself), core criteria would be income, income, income, income.

If your core criteria are environment, outlook, stress, and physical demand, income will be much lower in general.

If you have a graduate degree in Hydrology you’re a fuckin G. Geographic Information Systems is HYOOGE right now and getting bigger. Environmental Science jobs are growing like wildfire as well. I’m just speaking from the natural resource management side of things, which is the side I know.




[quote]Sloth wrote:
Bishop is a good gig.[/quote]

If pursued with the wrong intentions, the long-term retirement plan is rather unfavorable.

A lottery winner.

Military. But if you do in try to go to Special Forces, more pay, more fun, play with the cool new toys and less bullyshit. I’m trying to get in now but I gotta get a waiver because I’m anemic…