God and Coincidences

[quote]pookie wrote:
Lorisco wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
Lorisco wrote:
FightinIrish26 wrote:
MrChill wrote:

Intriguing coincidence. What are your stories?

My story?

Well, once upon a time, I found this really cool weightlifting site that I learned a lot from. It even had a politics section so I could talk politics with people from all over the country!

Then, on the same day that it rained really hard and puppies got struck by lightening in 15 different states, it got overrun with religious zealots who refused to stop posting threads about fucking Jesus.

Now, puppies are dead, it’s still raining in Jersey, and there’s fifteen fucking threads up that all whine about the same Goddamn (Yea, I said it) thing. My conclusion?


Dude, you need to up your Prozac dosage!

Fuck that. I haven’t started drinking yet that’s why.

Either way, get a sense of humor dick.

That’s just sad and pathetic Bro.

Sounds like you have never had a sexual experience so good that you just knew there had to be a God. Find a good woman and maybe you will change your mind.

That gives new meaning to the saying “God came to me.”[/quote]

True enough, some things are just so good they could not have just evolved by themselves. Remember, shit just happens, but for good things to happen it takes effort of someone’s part.

My life is chock full of coincidences. Every day almost, someone mentions something that a completely unrelated person mentioned just recently. Or a song comes on my media player and someone I’m talking to on AIM mentions the artist randomly.

I don’t call it God, I just call it Big Brother’s watching me and telling my friends what I’m doing to freak me out. Po-tay-to po-tah-to, eh?

So how do you rationally connect this to god in anyway?

you can’t.