Global Warming = Anti-Testosterone?

Here is a link to an entertaining article about Global Warming and it’s move toward “Metrosexuals”. As with all Global Warming discussions, this article can be regarded as politically charged. However, it is an entertaining read. Enjoy.


If you choose not to click on the link, the article is pasted below for your reading pleasure:

The latest point of emphasis in the global warming movement is that cattle farming endangers the planet by producing too much methane. So now, steaks and hamburgers are classified as instruments of destruction, along with large vehicles, lawn mowers, and charcoal grills. It can’t be much longer before cowboy movies, cigars and hockey are held to be enemies of the earth as well.

This has got to be the most blatant assault on guyhood since ABC moved Coach to the same night as Roseanne, and turned Hayden Fox into Phil Donahue. It’s a wonder that liberals don’t cut to the chase, by simply claiming that global warming is caused by testosterone. Then, they could make public school nurses siphon the offending fluid from the boys during health class.

Many environmentalists believe that the earth is a living organism, personified by the Greek goddess Gaia. Conveniently, it turns out that Gaia is a shrew, who demands that her men be reduced to henpecked, metrosexual noodles. Manliness makes Gaia angry, and we wouldn’t like her when she’s angry, because she’ll turn into a green monster and start smashing everything to bits. Hell hath no fury like an earth goddess exposed to excessive cattle-produced methane emissions.

Wouldn’t it be more plausible if a few items like styling gel, latte makers and tofu were said to destroy the planet as well? Perhaps, but that would not serve the purpose of expanding the base of the global warming movement. Since no liberal cause can produce much support on its own, any one of them must ally itself with all other liberal causes, so that they can pool their resources.

That’s why it’s almost impossible to distinguish the original purpose of a left-wing political rally. What starts out being an ‘anti-war’ demonstration will invariably become an convention of environmentalists, gun control advocates, pro-abortionists, animal rights activists, racial Balkanists, and outright Communists, because that’s the only way to prevent the size of the crowd from being laughably small. Therefore, environmental alarmists must incorporate other causes within their own, in order to keep their core of support relatively large and energized. Clearly, they’ve determined their alliance with the feminists to be vital to these ends.

It’s not coincidental that the icon of the global warming movement is former vice president Al Gore, who, during the 2000 presidential campaign, sought advice from feminist author Naomi Wolf on how to become an “Alpha Male.” Needless to say, she did not suggest that he scarf down a steak sandwich while sitting behind the wheel of a riding mower. Instead, her solution was to dress him in earth tones, as if obsessing over his wardrobe was any way to attain guydom. Never is it manly to ask, “does this make my butt look big,” even if you want the answer to be yes.

For Wolf to tell Gore that he’d become an “Alpha Male” just by wearing the right clothing is a little like a mother patronizing her young child. She probably got the idea when Gore put a bucket over his head and said, “Look, Ms. Wolf, I’m an astronaut,” and she replied, “Yes, of course you are, dear.”

Images of global destruction being more powerful than images of normalcy and stability, Gore and friends are bound to win the competition for people’s emotions. Hence, they are now deterring any analysis of the issue, by calling skeptics “global warming deniers,” a not very subtle comparison to neo-Nazis. If we succumb to this intimidation like a bunch of namby-pamby rice cake eaters, the debate will be lost for good.

Thus, the global warming movement seeks to repress guyhood in order to perpetuate itself. If a guy is shown a picture of a sad-looking polar bear adrift on an ice floe, his first thought will be something like, “I’ve heard that bear steaks are tough, but maybe if you marinated them in beer, they’d turn out all right.” At that point, the alarmists’ emotional ploy is foiled. In a world without guy stuff, however, his vacant mind may be invaded by irrationalities like, “Who will take care of the
polar bears’ children?”

In this chicken-and-the-egg scenario, the success of the global warming movement is both the cause and effect of our society’s emasculation. It would have never gotten this far if the “Nineties Man” hadn’t paved the way. When “I feel your pain” became a successful presidential campaign slogan, we should have known that charcoal-grilled steaks would soon be on the endangered list.

“Global Warming - Anti-Testosterone?”

‘Let there be light’
And there was light; and internet too.

Al Gore says ‘Yes’.

It’s hilarious because it’s true.

[quote]Cunnivore wrote:
That’s why it’s almost impossible to distinguish the original purpose of a left-wing political rally. What starts out being an ‘anti-war’ demonstration will invariably become an convention of environmentalists, gun control advocates, pro-abortionists, animal rights activists, racial Balkanists, and outright Communists, because that’s the only way to prevent the size of the crowd from being laughably small.

It’s hilarious because it’s true.[/quote]

Have you seen the freak show of the latest protest?

What a bunch of losers.

I guess that settles it. A person cannot be pro-gun-control, abortion, communism, animal rights, or racial segregation and also be concerned about environmental issues.

I do get what he’s saying, albeit exaggerated by several orders of magnitude. Years ago I attended rallies against Canada’s participation in Iraq II. After several weeks, the speakers started to sound a little “funny”…

The theme went from:

“We are against this war because there are no grounds under international law. Without it, we are morally bound from going to war.”


“We are against not only this corporatist, neo-fascist, imperialist, racist war, but against all wars, as war is never the answer – war is always wrong.”

…and that’s when I stopped going to rallies.

– ElbowStrike

Real men build civilizations. They certainly don’t destroy their own countries. That this lesson is missed by so many of you tells me how little you understand about what it means to be a man.

[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
Real men build civilizations. They certainly don’t destroy their own countries. That this lesson is missed by so many of you tells me how little you understand about what it means to be a man.[/quote]

Hear! Hear!

[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
Real men build civilizations. They certainly don’t destroy their own countries. That this lesson is missed by so many of you tells me how little you understand about what it means to be a man.[/quote]

Great post.

[quote]ElbowStrike wrote:
What starts out being an ‘anti-war’ demonstration will invariably become an convention of environmentalists, gun control advocates, pro-abortionists, animal rights activists, racial Balkanists, and outright Communists

I guess that settles it. A person cannot be pro-gun-control, abortion, communism, animal rights, or racial segregation and also be concerned about environmental issues.

I do get what he’s saying, albeit exaggerated by several orders of magnitude. Years ago I attended rallies against Canada’s participation in Iraq II. After several weeks, the speakers started to sound a little “funny”…

The theme went from:

“We are against this war because there are no grounds under international law. Without it, we are morally bound from going to war.”


“We are against not only this corporatist, neo-fascist, imperialist, racist war, but against all wars, as war is never the answer – war is always wrong.”

…and that’s when I stopped going to rallies.

– ElbowStrike[/quote]

I feel very much this way about GW articles that I read.

What starts out as;

“Gravimetric satellite data indicates a sea level rise of .003 mm/yr.”

turns to:

“The melting of the entire Greenland Ice Sheet is theoretically possible with as little as one degree of warming.”

then explodes to:

“The melting of the Arctic and Greenland Ice Sheets will raise sea-levels 20 ft.”

What started out as actual data and short-term evidence turned into scifi anti-ice-IX pontification (with it’s own several orders of magnitude exaggeration).

I’m all for living a Spartan lifestyle, I just don’t want any government cramming it down anyone’s throats.

This is a timely post for me.

Only a couple of weeks ago, my brother, (whom i used to respect), made similar point in an email to me, additionally saying that scientists have made up the idea of global warming for personal gain.

I went to school in science, (even tho I don’t do it anymore). I guess my brother thought I would shrug it off, like i have sometimes in the past.

What he didn’t think about, i guess was that we are having our first child soon. That my son will have to grow up in the world we leave behind. That my son may listen to taunts of others saying he is unmanly, like his father.

When I thought about this, everything started to turn red. I sent him an email
back, (cc’ing the rest of my family), saying that we will throw down within a
year (he lives on the other side of the country). And that if he backs down he will be a coward for the rest of his life.
My brother is 8 years younger than me (i’m 39) and 3 inches taller. But before you place your bets, i should mention that my brother has not spent a lot of time keeping in shape.

The rest of the family is worked up now, saying this is not the right way to handle it. My response to that is, tough shit.

[quote]Dutchmo wrote:
This is a timely post for me.

Only a couple of weeks ago, my brother, (whom i used to respect), made similar point in an email to me, additionally saying that scientists have made up the idea of global warming for personal gain.

I went to school in science, (even tho I don’t do it anymore). I guess my brother thought I would shrug it off, like i have sometimes in the past.

What he didn’t think about, i guess was that we are having our first child soon. That my son will have to grow up in the world we leave behind. That my son may listen to taunts of others saying he is unmanly, like his father.

When I thought about this, everything started to turn red. I sent him an email
back, (cc’ing the rest of my family), saying that we will throw down within a
year (he lives on the other side of the country). And that if he backs down he will be a coward for the rest of his life.
My brother is 8 years younger than me (i’m 39) and 3 inches taller. But before you place your bets, i should mention that my brother has not spent a lot of time keeping in shape.

The rest of the family is worked up now, saying this is not the right way to handle it. My response to that is, tough shit.[/quote]

So you no longer respect your own brother and wish to fight him because he sent you an email dissing global warming? You’re basically throwing away your own brother to defend GLOBAL WARMING?

The rest of your family is absolutely right.

[quote]Dutchmo wrote:
This is a timely post for me.

Only a couple of weeks ago, my brother, (whom i used to respect), made similar point in an email to me, additionally saying that scientists have made up the idea of global warming for personal gain.

I went to school in science, (even tho I don’t do it anymore). I guess my brother thought I would shrug it off, like i have sometimes in the past.

What he didn’t think about, i guess was that we are having our first child soon. That my son will have to grow up in the world we leave behind. That my son may listen to taunts of others saying he is unmanly, like his father.

When I thought about this, everything started to turn red. I sent him an email
back, (cc’ing the rest of my family), saying that we will throw down within a
year (he lives on the other side of the country). And that if he backs down he will be a coward for the rest of his life.
My brother is 8 years younger than me (i’m 39) and 3 inches taller. But before you place your bets, i should mention that my brother has not spent a lot of time keeping in shape.

The rest of the family is worked up now, saying this is not the right way to handle it. My response to that is, tough shit.[/quote]

Why would you give your brother grief over this nonsense.

As for scientist made it up, their are plenty who dispute global warming is caused by man, some don’t think it is happening, and others think it might be a normal climatic cycle.

It’s stupid to threaten family members over something like this. Personally, I think it’s a load of crap. I remember Paul Erhlich’s ( the author of The Population Bomb) loony predictions that didn’t happen. I would say you owe your family an apology at the least.

No one calls people on their wrong predictions, it seems most are willing to believe in the end of the world.

I would say also to any liberals, progressives, etc. –

WTF is wrong with you?

This thread is basically saying that if you support the future of the planet
in any way, shape, or form, you are less of a man.

If you don’t respond to this type of crap, then maybe its true.

thats all i have to say

[quote]Dutchmo wrote:
I would say also to any liberals, progressives, etc. –

WTF is wrong with you?

This thread is basically saying that if you support the future of the planet
in any way, shape, or form, you are less of a man.

If you don’t respond to this type of crap, then maybe its true.

thats all i have to say

The earth will be fine with or without your “support” and whether you fight your brother or not.

Here I was defining masculinity as the will stand up when called upon to act. Be it civically, militarily, as a son, as a husband, as a dad. Now I know to define masculinity as driving the biggest, most gas guzzling SUV possible (overcompensation?) and making light of the destruction of habitat of wild animals. Oh yeah and grilling steaks. Can?t forget grilling steaks. If this is what defines masculinity then I must be a huge pussy. Even though I served my country proudly, try to live my life well and will stand up anyone or anything I care for I am just not man enough because I have a concern that I might not be leaving this planet a better place for those that come after me.

I know the writer was taking a stab at being humorous but the part that kills me is that he is probably your typical soft, Middle American male whose idea of hardship is having to wait 10 minutes in the fast food drive through at Wendy?s. I find that a lot of people who think like he does have had to sacrifice far to little in their lives to ever realize what true strength or masculinity is so they make up for it by dressing themselves up in the garnishments of what it means to be a man. IMHO true masculinity isn?t loud and ostentatious. True masculinity speaks softly and carries a big stick. But the men in my family have always been stoics so I guess that influences my opinion.

[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
Real men build civilizations. They certainly don’t destroy their own countries. That this lesson is missed by so many of you tells me how little you understand about what it means to be a man.[/quote]

Thank you.

And this is one of the reason why I’ve become a flaming, diehard, dyed-in-the-wool Independent. Screw both parties.

Alpha males don’t mow their own lawns; they have others do it for them. George Bush, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Oprah, when they speak the world listens. Those are the real Alphas rather than the SUV driving, steak eating, pussy whipped middle American males.

[quote]tom63 wrote:
Dutchmo wrote:
This is a timely post for me.

Only a couple of weeks ago, my brother, (whom i used to respect), made similar point in an email to me, additionally saying that scientists have made up the idea of global warming for personal gain.

I went to school in science, (even tho I don’t do it anymore). I guess my brother thought I would shrug it off, like i have sometimes in the past.

What he didn’t think about, i guess was that we are having our first child soon. That my son will have to grow up in the world we leave behind. That my son may listen to taunts of others saying he is unmanly, like his father.

When I thought about this, everything started to turn red. I sent him an email
back, (cc’ing the rest of my family), saying that we will throw down within a
year (he lives on the other side of the country). And that if he backs down he will be a coward for the rest of his life.
My brother is 8 years younger than me (i’m 39) and 3 inches taller. But before you place your bets, i should mention that my brother has not spent a lot of time keeping in shape.

The rest of the family is worked up now, saying this is not the right way to handle it. My response to that is, tough shit.

Why would you give your brother grief over this nonsense.

As for scientist made it up, their are plenty who dispute global warming is caused by man, some don’t think it is happening, and others think it might be a normal climatic cycle.

It’s stupid to threaten family members over something like this. Personally, I think it’s a load of crap. I remember Paul Erhlich’s ( the author of The Population Bomb) loony predictions that didn’t happen. I would say you owe your family an apology at the least.

No one calls people on their wrong predictions, it seems most are willing to believe in the end of the world.


I believe in the Normal climatic cycle situation (because its happend 8 times atleast now, just look at a timeline of co2 levels and when they drop drastically, a ice age has occoured).

We’re just helping it along, but it will still happen, although i would like to live in a place with not as much toxic gases but that’ll be impossible, we breath it out :smiley:

I don’t know if we caused it but locally the weather has been really screwed up the last few years. We shouldn’t have 70 degree days in early march.