Giving a Guy Your Phone Number Without Him Asking?

I stand by my intial assessment that this dude is not that into this.

Honestly if this guy would have taken me to a bar and started talking up his hot chick friend like I wasn’t there… I would have left him at the bar with his friend. He apparently didn’t have any insecurities about that.

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Liar. You would have choked him out with those fucking guns.

Spock should have done the same.


I noticed that If you change guns to buns it becomes like a whole different scenario.


Hahhaha! You funny! But that thought might have crossed my mind. :smiling_imp:

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Interesting research.

Sorry Spock, I understand his refusal to respond in kind to the ‘I like you’.

It’s pretty apparent that you were saying it in a way that means more than ‘I like cheese’, or ‘I like watching cartoons on a Saturday morning’. You said it with intent and I think you both knew what was meant by it.

He didn’t want to respond because he isn’t into you like that.

The problem is, he didn’t say that. His response was inadequate, actually pretty shitty, and feels like he left the door open just to keep your heart strings a little taught with the ‘what if’.

He should have said, ‘I like you, but not like that’. Or any number of things that would have provided infinitely more clarity.

Edit: Would like to point out this isn’t in defense of the guy, but if we are going to scrutinize every hand gesture and syllable we have to be consistent.


I would agree, but stop at “inadequate.” Actually, I would probably switch that to “awkward,” and then agree. I think he’s interested but not so much that he’s willing to go tumbling headlong into promises, either real or implied. I’ve been there! I’ve been the one wanting like five minutes to get my bearings when some guy I’m seeing starts pushing. I’m still pretty sympathetic to Cory because

I’ve also had guys initiate dates after I’ve decided that things have gone to shit due to my weirdness.

Three weeks now, folks. Just three weeks. I wish we could get Cory in here, let CL rough him up a little to find out what’s what. Oh! We can go good cop/bad cop!


So many replies , lol, wow , I never would have thought the little thread that could…

So after our first hang out I gave my number because we were only messaging via Facebook. He still has only contacted me through Facebook and I dont have his number because he never texted .

Can I block him on messenger without it being juvenile? On Sunday when we spoke last he ignored my last messages, and I have huge amounts of rage when I get ignored. My kids dad ignored me when I was a few weeks away from delivery and I asked if he wanted to come to the birth . Everytime I get left on read the 19 yr old pregnant me starts throwing a hissy fit …

Every time I log on I still see no messages , it’s like a daily re ignore . Can i block so i dont have to do that ? I dont think he even saved my number .

Call me a bit old fashioned but if you need a response then text/messenger/email/whatever is not the right medium to use. I will often read a message with the intent of responding but then just plain forget.

That said, nobody is going to stop you blocking people…


No, not really.

Look, maybe he is ignoring you, maybe hes just awkward and doesn’t know what to say, maybe he, stupidly, thinks always leaving you as the last one to message is ‘keeping you interested’.

Neither we nor you know why he hasn’t replied, you haven’t asked him.
why would you be blocking him? Because you Don’t want to speak to him anymore? That would be fine, send him a final message telling him your fed up with the way things are progressing from your perspective, telling him you’re blocking him, then block him. Not juvenile. Blocking him because you want to pretend you haven’t been ignored, when you know you’ll see him at work and possibly have to justify it, or because you want to get a reaction from him, well, honestly, pretty juvenile. Intent here matters.

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I’d be blocking him because I wake up in the middle of the night and am too obsessive not to check and when I see he still hasn’t replied I have a panic attack at 1am for an hour .

Nothing wrong with being juvenile, block that bastard then slash his tyres, when he goes away throw water cress seeds through his letterbox and a shit load of water. Order pizza to his filthy dwelling, put a homo ad in the local paper, wrap a shit in newspaper, set fire to it and leave it on his doorstep, knock and hide. You’ll feel way better :slight_smile:


I highly doubt he forgot to reply.

He seems hell bent on me being with a muscle dude. He said it before we did it like , I’m fat fyi, aren’t you usually with muscle guys ?

Then again on Sunday aren’t you interested in someone from the gym?

No, you idiot ! I’m interested in you . I’ve never been with a muscely guy. I have only been attracted to funny guys and none of them have looked anything alike.
That he ignores .

Lol your posts are always nuts

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I get that, and she has absolutely no obligation to keep giving the benefit of the doubt waiting for him to get his shit together. He may really be just a creep, I just thought I’d weigh in from the perspective of the socially inept. Sometimes we do things that seem manipulative when we’re really just clueless. I never thought I was owed another chance when I screwed things up, though, I just moved on and learned.

@spock81, I agree with @pinkylifting, you can block him of you feel that’s the best way for you to deal with this, but if you don’t talk to him first it will come across badly. So what, though? He’s done plenty of things that have come across badly, and it didn’t seem to phase him.

Addendum to clarify this a little bit. @spock81, I’ve talked a little bit about giving him the benefit of the doubt, but you have no obligation to do it if you’re not comfortable with it. Maybe he is insecure, and he see’s you with your 9+ body that you’ve worked so hard to build, and he maybe sees himself as a 5, and he’s convinced that nobody as hot as you could really be interested in a schlub like him, so he’s self-sabatoging. Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt and assume the best intentions, you’re looking at someone very high-maintenance, and you have to ask yourself if you have it in you to deal with someone with that fragile of an ego. And that’s assuming best intentions.


Just trying to lighten the vibe spocko, you’ll get plenty of angst and sympathy for Martyn elsewhere. I say go to war on that sucker.

Deffo got a y in there Martyn or Bryan, maybe even Ryan.

Edit: Take Ryan out of that list, I’ve decided Ryan is fine.

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Been married for a few years now, and it’s the same, “Oh shit, how am I gonna get out of this?!..oh wait.”


This is the thing to work on, though, not Cory’s behavior. I agree that you owe him absolutely nothing. I suspect I sound like I’m in his corner, a give-him-another-chance-er, but I really am not invested in him. Who knows what he’s after? I just want you to be stronger in this situation so you can make it through early dating uncertainty, both now and in future. Also, if he’s caught a whiff of the above (obsessive, panic-prone, etc) he may be forgiven for getting weird when commitment-ish stuff like “I like you, do you like me?” comes up. He obviously doesn’t know how to handle your body (intimidated) and he clearly doesn’t know how to handle the energy you’ve brought to this infatuation. One thing seems certain to me: he’s not a player, else he’d have been like “Baby, yeahhhhhh, I like you, of course I do. Now take your clothes off.” (Or at least, not a competent player.)

I really want you to come to a place where you spend the first month of a romantic thing assessing what think about him and whether he meets your needs and wants, rather than endlessly mindfucking whether he likes you or something is wrong with you.

Work on your form! You don’t get strong without getting your technique right. You don’t get strong avoiding the gym because you might have looked foolish to some critical, judgmental asshole. You don’t get strong thinking “there’s something wrong with me or I’d be strong already.”


I am still in the habit of giving her taxi fare … I have, however, begun to stop myself halfway through calling the cab…


So, he’s insecure. This is a normal condition, but can also be a deal breaker.

Because of this thread, I’ve hunted your pictures on here. You’re strong for a chick. Probably stronger than him. He assumes some, also smart and funny, but also muscle dude with a giant penis is going to take you away. So he’s keeping you at a distance to avoid being hurt.

Not sure what you can do about it. Probably nothing, which is a good thing, because I can see him being a bad influence and trying to drag you down to make you less intimidating.

To put this in perspective: I am a very good rock climber. I was born and live on a fucking mountain. I am so good that I trained Rangers and special forces and complete bad asses how to free climb, repel with packs, deal with extreme heights, etc.

My wife is a world class, highly competitive, rock climber. You can Google “hot rock climber” and a picture of her ass will show up somewhere on the first page.

I can’t keep up with her, and my reach is probably 2 feet longer than hers, and I can do 10 finger tip pull ups.

This was (is) a blow to my fragile male ego.

I got over it. I now show picture of my wife’s hot ass climbing rocks to people. It sounds like he might not be able to.