Getting Weaker?!

Put something in the slot where breakfast should be. Even if it means making something that night prior to the next morning and zapping it in the microwave. I’m not that good at getting up and eating breakfast, but I find eating something dense and of nutritional value in the mornings to be very beneficial when it comes to training. My hunger isn’t so spikey throughout the day, etc.

And maybe throw in one snack type meal. I wouldn’t freak out too much about specifics, just something you are comfortable eating, and an amount you find reasonable.

It’s called fatigue. Completely normal and accumulating it and recovering from it is how we get stronger.

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If I could do two things to get myself stronger, here’s what they would be.

  1. Eat more
  2. Sleep more

That’s it. Try them both. Gain a little weight, you have room to grow. And please get on a more sustainable program than something you’re running for 6 weeks. You’re a strong lifter, find a good coach.

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