Getting Taller

Ok, so doing a cycle when you are around 20 could possibly make you taller? Mmmmmmmkay, would MAG10 help with that???

The clinical pharmacology says that exogeneous androgens(MAG-10 has exogeneous androgens) increase linear bone growth in children (those whose linear bone growth has not yet terminated). And they are talking about administering it in the normal range. So if you have not reached your genetic potential for T production and bone closure has not yet occured, then yes, MAG-10 will make you taller.

Man, don’t fret not being tall, just keep up the training. People with small frames have been known to be huge if they now how to train. This is because they aren’t tall and lanky, allowing for the muscle mass to be more noticable and bulky. So take advantage of being a shorty. I’d rather be short and huge, than tall and lanky.

Is there any way to determine if one’s growth plates have closed yet (without a visit to the doctor)? I’m 21, and I’d buy Mag10 if there was a slight chance I could gain an inch of height.

I dont know how to tell if your bone growth has terminated. I forgot about spinal decompression. You can gain over an inch of height with it without increasing bone growth. Hang from a pull-up bar, tighten up all your muscles, then hold your breath and tension for a few seconds. Then release your breath and tension. Ideally, do it every day, several times throughout the day. I read about it in “Beyond Stretching.” It didnt say how much time to spend each time though.

Remember that episode where I wanted to get taller and I stretched from the monkey bars?
Well- it didn’t do shit.
Get over it- if there was a way to grow taller that was legitimate, it would be known by now.

I would study everything I could on the subject if GH releasers, and Immediately begin to take a SH*Tload of them every night, and focus my workouts around a slow eccentric movement

You might have luck with L-Arginine but it is picky about how its used, and doesnt seem to have consistent results, it takes work and alot of tweaking to get GH releasers to work,If you could use some ‘G’ legaly where you are, that might be good to use before sleep, there is a lot more information on GH releasers than I could include on this posting, both pro and con

As important as what to take for GH release is what not to take, because several common foods and over-the-counter medications can significantly decrease both normal and supplement-induced GH metabolism. The foremost among these is fat or fatty acids. The consumption of fat or a fatty meal within the hours before or after GH manipulation significantly decreases the release of GH. Additionally, both aspirin (and probably other NSAIDS) and antihistamines have been shown to almost completely block GH release from exogenous releasers of GH. This negative effect can be avoided by not using aspirin or antihistamines within 8 hours before or after taking your GH-related supplement. The reason these compounds inhibit GH release has to do with the fact that these compounds block endogenous substances involved in GH metabolism, including prostaglandins (aspirin) and histamine (antihistamines). This effect takes place in the brain, so non-sedating anti-histamines probably do not block GH release because they can’t cross the blood-brain barrier.

So far as I know the effect of androgens on bone growth apply only to those who are still growing anyway. I don’t think it applies to mature adults at all.

what’s the matter? having trouble picking up girls? it’s probably not your height, or build. it’s your mouth!

Oh that’s nice…I am 19 now.CAnnot buy Mag 10 but Bill says it might help if you’re still growing and not mature adult(am I a mature adult??)

AHHAHA!! I can’t wait to graduate,get a job,and start eating right,training right,supplementing right.I gave up on eating right,training right since knowing my family just cannot support me and I just have to comply.But I’ll eat “proper” foods,no need chips and stuff.

Why did I rant!!!

So Bill, M.Dirrane was right? If a young adult takes an androgen, he could gain some height, provided that his epiphyseal plates have not turned to bone yet…

Maybe. It’s the case with young girls
with Turner’s Syndrome, anyway.

I don’t know if it’s shown to occur in
cases where there isn’t a concomitant
decrease in estrogen, though, as there
may be in the case above where oxandrolone
was used. With MAG-10, estrogen levels
remain constant.

I don’t think androgens have any direct
effect on bone growth; quite possibly
the effect that has been noted is only
due to reduction in estrogen, but I’m
speaking without having looked at that

Ok, so in the case that androgens do affect linear bone growth,what would you recommend? A 6 week cycle of oxandronolone,or MAG10,a combination of those?Would adding arimidex help?Would the 2 on, 2 off approach be wasting valuable time? Yes, yes, I know you have not looked into it and would certainly NOT like to be quoted on this, but what would be an educated guess?

Just a little bump.

HEELS. Just kidding, try not to get obsessed with it, a Napolean complex will certainly follow. Get thick and your height won’t matter, believe me.