Getting Stronger But Not Bigger?

I am just wondering, why I am not filling out in my arms, like I feel I should be.

I have gone from curling 40 lb dumbells to 60 lbers since last semester, that is a significant increase.

But forearms and biceps and triceps, lack the fullness, that filled out bulging look I’ve seen in some of my bb friends.

It’s sort of driving me nuts. It’s as if my efforts are fruitless.

Go play in traffic, seriously.

Try eating.

But mostly, “Quit being a bitch focus your wallowing nervous energy into fighting for excellence.”

just look up what a good diet for what your goal is.

tailor that diet to your budget and to whatever is readily available, drop what isn’t reasonable.

make a batch food put it in containers.

vigilantly follow that diet as if you were an anorexic girl.

then lift heavy, lift often, lift heavy, lift often. run do other shit.


stop being such a marshmallow, you’re going to have to mentally force yourself into evolution, thats the problem i was having, there is no thumbs up beer drinking pothead long hair bitch who gets big and becomes an alpha, i want to prison rape the bitch in your avatar.

adopt the mentality you will need to succeed.


I think you forgot to eat.

[quote]Guerrero wrote:
I am just wondering, why I am not filling out in my arms, like I feel I should be.

I have gone from curling 40 lb dumbells to 60 lbers since last semester, that is a significant increase.

But forearms and biceps and triceps, lack the fullness, that filled out bulging look I’ve seen in some of my bb friends.

It’s sort of driving me nuts. It’s as if my efforts are fruitless.[/quote]

What exercises do you do?

[quote]DoubleSidedTape wrote:
I think you forgot to eat.[/quote]


Either that or your form’s shit. And the increases are happening because you were swinging your whole body more and mroe with each increase in weight.

try barbell rows, deadlifts, overhead pressing, etc to fill out your arms. jumping from 40 to 60 pounds on curls doesn’t realy mean much. too easy to cheat. why is this in the strength sports forum anyway

[quote]robo1 wrote:
try barbell rows, deadlifts, overhead pressing, etc to fill out your arms. jumping from 40 to 60 pounds on curls doesn’t realy mean much. too easy to cheat. why is this in the strength sports forum anyway[/quote]

Maybe he’s training for a NASA comp.

Check your diet and your lifting program. Either you’re not getting enough of the right nutrients or you’re lifting for strength. 40-60lbs isn’t really that huge a jump in several months. I highly suggest CT’s OVT for both size and strength. Eat well too (follow his nutrition regimen) and you’ll grow.

food glorious food… da-da-dada-dada


“Its the diet stupid” - Bill Clinton

oh wait…

First of your not going to build big arms overnight! Its gona take some HARD Training and not just doing dumbell curls…

Focus on your big lifts as well like deadlifts, squats and power cleans these big lifts are complex and get your body stimulated to produce more testosterone which will give you more muscle building ability in general.

THen when training your arms only hit them once a week and do various excersises like precher curls, concentration curls close grip pull ups and strait barbell curls for your bicepts! For your tricepts do some close grip bench press, skull crushers, kickbacks and dips.

And keep in mind you wont grow one ounce of muscle without a surplus of calories so as the boys alredy said EAT EAT EAT

You know, everybody basically just spit the exact same information at him…

If he’s getting stronger, he’s eating enough, but just barely. His problem lies, as has been alluded to, in his training. Probably too few reps/sets and too stagnant of a routine to trigger size gains.

its probably because your back and chest look like shit

For a second I thought I was in the rate my physique section. lawllll

Is your form relatively tight? What are your reps like?

Diet above all else needs to be looked at…

gee you guys are harsh! A lot of increases in strength come from improved nerve conduction and each nerve activating more muscle fibers, so you will always tend to get stronger before you get bigger. You have to keep forcing your body to build more muscle, which it doesn’t really want to do. this is where eating more can help, and also working the muscle hard enough to force all the fiber types to have to work. The largest fibers are the last ones to get recruited, but are the ones that can grow the most. Eat more and really push your muscles, and make sure you get enough recovery time.