Getting stoned with the Taliban

Alright Brock, my turn to add a joke. Some of you may have already heard it or a version of it. Its a little far in my opinion. Here goes: Its the year 2100 and a father and his son were in NYC. They were standing on the memorial created where the WTC once stood. The father said,“Son, can you believe that this is where the World Trade Center once stood?” The son says,“What was the World Trade Center?” The father says,“It was the symbol of our great economy and our prosperity for many years until it was destroyed when some angry arabs crashed planes into it and destroyed it.” The son says,“Daddy, what are arabs?”

Like I said its kinda bad, but I laughed at first.

me want euphoria brock!!! by the way howard stern had a great suggestion for the war a few weeks back, take all of our mass murderers, rapists, and child molestors and send them over to fight osama bin laden, you know a last ditch effort to die honorably, kind of like the dirty dozen…

Let me rephrase the question: Is it just me or do you guys ALSO like Brock more and more with each and every passing day???

I want to clarify something that is upsetting me. I do not hate all or even most Moslems,
nor do I wish to impose my religion on anyone. I dislike fundamentalist whack jobs who would
kill me for no reason other than I am an
American and/or a Jew. Yes, I do think
Judaism is “the best religion”. Well, no duh!
If I thought Islam or Christianity were better
then I would convert. Hello!!! Why is this
an issue at all? Christians think their
religion is best, right? You want to attack
me and call me a racist when Islam is not a
race! Moslems can be found of all colors and
ethnicities. Same as Jews and Christians.
Malcolm X started to learn this towards the
end of his life. Maybe some of you will
learn this now. My philosophy can be
summed up in something Rabbi Hillel A’'H
once said, “be good to one another, the
rest is just commentary”. If we could all
just respect each others religions and
customs without trying to “convince” people
different from us that they are wrong,
infidels, heretics, etc., the world would
be a better place for all of us. Maybe
when the messiah comes, this will finally
happen and the words of God’s prophet,
“Nation shall not lift up sword against
nation, nor shall they know war anymore”
will ring true everywhere. Oddly enough,
sometimes I am the gabbai at my synagogue
when the guy who usually does this is out of
town. After I call the kohen for the
first aliyah (V’yazor v’yagen, v’yosheyah
l’chal hachosim-bo v’nomar amen. Hakol havo
godel lelohenu, utnu chavod latorah, kohen
k’rav, Ya’amod, beyn
<insert father’s name here> hakohen, baruch
shenatan torah y’israel bikdushato) there is
this cool line the congregation replies with
that reads, “v’atem hadveykim b’Adonai
elohechem chaiyim kulchem hayom” which
in English means, you who cling to the Lord
your God have been sustained to this day
We have all been sustained to this day,
Jew, Christian, and Muslim. And we all cling
to the same God. Pity we can’t see this some
times. Brock

My joke funniest of all ok ready …Death to all fanatics. Respect life or I will fucking kill you. These are jokes but idiots do use them as a battle cry.

Reading this forum, it is no wonder that religion is the leading cause of death by murder worldwide. In the US, it(organized religion) is a colossal money making machine that takes in millions of dollars and pays no taxes. I don’t believe in any of it and get along with people of all faiths–and of course, have less hate than many religious diehards. I’m sorry if I offended anyone by my extremely vicious comments! Especially the getting along with people of all faiths–that was totally uncalled for–sorry.

Wait, religion makes money? I’m wasting my on-line ministerhood.

brock you DID say you that you hate arabs, maybe you don’t remember but you did also say that if that makes you a racist then you are a racist. your coments about muslims being of diff races is just dumb, I am sure everyone would use the general “racist” term to describe someone that hates based on religion (but you DID say you hate arabs). “get out of the stone age” why should someone? if your book is correct then are you not moveing further away from god by NOT doing what it says? how is someones lack of practiceing what their book says a good thing (provided the book is correct, which you believe yourse is)? if, for example, a catholic REALLY believes that the bible IS the word of god then would that catholic not be wrong for NOT stoneing their son for being dissobedient (if their book is correct)? if the books are right then they are right, are they not?

Actually hetyey, no a Catholic is not wrong for not stoning their son. With all due respect, it seems from your posts that you have read some scripture and have done your own interpretation of various faiths based on it. By saying you know what a Catholic should do in a certain circumstance, you’re saying you know better than centuries of theology that comes from men who have sacrificed their entire lives to the learning and teaching of moral doctrine which is based on scripture AND tradition (forget that part?). The same is true when you attack Jewish theology, etc.

Don't misunderstand me, I do not mean this as an insult, but you (and most of us) need to be WAY more humble. A lot of things do not make sense immediately (at least in Catholicism), but when you really take the time and put the effort in to study and learn and know the teachings, and why we have those teachings, then you get a clear picture. There are over 100,000 Christian denominations which are supposedly based on one book, how do you think we've come to such a sadly rediculous point? Because scripture is DAMN difficult, deep stuff. My understanding, your understanding, most people's understanding (if left to themself) would be highly prone to error. As an analogy, imgine if you never even saw a weight before in your life. Then you decide to try it, so you read an Ian King article that has no pictures, no explanations, just the exercise with sets, reps, tut, etc. You'd be screwed. Now imagine he wrote it a couple thousand years ago and used an old language? Screwed.

I strongly encourage anyone who wants to read scripture to do so. I would also encourage you to do so in a Catholic study group (that's orthodox), or least get to know a priest that has some expertise in the field. Be humble and patient, and things will be much clearer.


with all do respecy I have read the bible (from cover to cover), I respect you because of the way you made your point but I have to dissagree, if someone REALLY believes that the bible IS the word of god then what is the excuse for dissrergarding it? really what is the excuse? if god says you should have slaves, you should rape women, you should kill your son, you should kill blassphemers, you should kill homosexuals, etc… then what is the reason that you should NOT? now brock will NOT respond to what I said 'cause he KNOWS he IS a racist and knows better then responding (can you tell I am trying to piss him off enough to respond, but he won’t). my point about religion from the begining was just that NO religion is better then the next, we (if you “believe” in that religion) may “think” ours is better but is it not just the “luck of the draw”? I have been told that religion is based on the mothers religion, well are these people telling me that the people that are lucky enough to be born into the “right” religion are going to heaven but the people that are not that “lucky” do not? people think it is OK to hate people based on their religion and I just do not think that is right. do I think the muslim religion is right? NO, again NO,NO,NO!!! I have a prob. with any religion/group that thinks it is OK to persecute women. but my other prob. is with people that think “their” religion is soooooooooooooooo different (because if you read the books they are NOT). anyway I do respect you and please do not take anything I said personally, I am just voiceing my opinion. peace (I wish I had the faith you do)

Let me first say that I can’t respond for Brock or any other faith than Roman Catholic, that’s what I know and where I’m coming from.

Now you said that the Bible says things like you should kill homosexuals, blasphemers, etc… Well, It also says “Thou shalt not kill.” Period. Christ said if someone strikes you to give him the other cheek as well. There are all sorts of passages in one part of scripture that clearly seem to contradict other passages. So as a Catholic I must have multiple personality disorder? Other exmples I can think of off the top of my head: The NT makes a statement about Jesus and His brothers and sisters, so why do Catholics believe in Mary’s perpetual virginity? It also says God created the world in six days and the world is only about 6000 years old. The Church doesn’t require us to believe that and as a scientist I believe the overwhelming body of evidence suggests that that is not the case. There are answers to the above questions and yours as well. The question as to the inconsistency of some of the Mosaic laws and NT law is a complicated one and the answer is not a simple one. I have asked this same question and have had it answered, but I doubt that I could completely and accurately answer it for you. All I can suggest is to talk to an expert in the field, not a bunch of guys who lift (myself included).

As far as your other comments, first I’ll refer you to my other post under the “interfaith relationships” thread. That tells you what the Church teachs about other religions. We DO NOT believe that everyone that isn’t
Catholic goes to hell, that is a misconception. Again, I believe with all that I am that the fullness of truth is in the Catholic Church, but that doesn’t make me righteous and others not, no way.

As a final word, I commend you on your studying of scripture, it’s a serious and difficult thing, and it suggests to me that you take this very seriously and have done a lot of work. Don’t be so quick to your conclusions and keep learning, you’ll not regret it.

God Bless


I agree with hetyey225.Although he is very intelligent he has made some racist comments.And he subscribes to a racist doctrine.Of course he will deny it is.Like hetyey225 has said,all religions are hatefilled.People,read the holy books of all the major religions for Gods sake!There is no argument in this.Yeah,like all religions are just about everyone getting along,holding hands and accepting of each others differences.Yeah,right!
This is what Brock actually said:“I hate all things Palestinian and most things Arab. I make no apologies for this. And if that makes me a “racist” I am guilty as charged. But seeing the Palestinians eating candy and celebrating this horrible evil has forever changed me today. I know longer view them as human, but as simians, as apes or monkeys. Because nothing human could find joy in this horrific day of evil.”
Yes he made these comments because of some palestinians rejoicing but I get the feeling he had some of these feelings even before september 11th.And he didn’t just single out the rejoicers but most things arab.

you’re treating the OT and NT too literally. for one, these books were not written by God. they were written by humans so there will be some human error. translations aren’t 100% correct so you lose some interpreatation there. second, they were written in the context of their time, not knowing the future so issues like “stoning”, which are mostly nonexistent in society today are irrevelvant. there are TONS of things that are not relevant today since they were written in CONTEXT. third, you’re view of the OT and NT is legalistic and this is a no-win situation. it’s not possible to obey every command given in the OT and NT. i suggest you don’t treat the bible too literally if you want to feel satisfied if you are religious. if you’re not religious, then i suggest you realize that these books were written in context and many issues don’t apply now.