Getting Started Deadlifting

I’ve been working out for a few months and have been wanting to start deadlifting, I don’t know what the correct technique is though and I have heard that one can severely injure the back if they are not done correctly. I was just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction as to where I could go to read about how to deadlift or if you could just post some pointers in here. Any help is appreciated.

Yup. If anything can be emphasized more, it is don’t bend the lower back, keep the natural lumbar curve inward.

  1. start light; I’m not sure what weight that will be for you - I would like to think that 135 is doable, that would would also give you the correct bar height

  2. grip bar about shoulder width apart (assuming you are pulling conventional), feet slightly narrower (ensure that the bar is up against your shins - the closer it is to your body on the way up, the less force on your lower back)

  3. just like forevernade mentioned, keep the lower back curved inward; sticking your butt out may assist in this

  4. neck in neutral position, but pick a highish spot on the wall to focus on the entire time

  5. shoulders should be higher then your hips

  6. stand up, using leg drive

and I may have missed a step

Thanks for your help everyone. According to that article I should not used a mixed grip unless I am maxing out, which grip should I use then, overhand or underhand?

double overhand

but I also disagree that you should ONLY use a mixed grip when maxing - how will you become proficient at it? there is a difference between dh and mixed

what do you use? watch videos of the men deadlifting 700+ lbs

[quote]TheDudeAbides wrote:
double overhand

but I also disagree that you should ONLY use a mixed grip when maxing - how will you become proficient at it? there is a difference between dh and mixed

what do you use? watch videos of the men deadlifting 700+ lbs[/quote]

you do however need to switch the mix grip up so you don’t develop an imbalence.

Unless you’re pretty old and really inactive, you probably won’t be able to “seriously hurt yourself” until you’re moving some decent weights.

dude start them asap. your gains will rocket when you do!!

thanks for all your help guys, i’m starting them in two days

for me when deadlifting by far the most important thing is to keep my neck above neutral and focus my eyes forward throughout the entire movement, every fiber of your body wants you to curve your lower back and go forward, where your eyes go is where your body will go