Getting Ripped Support Group Version 3.0

Have a few cookies with your beer once a week; I agree it’s a better approach than “one a day.”

I see what you’re saying. What I’m going to do is drop the “cookie a day” this week - I know I drop that, and boom I’ll get leaner.

Besides, fresh baked cookies don't go well with beer - maybe Animal Crackers, Graham Crackers or a nice big juicy steak ;-)

I did what Joel M. had mentioned before in another thread about how to use the fat calipers. Pinching the skin starting at 3” finger width, pulling it away from the body, and pinching the calipers fairly hard, close to the fingers…(without causing pain)… in lieu of pinching the calipers until it “clicks”…(I got the cheaper pair)… when doing that my body fat measurements dropped from 16.5% to 14.3%, which is pretty significant. Pinching this way, I can take off a few more MM’s… does this seem right ??

Has anyone tried using T2 pro? If so have you seen any good results from it, or is MD6 just as good?

you can and probably should take T2 pro with MD6. reading the ads for both, you can gather that it’s the way to do it… i started a thread awhile back to see if anyone found any benifit to taking T2 with T2 pro with no responses… so i’m doing that now anyway to see what can happen. 3 each a day. trying that for a week.

Levi- The aren’t really comparable; they work using very different mechanisms. You can stack them too. See the Supplement Round-up article at T-mag for info.

Getting ready to do my first round of interval sprint cardio tomorrow morning…although I’m not too happy about getting up any earlier, I know it will be worth it. Do you guys normally get a good stretch in before you begin, or do you just jog for a few minutes to warm up? I am doing one of the sprint workouts from Joel Marion’s page (the 15 minute one), so jogging for 4 mins is included in the beginning anyway.

Calipers are designed to measure at a certain pressure. Spring loaded calipers have this tension built in and you hold them on the skinfold for a set period of time.

It sounds like you are using the Accu-Measure calipers or something like that (the ones that click). It sounds like your are pinching the fold correctly, but you are squeezing the calipers too hard. I can knock off a few millimeters on my Accu-Measure calipers if I squeeze past the click, but that measurement is not correct. It is correct where I hear the click.

Place the calipers near your fingers and squeeze slowly in the middle of the fold (halfway between base and crest) until you hear the click. That is the proper way to use calipers like the Accu-Measure brand.

BTW, Glad to hear you are still making great progress.

I like the 5x5 program you laid out for Patricia–I’m going to try it, too, in conjunction with my fat fast. Quick question: I’m familiar with everything except the hip thrusts with the barbell shrug–can you explain that one? And what does the hip thrust do? Thanks very much.

Simply thrust your hips forward as you shrug upwards; this will allow you to handle heavier weight. It’s a similar concept to the push press; where you drop into a quarter squat and then press the bar upward with the entire body. I guess you could call these “Power Shrugs.”

I didn’t mean with the beer!! Just the same day hun, that’s all :slight_smile:

Definitly stretch; it can’t hurt, but it may save you from doing so.

MBE: Yup, save for two or three exercises, the brunt of the work is compound movements. And I do prefer the compound movements.

Joel: Okay,okay. BUT, Animal or Graham Crackers go really well with a nice, dark, brew. Seriously. And I'd never joke about what goes with my beer. he he he. ;-)

I posted that above response in the wrong damn thread. Sorry. Excuse, please!

Patricia *feeling VERY dumb right now*

Hey gang! I started a fatloss program and it went flop. In reality it was me, low/no-carb is just too much. I do fine when I’m on them but after the cheat meal I am history so it’s either no cheat meal or find an alternative to the diet. I did a search and decided to get the majority of my carbs from low GI sources like lentils. The glycemic index on them is 42 on the white bread scale. I haven’t measured yet but I only started on Monday. I switched to a 5x5 program. I decided that for the long haul it would be better to use weights to build/maintain muscle and let cardio and the diet take care of the fatloss. Patricia: Does Ko have any recipes for lentils? ANyhow I’ll keep you guys posted, I hadn’t up to this point because of the out of control carb craze I went into after 2 weeks of no carbs. Wasn’t a pretty rebound…

(Raises eyebrow)

Sooo...exactly how much beer did you have with your animal crackers, anyway?

Good luck. I think you are making wise dieting and training decisions based on your personal experience.

Dude: I ain’t had any yet - I think my “mis-posting” was due to “withdrawal” :wink: BUT I’m havin’ some beer “this” Friday before and after…Spider-Man! SO beware of MORE “mis-postings” on Saturday…he he he

things are still progressing well for me, lost another 2 pounds this week. today, friday, i am having a cheat day, first one in over a week. the problem i have had all week is really bad depression.i have a lot of personal issues going on too, getting married, money issues, job has been very stressfull, etc… which, in the past i’ve been able to handle these kind of things and not be so depressed. i’m still taking Md6 and 5-htp for the days i’m not on md6, but i’m sliding downhill… i wonder if it’s typcial to have bouts of depression while dieting ? i’m still focused, and i do what i need to do diet/excersize-wise, but it’s not as enjoyable as it was. any pointers ?? i’m hoping that a good cheat day today will help boost my mood. this morning, i’m currently 224 pounds at 14.6% BF

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE goes through times like you are currently experiencing. Some people stick it out and watch their dreams become reality, while others quit and lose any forward progress already made.

When I feel like this I walk over the mirror, take a look, and ask myself one simple question:

Who am I?

When I reply "I'm the frickin' MAN!" I go out and start changing my goals from little sentences written down on in the training log into the person standing in front of the mirror.

YOU ARE THE MAN! I want the mirror to start matchin' up with the training log...Go get 'em buddy!