Getting Friends with Benefits with Girls?

Sorry, I can’t let you go through life calling it that. It’s Russian Roulette :slight_smile:


I fixed it lol

I found out the other day that my wife has always thought “hand-me-downs” were “hammy-downs”.

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I was talking to a friend today. He was telling me he hooked up with a mutual friend last weekend.

When it got really steamy, she asks him to talk dirty to her. He says his mind goes blank, he panics and basically his brain freezes but she is looking at him waiting for him to say something and he does:

“You’re a slut”

Apparently, that killed the night and she won’t talk to him lol I nearly choked on my drink when he told me what he said.

There are risks with this everywhere, my friends.


You just never know what direction something like that should take.

It could be as simple as “I want to take you by your hair…” all the way to who knows what.

This one made my day LOL

Ha! My husband has a terrible grasp on language, and does this stuff all the time. Lots of mispronunciations, “O-beast” for obese, “key fobe” for key fob, and tons of malapropisms. He’s dyslexic and also has a strong Boston accent, where they add some sounds gratuitously and remove others (the silent “R” for example) so a double whammy. I correct him if I think it’s something he needs to know. I’ve probably gone through “job, cob, rob, mob, FOB” three times now (it’s a thing suddenly because we have remote entry for my Jeep, so if the fob is in my purse and he’s dropping me at the store he needs to get it from me or the car will start beeping and then probably explode). Occasionally I like whatever it is and start using it with him. “Shamboozle,” for example. I hear it as “Sham-WOW!” mated with “bamboozle.” and It works.

Mine too!

My wife’s family does waRsh (wash) and everything is Greezzzy (greasy). Drives me nuts.

I might have to slap the next person who says “anythink” instead of “anything”. Same goes for Somethink versus something

When talking to my wife: I combine words all the time. It’s like I can’t decide on an adjective or verb so it becomes two. Then, for work, I’m a polished public speaker.

As far as accents: I say ‘buddon’ instead of ‘button’. I just can’t ‘t’s very well, when followed by a vowel.

Buddon, Manhaddan, budder, etc. however, ‘but and butt’ are said correctly and not pronounced like ‘bud’. It’s weird af, but I couldn’t care less.

I’ve never gotten the hang of the letter R (kind of a bitch given that my name starts with an R). It’s especially bad if I try to say a word with two Rs in the middle like “horror.”

Feels like my tongue swells up to 5 times its normal size and the word comes out like “howlwol.”

The weird thing is that if I use it in a sentence without thinking about it then I’m fine, but if, for whatever reason, I pause before the word then I totally choke.

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Fucking Rural sounds like ‘rule’ every time.

I had someone interrupt me in a meeting to ask what a ‘rule community’ is.

haha, na I can’t say that for shit either.

Ironically, there’s a reason I’m ‘Chris’ not ‘ChrisDopher’. I can’t even say my own fucking name.

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Haha! Well if you and I ever meet I think we both know what I’ll be calling you, Chrisdopher.


Fair enough, Wob.


Is there a person on this planet that doesn’t struggle with rural?

I know I do. And I used to live on a street with that word in the name.

I also struggle with “grill.” It always sounds like “girl” unless I really focus on enunciation.

Must be something to do with the combination of “R” and “L” sounds in close proximity.


Ooooo so wrong…funny, but wrong…

~raises hand~