German Volume Training

I’m almost 3 workouts per body part into phase 1 of the German Volume Training program. However I suddenly questioned whether or not I was performing the rest intervals correctly. I have been doing the workouts as follows:

A1) 0 sec rest A2), 90 sec rest (repeat for 10 sets total)
B1) 0 sec rest B2), 60 sec rest (repeat for 3 sets total)

I’m afraid that I am supposed to be doing the workouts with rest intervals as follows:

A1) 90 sec rest A2), 90 sec rest (repeat for 10 sets total)
B1) 60 sec rest B2), 60 sec rest (repeat for 3 sets total)

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated!

Don’t know if this helps but my understanding of GVT was 10x10 with 1 min rest between sets.

Thanks for the response. Here are quotes from the article:
Rest Intervals: When bodybuilders start with this method, they often question its value for the first several sets because the weight won’t feel heavy enough. However, there is minimal rest between sets (about 60 seconds when performed in sequence and 90-120 seconds when performed as a superset), which incurs cumulative fatigue. (Interestingly enough, you might find you get stronger again during the eighth and ninth sets. This is because of a short-term neural adaptation.) Because of the importance of the rest intervals, you should use a stopwatch to keep the rest intervals constant. This is important, as it becomes tempting to lengthen the rest time as you fatigue.
Notes: Rest 90 seconds between each A exercise and each superset; rest 60 seconds between each B exercise and each superset. Incidentally, I only recommend three sets of ten in this program for the B exercises. The B exercises constitute supplementary work, and doing ten sets of them would result in over training.

These are direct quotes from the original workout posted by Charles Poliquin. I can’t decide how the rest intervals (see first post) are meant to be executed.

You are supersetting right?

Upper Body: Exercise 1 > Exercise 2 > 60 seconds rest > repeat 9 more times.
Lower Body: Exercise 1 > Exercise 2 > 90 seconds rest > repeat 9 more times.

You switch between the agonist and antagonist respectively on exercise 1 and exercise 2.

So you upper body day might looks like this:

  • Flat bench straight into barbell row … rest 60 secs … repeat for 9 more sets.
  • DB flyes straight into chins … rest 60 secs … repeat for 9 more sets.

While a lower body day might look as follows:

  • Front squat straight into good mornings … rest 90 secs … repeat for 9 more sets.
  • Leg press straight into leg curl … rest 90 secs … repeat for 9 more sets.