Funniest Meal

In the old days of bulking, use to put leftovers in a blender and gulp it down with water or juice. Nicest combo ever was chicken and pumpkin with water. Worst was broccoli, potatoes and steak with apple juice.

This is really tasty

1 can albacore tuna mixed with a half avacado and hot sauce

i just think its funny how in general most people who are serious about working out lack culinary skills and also lack many nutrition options so just the shit we come up with is interesting…and its amazing how good we swear the stuff is.

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
i just think its funny how in general most people who are serious about working out lack culinary skills and also lack many nutrition options so just the shit we come up with is interesting…and its amazing how good we swear the stuff is. [/quote]

On the contrary, my skills in the kitchen have vastly improved since I started lifting weights and fixing my diet.


The better the nutritional habits have become, it seems, the better better the cooking and food preparation skills have become. I think it stimulates creativity. trying to make the healthful, natural wholesome foods as tasty as possible where one looks forward to them instead of processed crap provokes throught and at times originality.

Here’s one I eat all the time:

Canned Salmon
Whole Wheat Rotini
Pasta Sauce (check the ingredients, no soybean oil!)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Minced Garlic
Shredded 4-cheese blend
Peanut Sauce (I love this stuff, even makes me look forward to eating broccoli)

It looks nasty but it tastes so good.

tuna, peanut butter and banana curry

on one of the days when the cupboard is bare and you think, hmmm that’ll do me