Front Squats or Wide Stance Box Squats?

simple question- looking to bring up my squat and dl, mostly focusing on the dl but to too much as to where i would stall on my squat.

what do you guys think would be a better accessory ? front squats or wide stance box squats?

What stance/style squat and deadlift do you have? Where are you weak/think is weak?

start front squatting as it would be good for you and your style, and just deadlift more, pulls to the knee around 80% really build up the start, and rack pulls from the knee with 90-100% for 5 triples using tight form are really good for the hamstrings.

Plus, just deadlift more, more volume around 80-85% lots of double and triples, don’t go too heavy, at least 5 sets

High rep box squats are good after deadlifts, set the box above parallel, and just make sure you don’t mess up your squat technique, it is a good exercise, just not a great exercise for a raw lifter

[quote]RomanianRock wrote:
simple question- looking to bring up my squat and dl, mostly focusing on the dl but to too much as to where i would stall on my squat.

what do you guys think would be a better accessory ? front squats or wide stance box squats?[/quote]

Post vids of current lifts, at or near max effort. Also, the weights you are using would be helpful.

ive decided to choose front squats because my normal squat stance is about the same so it would be better for my back squat. im planning to squat mon, wed and dl fri with f.s. after deadlifts.

maxed 365 on the front squat the other day. first time front squatting in months so bringing it up should really help the dl. so ill most likely do about 80% 5x5 after dls and add 5lbs weekly

solid plan man

Why not do both? And why not just try both and see which one has more carryover? What good is trial and error with no trial or error?

im gona try out a routine i came up with. what do you think larry?

Example: weekly squats 2x b.s.
week one 380 5x5
week two 380 6x5
week three 385 7x5
week 4 deload some doubles, singles
week 5 395 5x5
week 6 395 6x5
week 7 400 7x5,etc,…

in addition, fridays will be dl and front squat as i mentioned; just need to find the numbers and i will start day one tomorrow

heres the front squat. i could use some upper back stength

If your trying to bring up your deadlift I suggest deadlifting more. Your prob abit stronger than me from what I am seeing so take of with a grain a salt but, I pulled 430lbs almost 2 months ago ( my deadlift is horrible due to fucked up back ) My main movement for lower body was two weeks of Front Squat to a box and then one week Free Back Squats. Immediately after I hit deadlifts like this
Week 1- Deficit Deadlift up to 5rm set, then take 10-15% of pull 4x5
Week 2- Speed Pulls ( Reverse Band Deadlifts) 5-8 singles
Week 3- High Rep Deadlifts practically to failure
Week 4- Pull for Max single.

First wave I hit 450 crazy easy
And tonight conclusion of second wave I pulled 505 with very slight hitch after knees.

Working wanders for me. Just a suggestion.

I noticed the most improvement by keeping the assistance simple and High Rep.

high bar back squat, leg press, db row, good mornings, snatch grip deadlift, all for 5x10. Dial in the technique on every single rep. I cannot emphasize how important this is. I brought my deadlift up to 580 pretty quickly, and stalled since. Mostly because I got carried away with heavy singles and letting form break down for the sake of weight, and experimenting too much with assistance.

My opinion, dont worry about box squats, bands, chains, or anything like that. Strengthen the muscles involved with REPS and use proper form without the ego.

Weak off the floor? Deep squats for reps, leg press…etc and get those quads involved.

Weaker halfway up and towards the top? Glute bridges, extensions, RDL’s…all for reps.

I have also started using back off sets. After you hit your top set, drop the weight 20-30% and so singles or doubles for a few sets.

[quote]RomanianRock wrote:

heres the front squat. i could use some upper back stength[/quote]

Nice front squat man, 365 is a great weight and I think you’ve got the legs for 405.

I don’t think it’s so much you’re upper back rounding as you simply have no room, you’re sitting straight down and pushing your knees forward, and that’s perfect, but your knees aren’t going out at all. So your body has no choice but to decrease the hip extensor angle, ie bend over.

You do a great job of sticking with it and keeping your elbows up as best you can.

All you really need to do is push your knees out harder, this is what I’m talking about.

Depth doesn’t look so shit hot, but don’t worry, it’s the camera angle… I have other videos if anyone gives me too much shit, lol

You don’t have to get them out that much, but more than you’re doing now. Try doing some side lying clams before you squat, and activate the glute medius a bit, as well as some fire hydrants, both those should be a good start to getting your knees out a bit more.

[quote]Larry10 wrote:
Depth doesn’t look so shit hot, but don’t worry, it’s the camera angle… I have other videos if anyone gives me too much shit, lol

It’s definitely not the camera angle but why would people give you shit about the execution of an assistance exercise?

OP: my advice - always have good, specific reasons for using a particular exercise. Find your weakness in the big 3 (form, muscular) and think how you can attack it with assistance exercises.

Don’t just pick some “random” assistance exercises - I mean FS and WSBS seem pretty different to me.

Lol, for me the front squat is a main exercise, I don’t compete with it, but it’s something I care about from my oly lifting background.

And it’s the camera angle, I don’t kill depth when it gets heavy, but I don’t cut them either, as I need to rebound to get up.

Really solid advice, and I whole heartedly agree with you

You’d be better off doing GHR’s and box squats than using the front squat for developing your squat and pull

thanks for the input, and SICK front squat larry hopefully ill be on that soon.
scott- i do ghr/back extensions and abs every session theve helped me get my dl up in the past.

today 380 5x5 was really hard im not used to the volume at all,the most reps per set ive done in the past 7 weeks lol but i should be used to it be next week.

380 5x5 squat btw not dl. i dl friday

solid workout man

[quote]sc0ttgrant wrote:
You’d be better off doing GHR’s and box squats than using the front squat for developing your squat and pull[/quote]

I’m just curious as to why you think this is? If your posterior chain is completely fine, but would GHR and box squats help your DL? If you squat narrow, why would box squats help?

Your answer just seems very … regurgitated.

[quote]Reed wrote:
If your trying to bring up your deadlift I suggest deadlifting more. Your prob abit stronger than me from what I am seeing so take of with a grain a salt but, I pulled 430lbs almost 2 months ago ( my deadlift is horrible due to fucked up back ) My main movement for lower body was two weeks of Front Squat to a box and then one week Free Back Squats. Immediately after I hit deadlifts like this
Week 1- Deficit Deadlift up to 5rm set, then take 10-15% of pull 4x5
Week 2- Speed Pulls ( Reverse Band Deadlifts) 5-8 singles
Week 3- High Rep Deadlifts practically to failure
Week 4- Pull for Max single.

First wave I hit 450 crazy easy
And tonight conclusion of second wave I pulled 505 with very slight hitch after knees.

Working wanders for me. Just a suggestion.[/quote]

seeems interesting, may give it a try, and you do dl more than me lol i just have a strong squat